Source code for drizzlepac.align

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""This script is a modernized implementation of tweakreg.

import copy
import datetime
import sys
import glob
import math
import os
import pickle
from collections import OrderedDict
import traceback

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits

from import logutil

from .haputils import astrometric_utils as amutils
from .haputils import astroquery_utils as aqutils
from .haputils import get_git_rev_info
from .haputils import align_utils
from .haputils import config_utils
from . import __version__

__taskname__ = "align"

SPLUNK_MSG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s src=%(name)s- %(message)s"

def _init_logger():
    log = logutil.create_logger(
    return log

log = _init_logger()

# Initial values for the module log filename and the associated file handler used for the log
module_fh = None
module_logfile = ""

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def check_and_get_data(input_list: list, **pars: object) -> list:
    """Verify that all specified files are present. If not, retrieve them from MAST.

    This function relies on the `AstroQuery interface to MAST
    to retrieve the exposures from the ``input_list`` that are not found in the current directory.  This
    function calls the simplified interface in
    to get the files through AstroQuery.

    input_list : list
        List of one or more calibrated fits images that will be used for catalog generation.

    pars : dict
        Set of additional parameters for :func:`haputils/astroquery_utils/retrieve_observation`
        to use in retrieving any data that was not already in the current working directory.

    total_input_list: list
        list of full filenames

    See Also

    empty_list = []
    retrieve_list = []  # Actual files retrieved via astroquery and resident on disk
    candidate_list = []  # File names gathered from *_asn.fits file
    ipppssoot_list = []  # ipppssoot names used to avoid duplicate downloads
    total_input_list = []  # Output full filename list of data on disk

    # Loop over the input_list to determine if the item in the input_list is a full association file
    # (*_asn.fits), a full individual image file (aka singleton, *_flt.fits), or a root name specification
    # (association or singleton, ipppssoot).
    for input_item in input_list:"Input item: {}".format(input_item))
        indx = input_item.find("_")

        # Input with a suffix (_xxx.fits)
        if indx != -1:
            lc_input_item = input_item.lower()
            suffix = lc_input_item[indx + 1 : indx + 4]
  "file: {}".format(lc_input_item))
            # For an association, need to open the table and read the image names as this could
            # be a custom association.  The assumption is this file is on local disk when specified
            # in this manner (vs just the ipppssoot of the association).
            # This "if" block just collects the wanted full file names.
            if suffix == "asn":
            elif suffix in ["flc", "flt", "c0m"]:
                if lc_input_item not in candidate_list:
                    'Inappropriate file suffix: {}.  Looking for "asn.fits", '
                    '"flc.fits", or "flt.fits".'.format(suffix)
                return empty_list

        # Input is an ipppssoot (association or singleton), nine characters by definition.
        # This "else" block actually downloads the data specified as ipppssoot.
        elif len(input_item) == 9:
                if input_item not in ipppssoot_list:
                    input_item = input_item.lower()
                    # An ipppssoot of an individual file which is part of an association cannot be
                    # retrieved from MAST
                    retrieve_list = aqutils.retrieve_observation(input_item, **pars)

                    # If the retrieved list is not empty, add filename(s) to the total_input_list.
                    # Also, update the ipppssoot_list so we do not try to download the data again.  Need
                    # to do this since retrieve_list can be empty because (1) data cannot be acquired (error)
                    # or (2) data is already on disk (ok).
                    if retrieve_list:
                        total_input_list += retrieve_list
                        # log.error('File {} cannot be retrieved from MAST.'.format(input_item))
                        # return(empty_list)
                            "File {} cannot be retrieved from MAST.".format(input_item)
                        log.warning(f"    using pars: {pars}")
                        # look for already downloaded ASN and related files instead
                        # ASN filenames are the only ones that end in a digit
                        if input_item[-1].isdigit():
                            _asn_name = f"{input_item}_asn.fits"
                            if not os.path.exists(_asn_name):
                                _ = aqutils.retrieve_observation(
                                    [f"{input_item}"], suffix=["ASN"], clobber=True
                            _local_files = _get_asn_members(_asn_name)
                            if _local_files:
                                    f"Using local files instead:\n    {_local_files}"
                                _lfiles = os.listdir()
                                    f"No suitable files found for input {input_item}"
                                log.error(f" in directory with files: \n {_lfiles}")
                        return total_input_list

            except Exception:
                exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
                traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, file=sys.stdout)

    # Only the retrieve_list files via astroquery have been put into the total_input_list thus far.
    # Now check candidate_list to detect or acquire the requested files from MAST via astroquery.
    for file in candidate_list:
        # If the file is found on disk, add it to the total_input_list and continue
        if glob.glob(file):
            log.error("File {} cannot be found on the local disk.".format(file))
            return empty_list"TOTAL INPUT LIST: {}".format(total_input_list))
    return total_input_list

