Source code for drizzlepac.outputimage

This module manages the creation of the output image FITS file.

:Authors: Warren Hack

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

from import fits
from import fileutil, readgeis, logutil

from . import wcs_functions
from . import version

from fitsblender import blendheaders

yes = True
no = False



WCS_KEYWORDS=['CD1_1','CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2', 'CRPIX1',

# fits.CompImageHDU() crashes with default arguments.
# Instead check that fits module has *attribute* 'CompImageHDU':
PYFITS_COMPRESSION = hasattr(fits, 'CompImageHDU')

# Set up dictionary of default keywords to be written out to the header
# of the output drizzle image using writeDrizKeywords()
                'VER':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, task version'},
                'GEOM':{'value':"wcs",'comment':'Drizzle, source of geometric information'},
                'DATA':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, input data image'},
                'DEXP':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'},
                'OUDA':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, output data image'},
                'OUWE':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, output weighting image'},
                'OUCO':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, output context image'},
                'MASK':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, input weighting image'},
                'WTSC':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'},
                'KERN':{'value':"",'comment':'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'},
                'PIXF':{'value':"1.0",'comment':'Drizzle, linear size of drop'},
                'COEF':{'value':"SIP",'comment':'Drizzle, source of coefficients'},
                'OUUN':{'value':"cps",'comment':'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'},
                'FVAL':{'value':"INDEF",'comment':'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pix'},
                'WKEY':{'value':"",'comment':'Input image WCS Version used'}

log = logutil.create_logger(__name__, level=logutil.logging.NOTSET)

