Source code for drizzlepac.haputils.cell_utils

import os
import shutil
from itertools import chain, combinations

from matplotlib import path
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.path import Path
from skimage.feature import corner_peaks, corner_harris
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.spatial import distance
import numpy as np
import astropy
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from spherical_geometry.polygon import SphericalPolygon

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

from stwcs.wcsutil import HSTWCS
from import logutil

from .. import wcs_functions

# Default grid definition file
_fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
PCELL_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(_fpath), 'pars')
PCELL_FILENAME = 'allsky_cells.fits'

# SkyCell format: "skycell-p0000x000y000"
SKYCELL_NAME_FMT = f"skycell-p{{:{str(PCELL_STRLEN).zfill(2)}d}}x{{:02d}}y{{:02d}}"

SUPPORTED_SCALES = {'fine': 0.04, 'coarse': 0.12}  # arcseconds/pixel

log = logutil.create_logger(__name__, level=logutil.logging.NOTSET)

[docs] def get_sky_cells(visit_input, input_path=None, scale=None, cell_size=None, diagnostic_mode=False): """Return all sky cells that overlap the exposures in the input. Parameters ----------- visit_input : str or list Input specifying the exposures from a single visit; either a poller output file or a simple list of exposure filenames. Exposures in an input list are assumed to be in the current working directory when running the code, unless ``input_path`` has been provided which points to the location of the exposures to be processed. input_path : str, optional Location of input exposures, if provided. If not provided, location will be assumed to be the current working directory. scale : float, optional User-defined value for the pixel scale, in arcseconds/pixel, of the sky cells and projection cells. If ``None``, default value from grid definition file will be used. cell_size : float, optional User-specified size, in degrees, for each projection cell. If ``None``, default value from grid definition file will be used. diagnostic_mode : bool, optional Parameter which specifies whether or not to generate additional output useful for debugging internal computations. Returns -------- sky_cells : list of objects List of `~SkyCell` objects for all sky cells which overlap the exposures provided in ``visit_input``. """ # Interpret input if isinstance(visit_input, list): expnames = visit_input.copy() else: table =, format='ascii.fast_no_header') expnames = table['col1'].tolist() # Check that exposures are located in current working directory if not os.path.exists(expnames[0]): if not input_path: raise ValueError("No exposures found in cwd(). Please specify path to files!") bad_files = 0 for file in expnames: fullfile = os.path.join(input_path, file) if not os.path.exists(fullfile): bad_files.append(fullfile) print("Could not find {}".format(fullfile)) bad_files += 1 continue shutil.copy(fullfile, file) if bad_files: raise ValueError(f"Could not find {bad_files} specified input files") # Check that all exposures have up-to-date WCS solutions # This will weed out exposures which were not processed by the pipeline # such as those with EXPTIME==0 for filename in expnames: fimg = log.debug("Validating WCS solutions for {}".format(filename)) if 'wcsname' not in fimg[1].header: expnames.remove(filename) fimg.close() if len(expnames) == 0: print("No valid exposures to define sky cells") return None # Initialize all sky tessellation object definitions # This includes setting the pixel scale. sky_grid = GridDefs(scale=scale, cell_size=cell_size) # Group input expnames by visit and look for SkyCell overlap # on each 'visit' separately, then only update final list of # output SkyCells with unique SkyCells merging list of input # expnames as needed. Doing this will minimize the size of # the 'meta_wcs' defined for the SkyFootprint used to overlap # the SkyCells. Otherwise, the 'meta_wcs' could become almost # arbitrarily large compared to the size of a SkyCell. # visit_groups = {} for exp in expnames: exp_visit = extract_visit(exp) if exp_visit not in visit_groups: visit_groups[exp_visit] = [] visit_groups[exp_visit].append(exp) # at this point, we have a dict of visit IDs with a list of all expnames that go with each visit sky_cells = {} for visit_id, visit_expnames in visit_groups.items(): log.debug('Looking for SkyCells that overlap exposures from visit "{}"'.format(visit_id)) # build reference wcs for combined footprint