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def _get_asn_members(asnfile):
    # default ASN member type
    member_suffix = "_flc.fits"

    candidate_list = []
        asntab =, format="fits")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        log.error("File {} not found.".format(asnfile))
        return []
    for row in asntab:
        if row["MEMTYPE"].startswith("PROD"):
        memname = row["MEMNAME"].lower().strip()
        # Need to check if the MEMNAME is a full filename or an ipppssoot
        if memname.find("_") != -1:
            # Define suffix for all members based on what files are present
            if not os.path.exists(memname + member_suffix):
                member_suffix = "_flt.fits"

            candidate_list.append(memname + member_suffix)

    return candidate_list

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def perform_align( input_list, catalog_list, num_sources, archive=False, clobber=False, debug=False, update_hdr_wcs=False, result=None, runfile="temp_align.log", print_fit_parameters=True, print_git_info=False, output=False, headerlet_filenames=None, fit_label=None, product_type=None, **alignment_pars, ): """Actual Main calling function. This function performs ``a posteriori`` astrometric fits to the images specified in the ``input_list``. The images are fit to all the catalogs listed in the ``catalog_list`` parameter with the results being saved and returned as an Astropy Table object. This allows the user to select the solution that is most appropriate. Parameters ---------- input_list : list List of one or more IPPSSOOTs (rootnames) to align. catalog_list : list Set of astrometric catalogs which should be used as references for fitting the input images. A separate fit will be performed for each catalog specified. The catalog name will also be used as part of the output ``WCSNAME`` value for the fit determined from that catalog. num_sources : int, None Maximum number of **brightest sources per chip** which will be used for cross-matching and fitting. If set to None, all sources will be used. archive : Boolean Retain copies of the downloaded files in the astroquery created sub-directories? clobber : Boolean Download and overwrite existing local copies of input files? debug : Boolean Attempt to use saved sourcelists stored in pickle files if they exist, or if they do not exist, save sourcelists in pickle files for reuse so that step 4 can be skipped for faster subsequent debug/development runs?? update_hdr_wcs : Boolean Write newly computed WCS information to image image headers? result: Table name of variable to be updated by subroutine run. runfile : string log file name print_fit_parameters : Boolean Specify whether or not to print out FIT results for each chip. print_git_info : Boolean Display git repository information? output : Boolean Should utils.astrometric_utils.create_astrometric_catalog() generate file 'ref_cat.ecsv' and should the alignment source catalogs get written out to files? headerlet_filenames : dictionary, optional dictionary that maps the flt/flc.fits file name to the corresponding custom headerlet filename. fit_label : str String to use as a unique tag for the WCS solutions generated by these fits. This tag will be inserted between the ``-FIT`` and the catalog name in the ``WCSNAME` keyword value; for example, ``fit_label="User"`` will result in fits to GAIAedr3 with names ending in ``-FIT_User_GAIAedr3``. alignment_pars : dictionary or keyword args keyword-arg parameters containing user-specified values for the parameters used in source identification and alignment which should replace the default values found in the JSON parameter files in ```` based on the instrument and detector. The code will look for default values for all the parameters in the JSON parameter files using ``get_default_pars``. For example, should the user feel it would be more successful to only look out to a radius of 25 pixels during alignment, the user could simply specify ``searchrad=25``. Returns ------- filtered_table : Astropy Table Table gets updated to contain processing information and alignment results for every raw image evaluated """ if debug: loglevel = logutil.logging.DEBUG else: loglevel = logutil.logging.INFO # Need to ensure the logging works properly for the PyTests where each test starts with a fresh handler global module_fh global module_logfile if module_fh is not None: print("Removing old file handler for logging.") log.removeHandler(module_fh) module_logfile = runfile.upper() module_fh = logutil.logging.FileHandler(runfile) module_fh.setLevel(loglevel) log.addHandler(module_fh) log.setLevel(loglevel)"{__taskname__} Version {__version__}\n") # 0: print git info if print_git_info:"{} STEP 0: Display Git revision info {}".format("-" * 20, "-" * 49)) full_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) repo_path = None if "drizzlepac/drizzlepac" in full_path: repo_path = full_path.split("drizzlepac/drizzlepac")[0] + "drizzlepac" elif "hlapipeline" in full_path: repo_path = full_path.split("drizzlepac")[0] + "drizzlepac" else: pass if not os.path.exists(repo_path): repo_path = None # protect against non-existent paths if repo_path: get_git_rev_info.print_rev_id( repo_path ) # Display git repository information else: log.warning( "WARNING: Unable to display Git repository revision information." ) # Initialize key variables filtered_table = None # 1: Interpret input data and optional parameters"{} STEP 1: Get data {}".format("-" * 20, "-" * 66)) zero_dt = starting_dt = imglist = check_and_get_data( input_list, archive=archive, clobber=clobber, product_type=product_type )"SUCCESS")"Processing: {imglist}")"Processing time of [STEP 1]", starting_dt)) starting_dt = # Get default alignment parameters if not provided by the user... hdr0 = fits.getheader(imglist[0]) inst = hdr0.get("instrume") if inst.lower() == "wfpc2" and "detector" not in hdr0: det = "pc" else: det = hdr0.get("detector") apars = get_default_pars(inst, det) alignment_pars.update(apars) alignment_pars["MAX_SOURCES_PER_CHIP"] = num_sources # define min num of acceptable cross-matches for a good fit apars["determine_fit_quality"]["min_xmatches"] = apars["determine_fit_quality"][ "MIN_FIT_MATCHES" ] try: # Instantiate AlignmentTable class with these input files alignment_table = align_utils.AlignmentTable( imglist, log_level=loglevel, **alignment_pars ) if alignment_table.process_list is None: log.warning("NO viable images to align.") alignment_table.close() return None process_list = alignment_table.process_list # Define fitting algorithm list in priority order # The match_relative_fit algorithm must have more than one image as the first image is # the reference for the remaining images. fit_algorithm_list = alignment_table.get_fit_methods() if len(process_list) == 1: fit_algorithm_list.remove("relative")"Processing time of [STEP 2]", starting_dt)) starting_dt = # 3: Build WCS for full set of input observations"{} STEP 3: Build WCS {}".format("-" * 20, "-" * 65)) # refwcs = amutils.build_reference_wcs(process_list)"SUCCESS")"Processing time of [STEP 3]", starting_dt)) starting_dt = # 4: Extract catalog of observable sources from each input image"{} STEP 4: Source finding {}".format("-" * 20, "-" * 60)) if debug: pickle_filename = "{}.source_catalog.pickle".format(process_list[0]) if os.path.exists(pickle_filename): pickle_in = open(pickle_filename, "rb") alignment_table.extracted_sources = pickle.load(pickle_in) "Using sourcelist extracted from {} generated during the last run to save time.".format( pickle_filename ) ) else: alignment_table.find_alignment_sources(output=True) pickle_out = open(pickle_filename, "wb") pickle.dump(alignment_table.extracted_sources, pickle_out) pickle_out.close()"Wrote {}".format(pickle_filename)) else: alignment_table.find_alignment_sources(output=output) for imgname in alignment_table.extracted_sources.keys(): table = alignment_table.extracted_sources[imgname] # Get the location of the current image in the filtered table index = np.where(alignment_table.filtered_table["imageName"] == imgname)[0][0] # First ensure sources were found if table is None: log.warning("No sources found in image {}".format(imgname)) alignment_table.filtered_table[:]["status"] = 1 alignment_table.filtered_table[:]["processMsg"] = "No sources found""Processing time of [STEP 4]", starting_dt)) alignment_table.close() return None # The catalog of observable sources must have at least MIN_OBSERVABLE_THRESHOLD entries to be useful total_num_sources = 0 for chipnum in table.keys(): if table[chipnum] is not None: total_num_sources += len(table[chipnum]) # Update filtered table with number of found sources alignment_table.filtered_table[index]["foundSources"] = total_num_sources # TODO: Revise this logic, if possible, to allow for a subset of the input images to # be ignored if they have no identifiable sources. if ( total_num_sources < apars["determine_fit_quality"]["MIN_OBSERVABLE_THRESHOLD"] ): log.warning( "Not enough sources ({}) found in image {}".format( total_num_sources, imgname ) ) alignment_table.filtered_table[:]["status"] = 1 alignment_table.filtered_table[:][ "processMsg" ] = "Not enough sources found""Processing time of [STEP 4]", starting_dt)) alignment_table.close() return None"SUCCESS")"Processing time of [STEP 4]", starting_dt)) starting_dt = # 5: Retrieve list of astrometric sources from database # Convert input images to tweakwcs-compatible FITSWCSCorrector objects and # attach source catalogs to them. imglist = [] for group_id, image in enumerate(process_list): img = amutils.build_wcscat( image, group_id, alignment_table.extracted_sources[image] ) imglist.extend(img) # store mapping of group_id to filename/chip group_id_dict = {} for image in imglist: group_id_dict[ "{}_{}".format(image.meta["rootname"], image.meta["chip"]) ] = image.meta["group_id"] best_fit_rms = -99999.0 best_fit_status_dict = {} best_fit_qual = 5 best_num_matches = -1 best_fit_label = [None, None] fit_info_dict = OrderedDict() for algorithm_name in fit_algorithm_list: # loop over fit algorithm type"Applying {} fit