[docs]class OutputImage: """ This class manages the creation of the array objects which will be used by Drizzle. The three arrays, SCI/WHT/CTX, will be setup either as extensions in a single multi-extension FITS file, or as separate FITS files. """ def __init__(self, plist, input_pars, build=yes, wcs=None, single=no, blot=no): """ The object 'plist' must contain at least the following members:: plist['output'] - name of output FITS image (for SCI) plist['outnx'] - size of X axis for output array plist['outny'] - size of Y axis for output array If 'single=yes', then 'plist' also needs to contain:: plist['outsingle'] plist['outsweight'] plist['outscontext'] If 'blot=yes', then 'plist' also needs:: plist['data'] plist['blotImage'] plist['blotnx'],plist['blotny'] If 'build' is set to 'no', then each extension/array must be in separate FITS objects. This would also require:: plist['outdata'] - name of output SCI FITS image plist['outweight'] - name of output WHT FITS image plist['outcontext'] - name of output CTX FITS image Optionally, the overall exposure time information can be passed as:: plist['texptime'] - total exptime for output plist['expstart'] - start time of combined exposure plist['expend'] - end time of combined exposure """ = build self.single = single self.parlist = plist self.input_pars = input_pars _nimgs = len(self.parlist) self.bunit = None self.units = 'cps' self.blot = blot if PYFITS_COMPRESSION and 'compress' in input_pars: self.compress = input_pars['compress'] # Control creation of compressed FITS files else: self.compress = False # Merge input_pars with each chip's outputNames object for p in self.parlist: p.update(input_pars) if not blot: self.output = plist[0]['output'] self.shape = (plist[0]['outny'],plist[0]['outnx']) else: self.output = plist[0]['blotImage'] self.shape = (plist[0]['blotny'],plist[0]['blotnx']) # Keep track of desired output WCS computed by PyDrizzle self.wcs = wcs # # Apply special operating switches: # single - separate output for each input # if single: _outdata = plist[0]['outSingle'] _outweight = plist[0]['outSWeight'] _outcontext = plist[0]['outSContext'] # Only report values appropriate for single exposure self.texptime = plist[0]['exptime'] self.expstart = plist[0]['expstart'] self.expend = plist[0]['expend'] else: if _outdata = plist[0]['outFinal'] else: _outdata = plist[0]['outSci'] _outweight = plist[0]['outWeight'] _outcontext = plist[0]['outContext'] # Report values appropriate for entire combined product self.texptime = plist[0]['texptime'] self.expstart = plist[0]['texpstart'] self.expend = plist[_nimgs-1]['texpend'] if blot: _outdata = plist[0]['blotImage'] self.outblot_key = 'blotImage' if not or single: self.output = _outdata self.outdata = _outdata self.outweight = _outweight self.outcontext = _outcontext
[docs] def set_bunit(self,bunit): """ Method used to update the value of the bunit attribute. """ self.bunit = bunit
[docs] def set_units(self,units): """ Method used to record what units were specified by the user for the output product. """ self.units = units
[docs] def writeFITS(self, template, sciarr, whtarr, ctxarr=None, versions=None, overwrite=yes, blend=True, virtual=False): """ Generate PyFITS objects for each output extension using the file given by 'template' for populating headers. The arrays will have the size specified by 'shape'. """ if not isinstance(template, list): template = [template] if fileutil.findFile(self.output): if overwrite:'Deleting previous output product: %s' % self.output) fileutil.removeFile(self.output) else: log.warning('Output file %s already exists and overwrite not ' 'specified!' % self.output) log.error('Quitting... Please remove before resuming ' 'operations.') raise IOError # initialize output value for this method outputFITS = {} # Default value for NEXTEND when 'build'== True nextend = 3 if not nextend = 0 if self.outweight: if overwrite: if fileutil.findFile(self.outweight):'Deleting previous output WHT product: %s' % self.outweight) fileutil.removeFile(self.outweight) else: log.warning('Output file %s already exists and overwrite ' 'not specified!' % self.outweight) log.error('Quitting... Please remove before resuming ' 'operations.') raise IOError if self.outcontext: if overwrite: if fileutil.findFile(self.outcontext):'Deleting previous output CTX product: %s' % self.outcontext) fileutil.removeFile(self.outcontext) else: log.warning('Output file %s already exists and overwrite ' 'not specified!' % self.outcontext) log.error('Quitting... Please remove before resuming ' 'operations.') raise IOError # Get default headers from multi-extension FITS file # If only writing out single drizzle product, blending needs to be # forced off as there is only 1 input to report, no blending needed if self.single: blend=False # If input data is not in MEF FITS format, it will return 'None' # and those headers will have to be generated from drizzle output # file FITS headers. # NOTE: These are HEADER objects, not HDUs #prihdr,scihdr,errhdr,dqhdr = getTemplates(template) self.fullhdrs, intab = getTemplates(template, blend=False) newhdrs, newtab = getTemplates(template,blend=blend) if newtab is not None: nextend += 1 # account for new table extn prihdr = newhdrs[0] scihdr = newhdrs[1] errhdr = newhdrs[2] dqhdr = newhdrs[3] # Setup primary header as an HDU ready for appending to output FITS file prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr, data=None) # Start by updating PRIMARY header keywords... prihdu.header.set('EXTEND', value=True, after='NAXIS') prihdu.header['NEXTEND'] = nextend prihdu.header['FILENAME'] = self.output prihdu.header['PROD_VER'] = 'DrizzlePac {}'.format(version.__version__) # Update the ROOTNAME with the new value as well _indx = self.output.find('_drz') if _indx < 0: rootname_val = self.output else: rootname_val = self.output[:_indx] prihdu.header['ROOTNAME'] = rootname_val # Get the total exposure time for the image # If not calculated by PyDrizzle and passed through # the pardict, then leave value from the template image. if self.texptime: prihdu.header['EXPTIME'] = self.texptime prihdu.header.set('TEXPTIME', value=self.texptime, after='EXPTIME') prihdu.header['EXPSTART'] = self.expstart prihdu.header['EXPEND'] = self.expend #Update ASN_MTYPE to reflect the fact that this is a product # Currently hard-wired to always output 'PROD-DTH' as MTYPE prihdu.header['ASN_MTYP'] = 'PROD-DTH' # Update DITHCORR calibration keyword if present # Remove when we can modify FITS headers in place... if 'DRIZCORR' in prihdu.header: prihdu.header['DRIZCORR'] = 'COMPLETE' if 'DITHCORR' in prihdu.header: prihdu.header['DITHCORR'] = 'COMPLETE' prihdu.header['NDRIZIM'] =(len(self.parlist), 'Drizzle, No. images drizzled onto output') # Only a subset of these keywords makes sense for the new WCS based # transformations. They need to be reviewed to decide what to keep # and what to leave out. if not self.blot: self.addDrizKeywords(prihdu.header,versions) if scihdr: try: del scihdr['OBJECT'] except KeyError: pass if 'CCDCHIP' in scihdr: scihdr['CCDCHIP'] = '-999' if 'NCOMBINE' in scihdr: scihdr['NCOMBINE'] = self.parlist[0]['nimages'] # If BUNIT keyword was found and reset, then bunit_last_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(scihdr,'bunit') if self.bunit is not None: comment_str = "Units of science product" if self.bunit.lower()[:5] == 'count': comment_str = "counts * gain = electrons" scihdr.set('BUNIT', value=self.bunit, comment=comment_str, after=bunit_last_kw) else: # check to see whether to update already present BUNIT comment if 'bunit' in scihdr and scihdr['bunit'].lower()[:5] == 'count': comment_str = "counts * gain = electrons" scihdr.set('BUNIT', value=scihdr['bunit'], comment=comment_str, after=bunit_last_kw) # Add WCS keywords to SCI header if self.wcs: pre_wcs_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(scihdr,'CD1_1') addWCSKeywords(self.wcs,scihdr,blot=self.blot, single=self.single, after=pre_wcs_kw) # Recompute this after removing distortion kws pre_wcs_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(scihdr,'CD1_1') ########## # Now, build the output file ########## if print('-Generating multi-extension output file: ',self.output) fo = fits.HDUList() # Add primary header to output file... fo.append(prihdu) if self.single and self.compress: hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(data=sciarr, header=scihdr, name=EXTLIST[0]) else: hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=sciarr, header=scihdr, name=EXTLIST[0]) last_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(scihdr,'EXTNAME') hdu.header.set('EXTNAME', value='SCI', after=last_kw) hdu.header.set('EXTVER', value=1, after='EXTNAME') fo.append(hdu) # Build WHT extension here, if requested... if errhdr: errhdr['CCDCHIP'] = '-999' if self.single and self.compress: hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(data=whtarr, header=errhdr, name=EXTLIST[1]) else: hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=whtarr, header=errhdr, name=EXTLIST[1]) last_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(errhdr,'EXTNAME') hdu.header.set('EXTNAME', value='WHT', after=last_kw) hdu.header.set('EXTVER', value=1, after='EXTNAME') if