Source code for drizzlepac.drizCR

Mask blemishes in dithered data by comparison of an image with a model
image and the derivative of the model image.

:Authors: Warren Hack

:License: :doc:`/LICENSE`

import os
import re

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from import fits
from import fileutil, logutil, mputil, teal

from . import quickDeriv
from . import util
from . import processInput
from . import __version__

if util.can_parallel:
    import multiprocessing

__taskname__ = "drizCR"  # looks in drizzlepac for sky.cfg
_STEP_NUM = 6  # this relates directly to the syntax in the cfg file

log = logutil.create_logger(__name__, level=logutil.logging.NOTSET)

[docs] def drizCR(input=None, configObj=None, editpars=False, **inputDict): """ Look for cosmic rays. """ log.debug(inputDict) inputDict["input"] = input configObj = util.getDefaultConfigObj(__taskname__, configObj, inputDict, loadOnly=(not editpars)) if configObj is None: return if not editpars: run(configObj)
# this is the function that will be called from TEAL
[docs] def run(configObj): # outwcs is not neaded here imgObjList, outwcs = processInput.setCommonInput(configObj, createOutwcs=False) rundrizCR(imgObjList, configObj)
[docs] def rundrizCR(imgObjList, configObj, procSteps=None): if procSteps is not None: procSteps.addStep('Driz_CR') step_name = util.getSectionName(configObj, _STEP_NUM) if not configObj[step_name]['driz_cr']:'Cosmic-ray identification (driz_cr) step not performed.') return paramDict = configObj[step_name] paramDict['crbit'] = configObj['crbit'] paramDict['inmemory'] = imgObjList[0].inmemory"USER INPUT PARAMETERS for Driz_CR Step:") util.printParams(paramDict, log=log) # if we have the cpus and s/w, ok, but still allow user to set pool size pool_size = util.get_pool_size(configObj.get('num_cores'), len(imgObjList)) if imgObjList[0].inmemory: pool_size = 1 # reason why is output in drizzle step subprocs = [] if pool_size > 1:'Executing {:d} parallel workers'.format(pool_size)) mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork') for image in imgObjList: manager = mp_ctx.Manager() mgr = manager.dict({}) p = mp_ctx.Process( target=_driz_cr, name='drizCR._driz_cr()', # for err msgs args=(image, mgr, paramDict.dict()) ) subprocs.append(p) image.virtualOutputs.update(mgr) mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size) # blocks till all done else:'Executing serially') for image in imgObjList: _driz_cr(image, image.virtualOutputs, paramDict) if procSteps is not None: procSteps.endStep('Driz_CR')
def _driz_cr(sciImage, virtual_outputs, paramDict): """mask blemishes in dithered data by comparison of an image with a model image and the derivative of the model image. - ``sciImage`` is an imageObject which contains the science data - ``blotImage`` is inferred from the ``sciImage`` object here which knows the name of its blotted image - ``chip`` should be the science chip that corresponds to the blotted image that was sent - ``paramDict`` contains the user parameters derived from the full ``configObj`` instance - ``dqMask`` is inferred from the ``sciImage`` object, the name of the mask file to combine with the generated Cosmic ray mask Here are the options you can override in ``configObj`` ``gain`` = 7 # Detector gain, e-/ADU ``grow`` = 1 # Radius around CR pixel to mask # [default=1 for 3x3 for non-NICMOS] ``ctegrow`` = 0 # Length of CTE correction to be applied ``rn`` = 5 # Read noise in electrons ``snr`` = "4.0 3.0" # Signal-to-noise ratio ``scale`` = "0.5 0.4" # scaling factor applied to the derivative ``backg`` = 0 # Background value ``expkey`` = "exptime" # exposure time keyword Blot images are saved out to simple fits files with 1 chip in them so for example in ACS, there will be 1 image file with 2 chips that is the original image and 2 blotted image files, each with 1 chip So I'm imagining calling this function twice, once for each chip, but both times with the same original science image file, output files and some input (output from previous steps) are referenced in the imageobject itself """ grow = paramDict["driz_cr_grow"] ctegrow = paramDict["driz_cr_ctegrow"] crcorr_list = [] cr_mask_dict = {} for chip in range(1, sciImage._numchips + 1, 1): exten = sciImage.scienceExt + ',' + str(chip) sci_chip = sciImage[exten] if not sci_chip.group_member: continue blot_image_name = sci_chip.outputNames['blotImage'] if sciImage.inmemory: blot_data = sciImage.virtualOutputs[blot_image_name][0].data else: if not os.path.isfile(blot_image_name): raise IOError("Blotted image not found: {:s}" .format(blot_image_name)) try: blot_data = fits.getdata(blot_image_name, ext=0) except IOError: print("Problem opening blot images") raise # Scale blot image, as needed, to match original input data units. blot_data *= sci_chip._conversionFactor input_image = sciImage.getData(exten) # Apply any unit conversions to input image here for comparison # with blotted image in units of electrons input_image *= sci_chip._conversionFactor # make the derivative blot image blot_deriv = quickDeriv.qderiv(blot_data) # Boolean mask needs to take into account any crbits values # specified by the user to be ignored when converting DQ array. dq_mask = sciImage.buildMask(chip, paramDict['crbit']) # parse out the SNR information snr1, snr2 = map( float, filter(None, re.split("[,;\s]+", paramDict["driz_cr_snr"])) ) # parse out the scaling information mult1, mult2 = map( float, filter( None, re.split("[,;\s]+", paramDict["driz_cr_scale"]) ) ) gain = sci_chip._effGain rn = sci_chip._rdnoise backg = sci_chip.subtractedSky * sci_chip._conversionFactor # Set scaling factor (used by MultiDrizzle) to 1 since scaling has # already been accounted for in blotted image # expmult = 1. # ################# COMPUTATION PART I ################### # Create a temporary array mask t1 = np.absolute(input_image - blot_data) # ta = np.sqrt(gain * np.abs((blot_data + backg) * expmult) + rn**2) ta = np.sqrt(gain * np.abs(blot_data + backg) + rn**2) t2 = (mult1 * blot_deriv + snr1 * ta / gain) # / expmult tmp1 = t1 <= t2 # Create a convolution kernel that is 3 x 3 of 1's kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint16) # Convolve the mask with the kernel tmp2 = signal.convolve2d(tmp1, kernel, boundary='symm', mode='same') # ################# COMPUTATION PART II ################### # Create the CR Mask t2 = (mult2 * blot_deriv + snr2 * ta / gain) # / expmult cr_mask = (t1 <= t2) | (tmp2 >= 9) # ################# COMPUTATION PART III ################## # flag additional cte 'radial' and 'tail' pixels surrounding CR pixels # as CRs # In both the 'radial' and 'length' kernels below, 0->good and 1->bad, # so that upon convolving the kernels with cr_mask, the convolution # output will have low->bad and high->good from which 2 new arrays are # created having 0->bad and 1->good. These 2 new arrays are then # 'anded' to create a new cr_mask. # make radial convolution kernel and convolve it with original cr_mask cr_grow_kernel = np.ones((grow, grow), dtype=np.uint16) cr_grow_kernel_conv = signal.convolve2d( cr_mask, cr_grow_kernel, boundary='symm', mode='same' ) # make tail convolution kernel and convolve it with original cr_mask cr_ctegrow_kernel = np.zeros((2 * ctegrow + 1, 2 * ctegrow + 1)) # which pixels are masked by tail kernel depends on sign of # sci_chip.cte_dir (i.e.,readout direction): if sci_chip.cte_dir == 1: # 'positive' direction: HRC: amp C or D; WFC: chip = sci,1; WFPC2 cr_ctegrow_kernel[0:ctegrow, ctegrow] = 1 elif sci_chip.cte_dir == -1: # 'negative' direction: HRC: amp A or B; WFC: chip = sci,2 cr_ctegrow_kernel[ctegrow+1:2*ctegrow+1, ctegrow] = 1 # do the convolution cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = signal.convolve2d( cr_mask, cr_ctegrow_kernel, boundary='symm', mode='same' ) # select high pixels from both convolution outputs; # then 'and' them to create new cr_mask cr_grow_mask = cr_grow_kernel_conv >= grow**2 # radial cr_ctegrow_mask = cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv >= ctegrow # length cr_mask = cr_grow_mask & cr_ctegrow_mask # Apply CR mask to the DQ array in place dq_mask &= cr_mask # Create the corr file corrFile = np.where(dq_mask, input_image, blot_data) corrFile /= sci_chip._conversionFactor corrDQMask = np.where(dq_mask, 0, paramDict['crbit']).astype(np.uint16) if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']: crcorr_list.append({ 'sciext': fileutil.parseExtn(exten), 'corrFile': corrFile.copy(), 'dqext': fileutil.parseExtn(sci_chip.dq_extn), 'dqMask': corrDQMask }) # Save the cosmic ray mask file to disk cr_mask_image = sci_chip.outputNames["crmaskImage"] if paramDict['inmemory']: print('Creating in-memory(virtual) FITS file...') _pf = util.createFile(cr_mask.astype(np.uint8), outfile=None, header=None) cr_mask_dict[cr_mask_image] = _pf sciImage.saveVirtualOutputs(cr_mask_dict) else: # Always write out crmaskimage, as it is required input for # the final drizzle step. The final drizzle step combines this # image with the DQ information on-the-fly. # # Remove the existing mask file if it exists if os.path.isfile(cr_mask_image): os.remove(cr_mask_image) print("Removed old cosmic ray mask file: '{:s}'" .format(cr_mask_image)) print("Creating output: {:s}".format(cr_mask_image)) util.createFile(cr_mask.astype(np.uint8), outfile=cr_mask_image, header=None) if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']: createCorrFile(sciImage.outputNames["crcorImage"], crcorr_list, sciImage._filename)
[docs] def createCorrFile(outfile, arrlist, template): """ Create a _cor file with the same format as the original input image. The DQ array will be replaced with the mask array used to create the _cor file. """ # Remove the existing cor file if it exists if os.path.isfile(outfile): os.remove(outfile) print("Removing old corr file: '{:s}'".format(outfile)) with, memmap=False) as ftemplate: for arr in arrlist: ftemplate[arr['sciext']].data = arr['corrFile'] if arr['dqext'][0] != arr['sciext'][0]: ftemplate[arr['dqext']].data = arr['dqMask'] ftemplate.writeto(outfile) print("Created CR corrected file: '{:s}'".format(outfile))
[docs] def setDefaults(configObj={}): """ Return a dictionary of the default parameters which also been updated with the user overrides. """ paramDict = { 'gain': 7, # Detector gain, e-/ADU 'grow': 1, # Radius around CR pixel to mask [default=1 for # 3x3 for non-NICMOS] 'ctegrow': 0, # Length of CTE correction to be applied 'rn': 5, # Read noise in electrons 'snr': '4.0 3.0', # Signal-to-noise ratio 'scale': '0.5 0.4', # scaling factor applied to the derivative 'backg': 0, # Background value 'expkey': 'exptime' # exposure time keyword } if len(configObj) > 0: for key in configObj: paramDict[key] = configObj[key] return paramDict
drizCR.__doc__ = util._def_help_functions( locals(), module_file=__file__, task_name=__taskname__, module_doc=__doc__ )