method".format(algorithm_name)) for catalog_index, catalog_name in enumerate( catalog_list ): # loop over astrometric catalog "{} STEP 5: Detect astrometric sources {}".format( "-" * 20, "-" * 48 ) )"Astrometric Catalog: {}".format(catalog_name)) # store reference catalogs in a dictionary so that generate_astrometric_catalog() doesn't # execute unnecessarily after it's been run once for a given astrometric catalog. if catalog_name in alignment_table.reference_catalogs: "Using {} reference catalog from earlier this run.".format( catalog_name ) ) reference_catalog = alignment_table.reference_catalogs[catalog_name] else: "Generating new reference catalog for {};" " Storing it for potential re-use later this run.".format( catalog_name ) ) reference_catalog = generate_astrometric_catalog( process_list, catalog=catalog_name, output=output ) alignment_table.reference_catalogs[catalog_name] = reference_catalog"Processing time of [STEP 5]", starting_dt)) starting_dt = if ( len(reference_catalog) < apars["determine_fit_quality"]["MIN_CATALOG_THRESHOLD"] ): log.warning( "Not enough sources found in catalog {}".format(catalog_name) ) fit_quality = 5 if catalog_index < len(catalog_list) - 1:"Try again with other catalog") else: # bail out if not enough sources can be found any of the astrometric catalogs log.warning( "ERROR! No astrometric sources found in any catalog. Exiting..." ) alignment_table.filtered_table["status"][:] = 1 alignment_table.filtered_table["processMsg"][:] = "No astrometric sources found" alignment_table.filtered_table["fit_qual"][:] = fit_quality current_dt = delta_dt = (current_dt - starting_dt).total_seconds()"Processing time of [STEP 5]: {} sec".format(delta_dt)) alignment_table.close() return alignment_table else: "{} Cross matching and fitting {}".format("-" * 20, "-" * 47) ) "{} Catalog {} matched using {} {}".format( "-" * 18, catalog_name, algorithm_name, "-" * 18 ) ) try: alignment_table.configure_fit() log.debug( "####\n# Running configure fit for AlignmentTable to use: \n" ) log.debug([img.wcs for img in alignment_table.imglist]) log.debug("####\n") # restore group IDs to their pristine state prior to each run. alignment_table.reset_group_id(len(reference_catalog)) # execute the correct fitting/matching algorithm alignment_table.imglist = alignment_table.perform_fit( algorithm_name, catalog_name, reference_catalog ) # determine the quality of the fit ( fit_rms, fit_num, fit_quality, filtered_table, fit_status_dict, ) = determine_fit_quality( alignment_table.imglist, alignment_table.filtered_table, (catalog_index < (len(catalog_list) - 1)), apars, print_fit_parameters=print_fit_parameters, loglevel=loglevel, runfile=runfile, ) alignment_table.filtered_table = filtered_table # save fit algorithm name to dictionary key "fit method" in imglist. for imglist_ctr in range(0, len(alignment_table.imglist)): table_fit = alignment_table.fit_dict[ (catalog_name, algorithm_name) ] table_fit[imglist_ctr].meta["fit method"] = algorithm_name table_fit[imglist_ctr].meta["fit quality"] = fit_quality # populate fit_info_dict fit_info_dict[ "{} {}".format(catalog_name, algorithm_name) ] = fit_status_dict[next(iter(fit_status_dict))] fit_info_dict["{} {}".format(catalog_name, algorithm_name)][ "fit_qual" ] = fit_quality # Figure out which fit solution to go with based on fit_quality value and maybe also total_rms if fit_quality < 5: best_matches = fit_num > best_num_matches if ( fit_quality == 1 ): # valid, non-comprimised solution with total rms < 10 mas...go with this solution. best_fit_rms = fit_rms best_fit_label = (catalog_name, algorithm_name) best_num_matches = fit_num best_fit_status_dict = fit_status_dict.copy() best_fit_qual = fit_quality break # break out of while loop elif fit_quality < best_fit_qual: # better solution found. keep looping but with the better solution as "best" for now."Better solution found!") best_fit_rms = fit_rms best_num_matches = fit_num best_fit_label = (catalog_name, algorithm_name) best_fit_status_dict = fit_status_dict.copy() best_fit_qual = fit_quality elif fit_quality == best_fit_qual: # new solution same level of fit_quality. # Choose whichever one has the most matches and lowest total rms as "best" # and keep looping to see if another fit is better. if best_fit_rms >= 0.0: if best_matches and fit_rms < best_fit_rms: best_fit_rms = fit_rms best_num_matches = fit_num best_fit_label = (catalog_name, algorithm_name) best_fit_status_dict = fit_status_dict.copy() best_fit_qual = fit_quality else: # new solution has worse fit_quality. discard and continue looping. continue except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception( exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, file=sys.stdout ) log.warning( "WARNING: Catastrophic fitting failure with catalog {} and matching " "algorithm {}.".format(catalog_name, algorithm_name) ) alignment_table.filtered_table["status"][:] = 1 alignment_table.filtered_table["processMsg"][ : ] = "Fitting failure" # It may be there are additional catalogs and algorithms to try, so keep