of all input exposures meta_wcs = wcs_functions.make_mosaic_wcs(visit_expnames, rot=0.0, scale=sky_grid.scale) log.debug('Visit WCS: \n{}'.format(meta_wcs)) # For each exposure in the visit, # look to see what SkyCell it overlaps for expname in visit_expnames: # create footprint on the sky (as a tangent plane array) for all input exposures using meta_wcs footprint = SkyFootprint(meta_wcs)[expname]) if diagnostic_mode: wcshdr = meta_wcs.to_header() fits.PrimaryHDU(data=footprint.total_mask.astype(np.int16), header=wcshdr).writeto(f"{visit_id}_{expname.split('_')[-2]}_footprint.fits", overwrite=True) # Use this footprint to identify overlapping sky cells visit_cells = sky_grid.get_sky_cells(footprint, diagnostic_mode=diagnostic_mode) log.debug('Exposure {} from visit {} overlapped SkyCells:\n{}'.format(expname, visit_id, visit_cells)) for scell in visit_cells: if scell not in sky_cells: sky_cells[scell] = visit_cells[scell] else: # It overlapped previous exposures, so add these exposures to the SkyCell definition sky_cells[scell].members.extend(visit_cells[scell].members) return sky_cells
[docs] def interpret_scells(sky_cells): """Return dict of filenames each with the skycell name they overlap Parameters ---------- sky_cells : dict Dictionary of sky-cell objects from `~get_sky_cells` Returns ------- sky_cell_files : dict Dictionary of ALL sky-cell IDs as a ';'-delimited string for each exposure(sky cell member), with exposure filenames as keys. """ scell_files = {} for scell in sky_cells.values(): for member in scell.members: if member not in scell_files: scell_files[member] = {} scell_files[member][scell.sky_cell_id] = scell # convert each entry into a ';'-delimited string instead of a list of IDs for member in scell_files: scell_files[member]['id'] = ';'.join([id for id in scell_files[member]]) return scell_files
class SkyFootprint(object): """Object for computing footprint of overlapping images. This class allows a user to virtually build up a mosaic from a set of presumably overlapping exposures. Attributes ----------- meta_wcs : `stwcs.wcsutil.HSTWCS <>`_ WCS of entire mosaic members : list List of filenames for all input exposures that make up the mosaic total_mask : ndarray Mask of combined footprint of all input exposures scaled by number of exposures at each pixel scaled_mask : ndarray Mask of combined footprint scaled by each input's exposure value (e.g., EXPTIME) footprint : ndarray Binary (numpy.int16) mask of combined footprint of all input exposures corners : ndarray List of vertices of the footprint in sky coordinates xy_corners : ndarray List of vertices of the footprint in X,Y coordinates edge_pixels : ndarray List of all pixels along the outside edge of the footprint, in counter-clockwise order exp_masks : dict Separate entries for each exposure containing: ``"mask"`` Binary mask showing where this exposure overlaps the mosaic ``"xy_corners"`` positions of the corners of the exposure in mosaic X,Y coordinates ``"sky_corners"`` positions of the corners of the exposure in sky coordinates derived using the input exposure's ``wcs.calc_footprint()`` method edges : ndarray Binary (numpy.int16) mask containing only the pixels along the outside edge of the total footprint Methods ------- build(expnames, scale=False, scale_kw='EXPTIME') Primary method for building up the mask of the footprint based on the provided input exposures. This optionally allows the user to also compute an exposure time mask if desired. find_footprint() Once all input exposures have been used to build the masks, this method generates the total footprint masks. find_corners() This method computes the vertices of the total mask, something useful for creating the region FITS keywords (like S_REGION). """ def __init__(self, meta_wcs, debug=False): self.meta_wcs = meta_wcs self.debug = debug # bounded_wcs corresponds to WCS of bounding box of exposed pixels self.bounded_wcs = None self.bounding_box = None # the exp_masks dict records the individual footprints of each exposure self.exp_masks = {} self.members = [] self.corners = [] self.sky_corners = [] self.xy_corners = [] self.edge_pixels = [] self.total_mask = np.zeros(meta_wcs.array_shape, dtype=np.int16) self.scaled_mask = None self.footprint = None self.footprint_member = None self.edges = None self.edges_ra = None self.edges_dec = None self.polygon = None def build(self, expnames, scale=False, scale_kw='EXPTIME'): """ Create mask showing where all input exposures overlap the SkyFootprint's WCS Notes ----- This method populates the following attributes (initialized as all zeros): - total_mask : shows number of chips per pixel - scaled_mask : if computed, shows (by default) exposure time per pixel Parameters ----------- expnames : list List of filenames for all input exposures that overlap the SkyFootprint WCS scale : bool, optional If specified, scale each chip by the value of the ``scale_kw`` keyword from the input exposure. scale_kw : str, optional If ``scale`` is ``True``, get the scaling value from this keyword. This keyword is assumed to be in the PRIMARY header. """ if scale: # Only assign memory for this array if requested. self.scaled_mask = np.zeros(self.meta_wcs.array_shape, dtype=np.float32) for exposure in expnames: self.exp_masks[exposure] = {'sky_corners': [], 'xy_corners': [], 'mask': {}} exp = scale_val = exp[0].header[scale_kw] sci_extns = wcs_functions.get_extns(exp) if len(sci_extns) == 0 and '_single' in exposure: sci_extns = [0] for sci in sci_extns: wcs = HSTWCS(exp, ext=sci) # save the footprint for each chip as RA/Dec corner positions # radec = wcs.calc_footprint().tolist() radec = calc_wcs_footprint(wcs, offset=1).tolist() radec.append(radec[0]) # close the polygon/chip self.exp_masks[exposure]['sky_corners'].append(radec) # Also save those corner positions as X,Y positions in the footprint xycorners = self.meta_wcs.all_world2pix(radec, 0).astype(np.int32).tolist() self.exp_masks[exposure]['xy_corners'].append(xycorners) # Now compute RA/Dec of all pixels along each edge edges_x = [0] * wcs.naxis2 + [wcs.naxis1 - 1] * wcs.naxis2 + list(range(wcs.naxis1)) * 2 edges_y = list(range(wcs.naxis2)) * 2 + [0] * wcs.naxis1 + [wcs.naxis2 - 1] * wcs.naxis1 sky_edges = wcs.pixel_to_world_values(edges_x, edges_y) meta_x, meta_y = self.meta_wcs.world_to_pixel_values(sky_edges[0], sky_edges[1]) meta_x = meta_x.astype(np.int32) meta_y = meta_y.astype(np.int32) # check to see whether or not this image falls within meta_wcs at all... off_x = (meta_x.max() <= 0) or meta_x.min() > (self.meta_wcs.array_shape[1] - 1) off_y = (meta_y.max() <= 0) or meta_y.min() > (self.meta_wcs.array_shape[0] - 1) # if this chip falls completely outside SkyCell, skip to next chip if off_x or off_y: continue # Account for rounding problems with creating meta_wcs meta_y = np.clip(meta_y, 0, self.meta_wcs.array_shape[0] - 1) meta_x = np.clip(meta_x, 0, self.meta_wcs.array_shape[1] - 1) # define subarray spanned by this chip on the SkyCell scell_slice = (slice(meta_y.min(), meta_y.max()), slice(meta_x.min(), meta_x.max())) scell_ltm = [meta_x.min(), meta_y.min()] # Reset range of pixels to be relative to starting pixel position in SkyCell meta_x -= scell_ltm[0] meta_y -= scell_ltm[1] # apply meta_edges to blank mask # Use PIL to create mask # parray = np.array(meta_edges.T) parray = (meta_x, meta_y) polygon = list(zip(parray[0], parray[1])) nx = self.total_mask[tuple(scell_slice)].shape[1] ny = self.total_mask[tuple(scell_slice)].shape[0] if nx == 0 or ny == 0: continue img ='L', (nx, ny), 0) ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1) blank = np.array(img).astype(np.int16) # Remember information needed to recreate the mask for this chip sci_dict = {} sci_dict['scell_slice'] = scell_slice sci_dict['scell_ltm'] = scell_ltm sci_dict['scale_val'] = scale_val sci_dict['polygon'] = polygon sci_dict['img_shape'] = (nx, ny) self.exp_masks[exposure]['mask'][sci] = sci_dict if scale: scaled_blank = blank * scale_val self.scaled_mask[tuple(scell_slice)] += scaled_blank del scaled_blank self.total_mask[tuple(scell_slice)] += blank del blank # clean up any open fits handles exp.close() del exp # Only add members which contributed to this footprint if exposure not in self.members: self.members.append(exposure) if self.total_mask.sum() == 0: # These exposures do not overlap the footprint of this WCS return # Compute the bounded WCS for this mask of exposed pixels self.find_bounded_wcs() def extract_mask(self, filename): """Extract a total_mask from the SCI data directly""" # Determine what extension contains the SCI array # It could be 0 if 'build=no' for drizzling fhdu = if len(fhdu) > 1: sciext = ("SCI", 1) else: sciext = 0 # Get the SCI array to use as a mask arr = fhdu[sciext].data.copy() # Done with image, so close immediately. fhdu.close() del fhdu # If working with drizzled data which has NaN as non-exposed pixel values if np.isnan(arr.min()): total_mask = (np.isnan(arr) == 0).astype(np.int16) else: total_mask = (arr != 0).astype(np.int16) # Remove 'small' holes in the image due to noise to avoid # creating extraneous 'regions' from the image