self.wcs: pre_wcs_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(hdu.header,'CD1_1') # Update WCS Keywords based on PyDrizzle product's value # since 'drizzle' itself doesn't update that keyword. addWCSKeywords(self.wcs,hdu.header,blot=self.blot, single=self.single, after=pre_wcs_kw) fo.append(hdu) # Build CTX extension here # If there is only 1 plane, write it out as a 2-D extension if self.outcontext: if ctxarr.shape[0] == 1: _ctxarr = ctxarr[0] else: _ctxarr = ctxarr else: _ctxarr = None if self.single and self.compress: hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(data=_ctxarr, header=dqhdr, name=EXTLIST[2]) else: hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=_ctxarr, header=dqhdr, name=EXTLIST[2]) last_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(dqhdr,'EXTNAME') hdu.header.set('EXTNAME', value='CTX', after=last_kw) hdu.header.set('EXTVER', value=1, after='EXTNAME') if self.wcs: pre_wcs_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(hdu.header,'CD1_1') # Update WCS Keywords based on PyDrizzle product's value # since 'drizzle' itself doesn't update that keyword. addWCSKeywords(self.wcs,hdu.header,blot=self.blot, single=self.single, after=pre_wcs_kw) fo.append(hdu) # remove all alternate WCS solutions from headers of this product wcs_functions.removeAllAltWCS(fo,[1]) # add table of combined header keyword values to FITS file if newtab is not None: fo.append(newtab) if not virtual: print('Writing out to disk:',self.output) # write out file to disk fo.writeto(self.output) fo.close() del fo, hdu fo = None # End 'if not virtual' outputFITS[self.output]= fo else: print('-Generating simple FITS output: %s' % self.outdata) fo = fits.HDUList() hdu_header = prihdu.header.copy() del hdu_header['nextend'] # Append remaining unique header keywords from template DQ # header to Primary header... if scihdr: for _card in if _card.keyword not in RESERVED_KEYS and _card.keyword not in hdu_header: hdu_header.append(_card) for kw in ['PCOUNT', 'GCOUNT']: try: del kw except KeyError: pass hdu_header['filename'] = self.outdata if self.compress: hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(data=sciarr, header=hdu_header) wcs_ext = [1] else: hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=sciarr, header=hdu_header) wcs_ext = [0] # explicitly set EXTEND to FALSE for simple FITS files. dim = len(sciarr.shape) hdu.header.set('extend', value=False, after='NAXIS%s'%dim) # Add primary header to output file... fo.append(hdu) # remove all alternate WCS solutions from headers of this product logutil.logging.disable(logutil.logging.INFO) wcs_functions.removeAllAltWCS(fo,wcs_ext) logutil.logging.disable(logutil.logging.NOTSET) # add table of combined header keyword values to FITS file if newtab is not None: fo.append(newtab) if not virtual: print('Writing out image to disk:',self.outdata) # write out file to disk fo.writeto(self.outdata) del fo,hdu fo = None # End 'if not virtual' outputFITS[self.outdata]= fo if self.outweight and whtarr is not None: # We need to build new PyFITS objects for each WHT array fwht = fits.HDUList() if errhdr: errhdr['CCDCHIP'] = '-999' if self.compress: hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(data=whtarr, header=prihdu.header) else: hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=whtarr, header=prihdu.header) # Append remaining unique header keywords from template DQ # header to Primary header... if errhdr: for _card in if _card.keyword not in RESERVED_KEYS and _card.keyword not in hdu.header: hdu.header.append(_card) hdu.header['filename'] = self.outweight hdu.header['CCDCHIP'] = '-999' if self.wcs: pre_wcs_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(hdu.header,'CD1_1') # Update WCS Keywords based on PyDrizzle product's value # since 'drizzle' itself doesn't update that keyword. addWCSKeywords(self.wcs,hdu.header, blot=self.blot, single=self.single, after=pre_wcs_kw) # Add primary header to output file... fwht.append(hdu) # remove all alternate WCS solutions from headers of this product wcs_functions.removeAllAltWCS(fwht,wcs_ext) if not virtual: print('Writing out image to disk:',self.outweight) fwht.writeto(self.outweight) del fwht,hdu fwht = None # End 'if not virtual' outputFITS[self.outweight]= fwht # If a context image was specified, build a PyFITS object # for it as well... if self.outcontext and ctxarr is not None: fctx = fits.HDUList() # If there is only 1 plane, write it out as a 2-D extension if ctxarr.shape[0] == 1: _ctxarr = ctxarr[0] else: _ctxarr = ctxarr if self.compress: hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(data=_ctxarr, header=prihdu.header) else: hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=_ctxarr, header=prihdu.header) # Append remaining unique header keywords from template DQ # header to Primary header... if dqhdr: for _card in if ( (_card.keyword not in RESERVED_KEYS) and _card.keyword not in hdu.header): hdu.header.append(_card) hdu.header['filename'] = self.outcontext if self.wcs: pre_wcs_kw = self.find_kwupdate_location(hdu.header,'CD1_1') # Update WCS Keywords based on PyDrizzle product's value # since 'drizzle' itself doesn't update that keyword. addWCSKeywords(self.wcs,hdu.header, blot=self.blot, single=self.single, after=pre_wcs_kw) fctx.append(hdu) # remove all alternate WCS solutions from headers of this product wcs_functions.removeAllAltWCS(fctx,wcs_ext) if not virtual: print('Writing out image to disk:',self.outcontext) fctx.writeto(self.outcontext) del fctx,hdu fctx = None # End 'if not virtual' outputFITS[self.outcontext]= fctx return outputFITS
[docs] def find_kwupdate_location(self,hdr,keyword): """ Find the last keyword in the output header that comes before the new keyword in the original, full input headers. This will rely on the original ordering of keywords from the original input files in order to place the updated keyword in the correct location in case the keyword was removed from the output header prior to calling this method. """ # start by looping through the full templates kw_list = None last_kw = None for extn in self.fullhdrs: if keyword in extn: #indx = extn.ascard.index_of(keyword) indx = extn.index(keyword) kw_list = list(extn.keys())[:indx] break if kw_list: # find which keyword from this list exists in header to be updated for kw in kw_list[::-1]: if kw in hdr: last_kw = kw break # determine new value for the last keyword found before the HISTORY kws if last_kw is None: hdrkeys = list(hdr.keys()) i = -1 last_kw = hdrkeys[i] while last_kw == 'HISTORY': i -= 1 last_kw = hdrkeys[i] return last_kw
[docs] def addDrizKeywords(self,hdr,versions): """ Add drizzle parameter keywords to header. """ # Extract some global information for the keywords _geom = 'User parameters' _imgnum = 0 for pl in self.parlist: # Start by building up the keyword prefix based # on the image number for the chip #_keyprefix = 'D%03d'%_imgnum _imgnum += 1 drizdict = DRIZ_KEYWORDS.copy() # Update drizdict with current values drizdict['VER']['value'] = pl['driz_version'][:44] drizdict['DATA']['value'] = pl['data'][:64] drizdict['DEXP']['value'] = pl['exptime'] drizdict['OUDA']['value'] = pl['outFinal'][:64] drizdict['OUWE']['value'] = pl['outWeight'][:64] if pl['outContext'] is None: outcontext = "" else: outcontext = pl['outContext'][:64] drizdict['OUCO']['value'] = outcontext if self.single: drizdict['MASK']['value'] = pl['singleDrizMask'][:64] else: drizdict['MASK']['value'] = pl['finalMask'][:64] # Process the values of WT_SCL to be consistent with # what IRAF Drizzle would output if 'wt_scl_val' in pl: _wtscl = pl['wt_scl_val'] else: if pl['wt_scl'] == 'exptime': _wtscl = pl['exptime'] elif pl['wt_scl'] == 'expsq': _wtscl = pl['exptime']*pl['exptime'] else: _wtscl = pl['wt_scl'] drizdict['WTSC']['value'] = _wtscl drizdict['KERN']['value'] = pl['kernel'] drizdict['PIXF']['value'] = pl['pixfrac'] drizdict['OUUN']['value'] = self.units if pl['fillval'] is None: _fillval = 'INDEF' else: _fillval = pl['fillval'] drizdict['FVAL']['value'] = _fillval drizdict['WKEY']['value'] = pl['driz_wcskey'] drizdict['SCAL'] = {'value':pl['scale'],'comment':'Drizzle, pixel size (arcsec) of output image'} drizdict['ISCL'] = {'value':pl['idcscale'],'comment':'Drizzle, default IDCTAB pixel size(arcsec)'} # Now update header with values writeDrizKeywords(hdr,_imgnum,drizdict) del drizdict # Add version information as HISTORY cards to the header if versions is not None: ver_str = "AstroDrizzle processing performed using: " hdr.add_history(ver_str) for k in versions.keys(): ver_str = ' '+str(k)+' Version '+str(versions[k]) hdr.add_history(ver_str)