going fit_quality = 5 # Flag this fit with the 'bad' quality value alignment_table.filtered_table["fit_qual"][:] = fit_quality continue if fit_quality == 1: # break out of inner astrometric catalog loop break # break out of outer fit algorithm loop either with a fit_rms < 10 or a 'valid' relative fit if fit_quality == 1 or ( best_fit_qual in [2, 3, 4] and "relative" in algorithm_name ): break"best_fit found to be: {}".format(best_fit_label))"FIT_DICT: {}".format(alignment_table.fit_dict.keys())) # Reset imglist to point to best solution... alignment_table.select_fit(best_fit_label[0], best_fit_label[1]) imglist = alignment_table.selected_fit filtered_table = alignment_table.filtered_table # Report processing time for this step"Processing time of [STEP 5b]", starting_dt)) starting_dt = # 6: Populate the filtered_table "{} STEP 6: Collect up information and populate the filtered table " "{}".format("-" * 20, "-" * 20) ) if 0 < best_fit_rms < apars["determine_fit_quality"]["MAX_FIT_RMS"]: "The fitting process was successful with a best fit total " "rms of {} mas".format(best_fit_rms) ) else: "The fitting process was unsuccessful with a best fit total rms " "of {} mas".format(best_fit_rms) ) if 0 < best_fit_rms < apars["determine_fit_quality"]["MAX_FIT_LIMIT"]: # Update filtered table with best fit results filtered_table["status"][:] = 0 fit_status_dict = best_fit_status_dict.copy() for item in imglist: imgname = item.meta["name"] index = np.where(filtered_table["imageName"] == imgname)[0][0] # populate self.filtered_table fields "status", "compromised" and # "processMsg" with fit_status_dict fields "valid", "compromised" # and "reason". explicit_dict_key = "{},{}".format(item.meta["name"], item.meta["chip"]) if fit_status_dict[explicit_dict_key]["valid"] is True: filtered_table[index]["status"] = 0 else: filtered_table[index]["status"] = 1 if fit_status_dict[explicit_dict_key]["compromised"] is False: filtered_table["compromised"] = 0 else: filtered_table["compromised"] = 1 filtered_table[index]["processMsg"] = fit_status_dict[ explicit_dict_key ]["reason"] filtered_table["fit_qual"][index] = item.meta["fit quality"]"Processing time of [STEP 6]", starting_dt)) starting_dt = # 7: Write new fit solution to input image headers "{} STEP 7: Update image headers with new WCS information " "{}".format("-" * 20, "-" * 29) ) if (0 < best_fit_rms < 9999.0) and update_hdr_wcs: # determine the quality of the fit alignment_table.apply_fit(headerlet_filenames, fit_label=fit_label)"SUCCESS") else:" STEP SKIPPED")"Processing time of [STEP 7]", starting_dt)) "TOTAL Processing time of {} sec".format( ( - zero_dt).total_seconds() ) )"-" * 104)"-" * 104)" SUMMARY OF ALL FIT ATTEMPTS") for item in fit_info_dict.keys():"{} {}".format(item, fit_info_dict[item]))"-" * 104) except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, file=sys.stdout) finally: # Always make sure that all file handles are closed alignment_table.close() # Now update the result with the filtered_table contents if result: result.meta = filtered_table.meta for col in filtered_table.colnames: result.add_column(filtered_table[col], name=col) if filtered_table is not None: filtered_table.pprint(max_width=-1) return alignment_table
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_label(label, starting_dt): """Create a time-stamped label for use in log messages""" current_dt = delta_dt = (current_dt - starting_dt).total_seconds() return "{}: {} sec".format(label, delta_dt) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def determine_fit_quality( imglist, filtered_table, catalogs_remaining, align_pars, print_fit_parameters=True, loglevel=logutil.logging.NOTSET, runfile="temp_align.log", ): """Determine the quality of the fit to the data Parameters ---------- imglist : list output of interpret_fits. Contains sourcelist tables, newly computed WCS info, etc. for every chip of every valid input image. This list should have been updated, in-place, with the new RMS values; specifically, * 'FIT_RMS': RMS of the separations between fitted image positions and reference positions * 'TOTAL_RMS': mean of the FIT_RMS values for all observations * 'NUM_FITS': number of images/group_id's with successful fits included in the TOTAL_RMS These entries are added to the 'fit_info' dictionary. filtered_table : object Astropy Table object containing data pertaining to the associated dataset, including the doProcess bool. It is intended this table is updated by subsequent functions for bookkeeping purposes. catalogs_remaining : bool Specify whether additional catalogs remain to be fit against. align_pars : dict Parameters from the appropriate '_align_all.json' parameter file print_fit_parameters : bool Specify whether or not to print out FIT results for each chip log_level : int, optional The desired level of verboseness in the log statements displayed on the screen and written to the .log file. Default value is 20, or 'info'. runfile : string log file name Returns ------- max_rms_val : float The best Total rms determined from all of the images