when it is really # all one region/chip. total_mask = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(total_mask) # Now account for rough edges of the exposure due to calibration effects # which are particularly noticable for WFC3/IR data. # We are hard-coding the number of iterations since it is only # intended to improve, not make perfect, the mask shape. total_mask_eroded = ndimage.binary_erosion(ndimage.binary_dilation(total_mask, iterations=11), iterations=11) self.total_mask = np.bitwise_or(total_mask, total_mask_eroded) # clean up as quickly as possible del arr # populate footprint with this mask self.members += [filename] self.find_footprint() # Now compute the bounded_wcs, if possible. self.find_bounded_wcs() def find_bounded_wcs(self): """Compute the WCS based on the bounding box of exposed pixels(mask) """ if self.total_mask is None: print("Please add exposures before computing bounding box WCS...") # start by computing the bounding box for the footprint ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax = calc_bounding_box(self.total_mask) # make a copy of the full WCS to be revised self.bounded_wcs = self.meta_wcs.deepcopy() self.bounding_box = [slice(ymin, ymax), slice(xmin, xmax)] # Use this box to compute new CRPIX position self.bounded_wcs.wcs.crpix -= [xmin, ymin] self.bounded_wcs.pixel_shape = [xmax - xmin + 1, ymax - ymin + 1] # Methods with 'find' compute values # Methods with 'get' return values def find_footprint(self, member='total'): """Compute a mask for the footprint This method converts the full mask built up from all the input exposures, or for a single exposure, and converts it to a boolean mask. The mask has a value of 1 where a pixel was part of an exposure. The resulting mask gets saved as the ``footprint`` attribute. Parameters ========== member : ``str``, optional Specify what member to compute the footprint for. """ if self.total_mask is None: print("Please add exposures before computing footprint...") if member == 'total': mask = self.total_mask else: if member not in self.exp_masks: raise ValueError("Member {} not added to footprint".format(member)) # Recompute mask specifically for this member # mask = self.exp_masks[member]['mask'] exp_mask = self.exp_masks[member]['mask'] mask = np.zeros(self.meta_wcs.array_shape, dtype=np.int16) for sci in exp_mask.values(): img ='L', sci['img_shape'], 0) ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(sci['polygon'], outline=1, fill=1) blank = np.array(img).astype(np.int16) mask[sci['scell_slice']] += blank self.footprint = np.clip(mask, 0, 1) self.footprint_member = member def find_edges(self, member='total'): """Computes a mask containing only those pixels along the edge of the footprint.""" if self.footprint_member != member: self.find_footprint(member=member) edges = ndimage.binary_erosion(self.footprint).astype(np.int16) self.edges = self.footprint - edges def find_corners(self, member='total'): """Extract corners/vertices from footprint This method computes the positions of all the corners that make up the footprint. The corners are computed starting with the corner nearest (within 45deg) of vertical as measured from the center of the footprint, then proceeds counter-clockwise (North to East). The corners are initially identified using the ``skimage.corner_harris`` function on the footprint mask to identify the starting corner which is closest to veritical. The edge pixels are then ordered counter-clockwise, and corners are finally confirmed in order where the slope along each edge changes sign. This results in a list of corner positions which can be used to populate the ``S_REGION`` keyword and traces out the outline of the footprint. The results are saved as the attributes: * ``edge_pixels`` : the complete list of all pixels, as a list of ``numpy.ndarray`` instances, that make up the edge of the footprint in counter-clockwise order. For multiple chips in the footprint, there will be a separate array of the ordered pixel positions per chip. * ``xy_corners`` : ``numpy.ndarray`` of (X,Y) positions for all identified corners from the footprint. * ``corners`` : ``numpy.ndarray`` of (RA, Dec) positions for all identified corners from the footprint. """ if len(self.members) == 0: print("Please add exposures before looking for corners...") return label_border = 10 # Insure footprint has been determined if self.footprint_member != member: self.find_footprint(member=member) if member == 'total': # Use Harris corner detection to identify corners in the # total footprint # insure footprint has enough