def cleanTemplates(scihdr,errhdr,dqhdr): # Now, safeguard against having BSCALE and BZERO for kw in ['BSCALE', 'BZERO']: try: del scihdr[kw] except KeyError: pass try: del errhdr[kw] except KeyError: pass try: del dqhdr[kw] except KeyError: pass # At this point, check errhdr and dqhdr to make sure they # have all the requisite keywords (as listed in updateDTHKeywords). # Simply copy them from scihdr if they don't exist... if errhdr is not None and dqhdr is not None: for keyword in WCS_KEYWORDS: if keyword in scihdr: if keyword not in errhdr: errhdr[keyword] = scihdr[keyword] if keyword not in dqhdr: dqhdr[keyword]= scihdr[keyword] def getTemplates(fnames, blend=True): """ Process all headers to produce a set of combined headers that follows the rules defined by each instrument. """ if not blend: newhdrs = blendheaders.getSingleTemplate(fnames[0]) newtab = None else: # apply rules to create final version of headers, plus table newhdrs, newtab = blendheaders.get_blended_headers(inputs=fnames) cleanTemplates(newhdrs[1],newhdrs[2],newhdrs[3]) return newhdrs, newtab def addWCSKeywords(wcs,hdr,blot=False,single=False,after=None): """ Update input header 'hdr' with WCS keywords. """ wname = if not single: wname = 'DRZWCS' # Update WCS Keywords based on PyDrizzle product's value # since 'drizzle' itself doesn't update that keyword. hdr['WCSNAME'] = wname hdr.set('VAFACTOR', value=1.0, after=after) hdr.set('ORIENTAT', value=wcs.orientat, after=after) # Use of 'after' not needed if these keywords already exist in the header if after in WCS_KEYWORDS: after = None if 'CTYPE1' not in hdr: hdr.set('CTYPE2', value=wcs.wcs.ctype[1], after=after) hdr.set('CTYPE1', value=wcs.wcs.ctype[0], after=after) hdr.set('CRPIX2', value=wcs.wcs.crpix[1], after=after) hdr.set('CRPIX1', value=wcs.wcs.crpix[0], after=after) hdr.set('CRVAL2', value=wcs.wcs.crval[1], after=after) hdr.set('CRVAL1', value=wcs.wcs.crval[0], after=after) hdr.set('CD2_2',[1][1], after=after) hdr.set('CD2_1',[1][0], after=after) hdr.set('CD1_2',[0][1], after=after) hdr.set('CD1_1',[0][0], after=after) # delete distortion model related keywords deleteDistortionKeywords(hdr) if not blot: blendheaders.remove_distortion_keywords(hdr) def deleteDistortionKeywords(hdr): """ Delete distortion related keywords from output drizzle science header since the drizzled image should have no remaining distortion. """ dist_kws = ['D2IMERR1','D2IMERR2','D2IMDIS1','D2IMDIS2','D2IM1.*','D2IM2.*','D2IMEXT'] for kw in dist_kws: try: del hdr[kw] except KeyError as e: pass def writeSingleFITS(data,wcs,output,template,clobber=True,verbose=True): """ Write out a simple FITS file given a numpy array and the name of another FITS file to use as a template for the output image header. """ outname,outextn = fileutil.parseFilename(output) outextname,outextver = fileutil.parseExtn(outextn) if fileutil.findFile(outname): if clobber:'Deleting previous output product: %s' % outname) fileutil.removeFile(outname) else: log.warning('Output file %s already exists and overwrite not ' 'specified!' % outname) log.error('Quitting... Please remove before resuming operations.') raise IOError # Now update WCS keywords with values from provided WCS if hasattr(wcs.sip,'a_order'): siphdr = True else: siphdr = False wcshdr = wcs.wcs2header(sip2hdr=siphdr) if template is not None: # Get default headers from multi-extension FITS file # If input data is not in MEF FITS format, it will return 'None' # NOTE: These are HEADER objects, not HDUs (prihdr,scihdr,errhdr,dqhdr),newtab = getTemplates(template,EXTLIST) if scihdr is None: scihdr = fits.Header() indx = 0 for c in if c.keyword not in ['INHERIT','EXPNAME']: indx += 1 else: break for i in range(indx,len(prihdr)): scihdr.append([i]) for i in range(indx, len(prihdr)): del prihdr[indx] else: scihdr = fits.Header() prihdr = fits.Header() # Start by updating PRIMARY header keywords... prihdr.set('EXTEND', value=True, after='NAXIS') prihdr['FILENAME'] = outname if outextname == '': outextname = 'sci' if outextver == 0: outextver = 1 scihdr['EXTNAME'] = outextname.upper() scihdr['EXTVER'] = outextver for card in scihdr[card.keyword] = (card.value, card.comment) # Create PyFITS HDUList for all extensions outhdu = fits.HDUList() # Setup primary header as an HDU ready for appending to output FITS file prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) scihdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=scihdr,data=data) outhdu.append(prihdu) outhdu.append(scihdu) outhdu.writeto(outname) if verbose: print('Created output image: %s' % outname) def writeDrizKeywords(hdr,imgnum,drizdict): """ Write basic drizzle-related keywords out to image header as a record of the processing performed to create the image The dictionary 'drizdict' will contain the keywords and values to be written out to the header. """ _keyprefix = 'D%03d'%imgnum for key in drizdict: val = drizdict[key]['value'] if val is None: val = "" comment = drizdict[key]['comment'] if comment is None: comment = "" hdr[_keyprefix+key] = (val, drizdict[key]['comment'])