num_xmatches: int The number of stars used in matching the data fit_quality : int fit quality category: * 1 = valid solution with rms < 10 mas * 2 = Valid but compromised solution with rms < 10 mas * 3 = Valid solution with RMS >= 10 mas * 4 = Valid but compromised solution with RMS >= 10 mas * 5 = Not valid solution filtered_table : object modified filtered_table object fit_status_dict : dictionary Dictionary containing the following: * overall fit validity (Boolean) * total (visit-level) RMS value in mas (float) * number of matched sources (int) * fit compromised status (Boolean) * reason fit is considered 'compromised' (only populated if "compromised" field is "True") """ # Set up the log file handler and name of the log file # If the log file handler were never set, the module_fh will be None. # Only want to remove a file handler if there were one set in the first place. global module_fh global module_logfile # if module_fh is not None and module_logfile != runfile.upper(): if module_fh is not None: print("Removing old file handler for logging.") log.removeHandler(module_fh) module_logfile = runfile.upper() module_fh = logutil.logging.FileHandler(runfile) module_fh.setLevel(loglevel) log.addHandler(module_fh) log.setLevel(loglevel)"Log file: {}".format(module_logfile)) max_rms_val = 1e9 fit_status_dict = {} xshifts = [] yshifts = [] overall_valid = True overall_comp = False # See whether or not 'consistency_check' should be performed. # This will only be turned on for pipeline processing due to the potentially extreme # variations in photometry across a visit or in a SkyCell. do_consistency_check = align_pars["determine_fit_quality"].get( "do_consistency_check", True ) auto_good_rms = float(align_pars["determine_fit_quality"]["MAX_FIT_RMS"]) for item in imglist: if item.meta["fit_info"]["status"].startswith("REFERENCE"): # Reference will never be modified, so set shifts to (0., 0.) # so that there are entries for all images. xshifts.append(0.0) yshifts.append(0.0) continue if not item.meta["fit_info"]["status"].startswith("FAILED"): xshifts.append(item.meta["fit_info"]["shift"][0]) yshifts.append(item.meta["fit_info"]["shift"][1]) else: # Fit not successful, so no shifts to collate break for item in imglist: num_xmatches = 0 image_name = item.meta["name"] chip_num = item.meta["chip"] fit_info = item.meta["fit_info"] fitgeom = fit_info["fitgeom"] if "fitgeom" in fit_info else "rscale" log.debug("\n{}\n".format("-" * 40)) log.debug("FIT being evaluated for {}".format(image_name)) log.debug(fit_info) log.debug("\n{}\n".format("-" * 40)) # Build fit_status_dict entry dict_key = "{},{}".format(image_name, chip_num) fit_status_dict[dict_key] = { "valid": True, "max_rms": max_rms_val, "num_matches": num_xmatches, "compromised": False, "reason": "", } # Handle fitting failures (no matches found or any other failure in fit) if fit_info["status"].startswith("FAILED"): log.warning( "Alignment FAILED for {} - no processing done.".format(image_name) ) overall_valid = False continue if fit_info["status"].startswith("REFERENCE") or "FIT_RMS" not in fit_info: # No fit information available for reference image fit_status_dict[dict_key]["valid"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["compromised"] = True fit_status_dict[dict_key]["reason"] = "No fit information" overall_valid = False overall_comp = True continue fit_rms_val = fit_info["FIT_RMS"] max_rms_val = fit_info["TOTAL_RMS"] # fit_rms_ra = fit_info['RMS_RA'] # fit_rms_dec = fit_info['RMS_DEC'] # rms_ratio = abs(fit_rms_ra - fit_rms_dec) / min(fit_rms_ra, fit_rms_dec) num_xmatches = len(fit_info["ref_mag"]) # fit_info['nmatches'] fit_status_dict[dict_key]["max_rms"] = max_rms_val fit_status_dict[dict_key]["num_matches"] = num_xmatches if num_xmatches < align_pars["general"]["MIN_FIT_MATCHES"]: overall_valid = False if catalogs_remaining: log.warning( "Not enough cross matches found between astrometric" " catalog and sources found in {} ()".format(image_name, num_xmatches) ) continue # Compute correlation between input and GAIA magnitudes # This check will only be performed when the fit may be uncertain # due to less than 100 matches. ref_cat_limit = min(1000, item.meta["num_ref_catalog"]) "MAG CHECK REF_CAT_LIMIT: {} XMATCHES: {}".format( ref_cat_limit, num_xmatches ) ) if num_xmatches < max(0.1 * ref_cat_limit, 10): cross_match_check = amutils.check_mag_corr([item])[0] "Cross-match check: {} on {} ref sources".format( cross_match_check, item.meta["num_ref_catalog"] ) ) else: cross_match_check = True # Execute checks nmatches_check = False if num_xmatches >= align_pars["run_align"]["mosaic_fitgeom_list"][fitgeom] or ( num_xmatches >= 2 and fit_rms_val > 0.5 ): nmatches_check = True radial_offset_check = False radial_offset = ( math.sqrt( float(fit_info["shift"][0]) ** 2 + float(fit_info["shift"][1]) ** 2 ) * item.wcs.pscale ) # radial offset in arssec # Without the '+2', this will always fail for xmatches < 3 regardless of how small # the offset is: 2*0.36 == 0.72 vs 0.8 + 0 [perfect alignment] # Adding 2 allows low