signal to detect corners fp = np.clip(self.footprint, 0, 1).astype(np.int16) # simple trick to remove noise and small regions 3x3 or less. scmask_dilated_erroded = ndimage.binary_dilation(ndimage.binary_erosion(fp, iterations=3), iterations=2) # Start by smoothing out the edges of the chips/field # this will remove rough edges up to 3 pixels deep along the image edge # multiplying by 100 to avoid having the threshold as a decimal (0.5) between 0 and 1. scmask = ndimage.gaussian_filter(scmask_dilated_erroded.astype(np.float32) * 100, sigma=2) > 50 # Label each major contiguous region in the mask sclabels, nlabels = ndimage.label(scmask) slices = ndimage.find_objects(sclabels) # For each region, trace the edge, find the Harris corners, # then order the Harris corners counter-clockwise around the region # using the traced edge pixel positions. ordered_xy = [] ordered_edges = [] sky_corners = [] for label, mask_slice in enumerate(slices): label += 1 # Need to guarantee the slice ALWAYS has a border of non-assigned pixels label_shape = (mask_slice[0].stop - mask_slice[0].start + (label_border * 2), mask_slice[1].stop - mask_slice[1].start + (label_border * 2)) label_mask = np.zeros(label_shape, sclabels.dtype) # get slice with just the region/label of interest label_mask[label_border:-1*label_border, label_border:-1*label_border] = sclabels[mask_slice].copy() # make sure no pixels from other regions are present in this mask label_mask[label_mask != label] = 0 # reset label to be a binary mask only label_mask[label_mask == label] = 1000 print('extracting corners for region {} in slice {}'.format(label, mask_slice)) # Perform corner detection on each region/chip separately. mask_corners = corner_peaks(corner_harris(label_mask), min_distance=3, threshold_rel=0.2) xy_corners = mask_corners * 0. xy_corners[:, 0] = mask_corners[:, 1] xy_corners[:, 1] = mask_corners[:, 0] # shift corner positions to full array positions xy_corners += (mask_slice[1].start-label_border, mask_slice[0].start-label_border) # Create a mask from the total footprint consisting solely of the # pixels at the outer edge, ordered in clockwise fashion. # # get list of (X,Y) coordinates of all edges from each separate 'region' or chip edge_pixels = trace_polygon(label_mask > 0, mask_slice) # use the ordering of the traced edge pixels to order the corners in the same way cordist = distance.cdist(xy_corners, edge_pixels) # returns distances for each corner position ordered_indices = [] for distarr, minval in zip(cordist, np.min(cordist, axis=1)): ordered_indices.append(np.where(distarr == minval)[0][0]) radial_order = np.argsort(ordered_indices) ordered_xyc = xy_corners[radial_order].tolist() ordered_xyc.append(ordered_xyc[0]) # close polygon # save as output values ordered_xy.append(np.array(ordered_xyc, dtype=np.float64)) sky_corners.append(self.meta_wcs.all_pix2world(ordered_xyc, 0)) ordered_edges.append(edge_pixels) else: if member not in self.exp_masks: raise ValueError("Member {} not added to footprint".format(member)) ordered_xy = [self.exp_masks[member]['xy_corners']] sky_corners = [self.meta_wcs.all_pix2world(ordered_xy, 0)] self.edge_pixels = ordered_edges self.xy_corners = ordered_xy self.corners = sky_corners def get_edges_sky(self, member='total'): """Returns the sky coordinates of all edge pixels. This method uses the WCS of the footprint to convert the (X,Y) pixel positions of all the edge pixels and converts them to world coordinates. The results are saved as the attributes: * ``edges_ra`` * ``edges_dec`` """ self.find_footprint(member=member) if len(self.corners) == 0: self.find_corners() edge_pixels = np.vstack(self.edge_pixels) self.edges_ra, self.edges_dec = self.meta_wcs.pixel_to_world_values(edge_pixels[:,0], edge_pixels[:,1]) return self.edges_ra, self.edges_dec def build_polygon(self, member='total'): """Convert the edges into a SphericalPolygon object. This method converts the sky coordinates of the footprint edges into a ``spherical_geometry.SphericalPolygon`` instance. The results are saved as the ``polygon`` attribute. """ if self.edges_ra is None: self.get_edges_sky(member=member) self.polygon = SphericalPolygon.from_radec(self.edges_ra, self.edges_dec, self.meta_wcs.wcs.crval) def _get_fits_hdu(self, data, filename=None, overwrite=True): hdulist = fits.HDUList() phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=self.meta_wcs.to_header()) hdulist.append(phdu) if filename: hdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite=overwrite) return hdulist def