offset solutions with only 1 or 2 sources to pass this check. if float(num_xmatches + 2) * 0.36 > 0.8 + (radial_offset / 10.0) ** 8: radial_offset_check = True large_rms_check = True max_fit_limit = align_pars["determine_fit_quality"]["MAX_FIT_LIMIT"] if fit_rms_val > max_fit_limit or max_rms_val > max_fit_limit: large_rms_check = False # fitRmsCheck = False # if fit_rms_val < max_rms_val: # fitRmsCheck = True consistency_check = True if do_consistency_check: rms_limit = max(fit_info["TOTAL_RMS"], auto_good_rms) if not math.sqrt( np.std(np.asarray(xshifts)) ** 2 + np.std(np.asarray(yshifts)) ** 2 ) <= (rms_limit / align_pars["determine_fit_quality"]["MAS_TO_ARCSEC"]) / ( item.wcs.pscale ): # \ # or rms_ratio > MAX_RMS_RATIO: consistency_check = False # Decide if fit solutions are valid based on checks if not consistency_check: # Failed consistency check fit_status_dict[dict_key]["valid"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["compromised"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["reason"] = "Consistency violation!" elif not large_rms_check: # RMS value(s) too large fit_status_dict[dict_key]["valid"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["compromised"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["reason"] = "RMS too large (>150 mas)!" elif not radial_offset_check: # Failed radial offset check fit_status_dict[dict_key]["valid"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["compromised"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["reason"] = "Radial offset value too large!" elif not nmatches_check: # Too few matches fit_status_dict[dict_key]["valid"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["compromised"] = True fit_status_dict[dict_key]["reason"] = "Too few matches!" elif not cross_match_check: fit_status_dict[dict_key]["valid"] = True fit_status_dict[dict_key]["compromised"] = True fit_status_dict[dict_key][ "reason" ] = "Cross-match magnitudes not correlated!" else: # all checks passed. Valid solution. fit_status_dict[dict_key]["valid"] = True fit_status_dict[dict_key]["compromised"] = False fit_status_dict[dict_key]["reason"] = "" # for now, generate overall valid and compromised values. Basically, if any of the entries for "valid" is False, # "valid" is False, treat the whole dataset as not valid. Same goes for compromised. if not fit_status_dict[dict_key]["valid"]: overall_valid = False if fit_status_dict[dict_key]["compromised"]: overall_comp = True "RESULTS FOR {} Chip {}: FIT_RMS = {} mas, TOTAL_RMS = {}" " mas, NUM = {}".format( image_name, item.meta["chip"], fit_rms_val, max_rms_val, num_xmatches ) ) # print fit params to screen if print_fit_parameters: log_info_keys = [ "status", "fitgeom", "eff_minobj", "matrix", "shift", "center", "proper_rot", "proper", "<rot>", "<scale>", "skew", "rmse", "mae", "nmatches", "FIT_RMS", "TOTAL_RMS", "NUM_FITS", "RMS_RA", "RMS_DEC", "catalog", ]"{} FIT PARAMETERS {}".format("~" * 35, "~" * 34))"image: {}".format(image_name))"chip: {}".format(item.meta["chip"]))"group_id: {}".format(item.meta["group_id"])) for tweakwcs_info_key in log_info_keys: "{} : {}".format(tweakwcs_info_key, fit_info[tweakwcs_info_key]) )"~" * 84) "nmatches_check: {} radial_offset_check: {}" " large_rms_check: {}," " consistency_check: {}".format( nmatches_check, radial_offset_check, large_rms_check, consistency_check, ) ) # determine which fit quality category this latest fit falls into if overall_valid is False: fit_quality = 5"FIT SOLUTION REJECTED") filtered_table["status"][:] = 1 for ctr in range(0, len(filtered_table)): imgname = filtered_table[ctr]["imageName"] + ",1" if imgname in fit_status_dict: filtered_table[ctr]["processMsg"] = fit_status_dict[imgname]["reason"] else: filtered_table[ctr]["processMsg"] = "Not a valid exposure" else: for ctr in range(0, len(filtered_table)): filtered_table[ctr]["processMsg"] = "" if overall_comp is False and max_rms_val < auto_good_rms:"Valid solution with RMS < {} mas found!".format(auto_good_rms)) fit_quality = 1 elif overall_comp is True and max_rms_val < auto_good_rms: "Valid but compromised solution with RMS < {} mas found!".format( auto_good_rms ) ) fit_quality = 2 elif overall_comp is False and 1000.0 >= max_rms_val >= auto_good_rms:"Valid solution with RMS >= {} mas found!".format(auto_good_rms)) fit_quality = 3 else: "Valid but compromised solution with RMS >= {} mas found!".format( auto_good_rms ) ) fit_quality = 4 if print_fit_parameters: for item in imglist: fit_status_dict["{},{}".format(item.meta["name"], item.meta["chip"])] ) if max_rms_val > auto_good_rms: "Total fit RMS value = {} mas greater than the maximum threshold value {}.".format( max_rms_val, auto_good_rms ) ) if not overall_valid:"The fit solution for some or all of the images is not valid.") if max_rms_val > auto_good_rms or not overall_valid:"Trying again with the next catalog, method, or geometry depending upon the current fitting cycle.") else:"Fit calculations successful.") return max_rms_val, num_xmatches, fit_quality, filtered_table, fit_status_dict
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def determine_fit_quality_mvm_interface( imglist, filtered_table, catalogs_remaining, ref_catalog_length, align_pars, print_fit_parameters=True, loglevel=logutil.logging.NOTSET, runfile="temp_align.log", ): """Simple interface to allow MVM code to use determine_fit_quality(). Parameters ---------- imglist : list output of interpret_fits. Contains sourcelist tables, newly computed WCS info, etc. for every chip of every valid input image. This list should have been updated, in-place, with the new RMS values; specifically, * 'FIT_RMS': RMS of the separations between fitted image positions and reference positions * 'TOTAL_RMS': mean of the FIT_RMS values for all observations * 'NUM_FITS': number of images/group_id's with successful fits included in the TOTAL_RMS These entries are added to the 'fit_info' dictionary. filtered_table : object Astropy Table object containing data pertaining to the associated dataset, including the doProcess bool. It is intended this table is updated by subsequent functions for bookkeeping purposes. catalogs_remaining : bool Specify whether additional catalogs remain to be fit against. align_pars : dict Parameters from the appropriate '_align_all.json' parameter file print_fit_parameters : bool Specify whether or not to print out FIT results for each chip log_level : int, optional The desired level of verboseness in the log statements displayed on the screen and written to the .log file. Default value is 20, or 'info'. runfile : string log file name Returns ------- is_good_fit : bool Is the fit acceptable (Is fit_quality value in GOOD_FIT_QUALITY_VALUES)? max_rms_val : float The best Total rms determined from all of the images num_xmatches: int The number of stars used in matching the data fit_quality : int fit quality category: * 1 = valid solution with rms < 10 mas * 2 = Valid but compromised solution with rms < 10 mas * 3 = Valid solution with RMS >= 10 mas * 4 = Valid but compromised solution with RMS >= 10 mas * 5 = Not valid solution filtered_table : object modified filtered_table object fit_status_dict : dictionary Dictionary containing the following: * overall fit validity (Boolean) * total (visit-level) RMS value in mas (float) * number of matched sources (int) * fit compromised status (Boolean) * reason fit is considered 'compromised' (only populated if "compromised" field is "True") """ log.setLevel(loglevel) # Check if num_ref_catalog is in imglist...if not, add it. for ctr in range(0, len(imglist)): if "num_ref_catalog" not in imglist[ctr].meta.keys(): imglist[ctr].meta["num_ref_catalog"] = ref_catalog_length # Execute determine_fit_quality ( fit_rms, fit_num, fit_quality, filtered_table, fit_status_dict, ) = determine_fit_quality( imglist, filtered_table, catalogs_remaining, align_pars, print_fit_parameters=print_fit_parameters, loglevel=loglevel, runfile=runfile, ) # Determine if the fit quality is acceptable if fit_quality in align_pars["determine_fit_quality"]["GOOD_FIT_QUALITY_VALUES"]: is_good_fit = True else: is_good_fit = False return is_good_fit, fit_rms, fit_num, fit_quality, filtered_table, fit_status_dict # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_astrometric_catalog(imglist, **pars): """Generates a catalog of all sources from an existing astrometric catalog are in or near the FOVs of the images in the input list. Parameters ---------- imglist : list List of one or more calibrated fits images that will be used for catalog generation. output : str, optional If specified as part of input pars dict, it provides the name of the output catalog file overwrite : bool, optional If specified as part of the input pars dict, it specifies whether or not to overwrite any catalog file already present with the same path/filename as specified in `output`. Returns ======= ref_table : object Astropy Table object of the catalog """ # generate catalog temp_pars = pars.copy() if pars["output"] is True: pars["output"] = "ref_cat.ecsv" else: pars["output"] = None overwrite = pars.get("clobber", True) out_catalog = amutils.create_astrometric_catalog(imglist, **pars) pars = temp_pars.copy() # if the catalog has contents, write the catalog to ascii text file if len(out_catalog) > 0 and pars["output"]: catalog_filename = "" out_catalog.write( catalog_filename, format="ascii.fast_commented_header", overwrite=overwrite )"Wrote reference catalog {}.".format(catalog_filename)) return out_catalog # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_default_pars( instrument, detector, step="alignment", condition=["filter_basic"], hap_pipeline_name="svm", ): step_list = config_utils.step_title_list if step not in step_list: log.error("{} not valid! Needs to be one of: {}".format(step, step_list)) raise ValueError full_cfg_index, pars_dir = config_utils.read_index( instrument, detector, hap_pipeline_name=hap_pipeline_name ) par_class = config_utils.step_name_list[step_list.index(step)] apars = par_class( full_cfg_index[step], condition, hap_pipeline_name, pars_dir, step, True, None ) return apars.outpars