get_footprint_hdu(self, filename=None, overwrite=True, member='total'): """Convert the footprint into a FITS HDUList object Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional If specified, write out the object to the specified FITS file. overwrite : bool, optional Specify whether or not to overwrite a previously written footprint FITS file. member : str, optional Name of member, or 'total', footprint to write out as FITS HDUList object. Returns -------- hdu : ``fits.PrimaryHDU`` FITS HDU containing the footprint """ self.find_footprint(member=member) return self._get_fits_hdu(self.footprint, filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite) def get_edges_hdu(self, filename=None, overwrite=True, member='total'): """Convert the edge pixels mask into a FITS HDUList object Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional If specified, write out the object to the specified FITS file. overwrite : bool, optional Specify whether or not to overwrite a previously written mask FITS file. member : str, optional Name of member, or 'total', footprint to write out as FITS HDUList object. Returns -------- hdu : ``fits.PrimaryHDU`` FITS HDU containing the edge pixels mask """ self.find_edges(member=member) return self._get_fits_hdu(self.edges, filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite) def get_mask_hdu(self, filename=None, overwrite=True): """Convert the total mask into a FITS HDUList object The ``total mask`` attribute represents the number of exposures per pixel for the mosaic, optionally scaled by the exposure time. This gets written out as a FITS PrimaryHDU object by this method. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional If specified, write out the object to the specified FITS file. overwrite : bool, optional Specify whether or not to overwrite a previously written mask FITS file. member : str, optional Name of member, or 'total', footprint to write out as FITS HDUList object. Returns -------- hdu : ``fits.PrimaryHDU`` FITS HDU containing the total mask """ return self._get_fits_hdu(self.total_mask, filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite) class GridDefs(object): def __init__(self, scale=None, cell_size=None): """Setup tesselation based on installed definition of grid.""" fname = os.path.join(PCELL_PATH, PCELL_FILENAME) self.hdu = self.rings = self.hdu[1].data # Extract projection cell defaults self.scale = scale if scale else self.hdu[0].header['PC_SCALE'] self.cell_size = cell_size if cell_size else self.hdu[0].header['PC_SIZE'] # Extract sky cell defaults self.sc_overlap = self.hdu[0].header['SC_OLAP'] self.sc_nxy = self.hdu[0].header['SC_NXY'] def find_ring_by_id(self, id): ring_id = np.where(self.rings['projcell'] <= id)[0][-1] return self.rings[ring_id] def get_projection_cells(self, skyfootprint=None, member='total', ra=None, dec=None, id=None): # Interpret footprint to get range of declination in mask if id is None: if ra is None: ra, dec = skyfootprint.get_edges_sky(member=member) # Find band[s] that overlap footprint self._find_bands(dec) # Determine polygon on sky for skyfootprint skyfootprint_poly = SphericalPolygon.from_wcs(skyfootprint.meta_wcs) self.projection_cells = [] # Define numerical position in band for projection cell # self.band_index = self.projection_cell_id -['PROJCELL'] for band in self.bands: # compute band_index, one for each projection cell that overlaps the footprint nra = ra % 360.0 nband = band['NBAND'] # Determine what point(s)[ProjectionCells] along the band overlap the exposure footprint. # Typically, this will only return a single value. band_index = np.unique(np.rint(nra * nband / 360.0).astype(int) % nband) # Now, work out the indices of the neighboring cells to evaluate them as well # to see if they overlap the exposure's footprint # Make sure `min(band_index)-1` is never less than 0 min_band_index = max(band_index.min()-1, 0) # Make sure `max(band_index)+1` is never greater than # `nband` (the number of ProjectionCells in the declination band) # but wraps around to the beginning of the band max_band_index = (band_index.max()+1) % nband # Now, create a list of cell indices in band to check, # while removing any duplicates (either min or max value) full_band_index = np.unique([min_band_index] + band_index.tolist() + [max_band_index]) # Now let's see whether or not there is any actual overlap for index in full_band_index: # For each candidate ProjectionCell near the skyfootprint... pcell = ProjectionCell(index, band, self.scale) # ...create a polygon on the sky of the footprint... pcell_poly = SphericalPolygon.from_wcs(pcell.wcs) # ...and check whether it overlaps the polygon of the exposure if pcell_poly.overlap(skyfootprint_poly) > 0: # if it does, add that ProjectionCell to the list of cells self.projection_cells.append(pcell) # self.projection_cells += [ProjectionCell(index, band, self.scale) for index in full_band_index] else: # simply define the ProjectionCells requested by the user on input. self.projection_cells = [ProjectionCell(index=i, scale=self.scale) for i in id] def get_sky_cells(self, skyfootprint, member='total', diagnostic_mode=False): self.get_projection_cells(skyfootprint) # Find sky cells from identified projection cell(s) that overlap footprint sky_cells = {} for pcell in self.projection_cells: pcell.diagnostic_mode = diagnostic_mode sky_cells.update( pcell.find_sky_cells( skyfootprint, nxy=self.sc_nxy, overlap=self.sc_overlap, ) ) return sky_cells def _find_bands(self, dec): """ Select the band or bands which encompass the provided footprint. The footprint will be a ndarray mask with pixel value of 1 where the exposures are located, and with a fully defined WCS to convert pixel positions to sky coordinates. """ if not isinstance(dec, list) and not isinstance(dec, np.ndarray): dec = [dec] # Select all bands that overlap # find dec zones where rings.dec_min <= dec <= rings.dec_max maxb = dec[0] <= self.rings.field('dec_max') minb = dec[0] >= self.rings.field('dec_min') for d in dec: maxb = np.bitwise_and(d <= self.rings.field('dec_max'), maxb) minb = np.bitwise_and(d >= self.rings.field('dec_min'), minb) band_indx = np.where(np.bitwise_and(maxb, minb))[0] bands = np.sort(np.unique(band_indx)) # Record these values as attributes for use in other methods self.bands = [self.rings[b] for b in bands] def plot(self, projection='aitoff'): if not self.projection_cells: print("Please run `get_projection_cells()' first...") return plt.figure() plt.subplot(111, projection=projection) plt.grid(True) for pc in self.projection_cells: plt.fill(pc.footprint[:, 0], pc.footprint[:, 1], facecolor='green', edgecolor='forestgreen', alpha=0.25) plt.text(pc.footprint[0, 0], pc.footprint[0, 1], "{}".format(pc.cell_id), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom')
[docs] class ProjectionCell(object): """ Class which defines a projection cell product based on the position on the sky using the PanSTARRs-derived definitions. This class has the following members for defining the projection cell: * **wcs** : astropy.wcs.WCS object defining the WCS for the cell * **footprint** : footprint of the projection cell on the sky from **wcs.calc_footprint()** * **corners** : (RA, DEC) of the corners of the projection cell on the sky. """ def __init__(self, index=None, band=None, scale=None, nxy=None, overlap=None): """Build projection cell for cell with name ``skycell_NNNNN`` If ``band`` is not specified, it will open the grid definitions file to obtain the band definition for the cell with the specified ``index``. Parameters ---------- index : int ProjectionCell index on the sky. This index is 0-based. It either represents the index in a single declination band of ProjectionCells or the ID number of the ProjectionCell across the entire sky (from 0 to 2643, given the default GridDefs table). band : list, optional Definition of spacing of projection cells along a line of constant declination. These defintions, if not provided, are extracted from the projection cell FITS table. scale : float, optional Plate scale to use for defining the projection cell WCS. If not specified here, will use values from the projection cell FITS table *'PC_SCALE'* header keyword. nxy : int, optional Number of sky cells in X and Y to use in subdividing the projection cell. If not specified here, will use values from the projection cell FITS table *'SC_NXY'* header keyword. overlap : int, optional Number of pixels of overlap between sky cells. If not specified here, will use values from the projection cell FITS table *'SC_OLAP'* header keyword. """ self.scale = scale if band: self.band_index = index = band self.cell_id = band['PROJCELL'] + index else: self._from_index(index) # Record user-specified sky cell defaults if overlap: self.sc_overlap = overlap if nxy: self.sc_nxy = nxy self.polygon = None self.mask = None # Generate WCS for projection cell self._build_wcs() self.diagnostic_mode = False def _from_index(self, id): grid_defs = GridDefs() = grid_defs.find_ring_by_id(id) self.band_index = id -['projcell'] self.cell_id = id self.scale = grid_defs.scale if self.scale is None else self.scale self.sc_overlap = grid_defs.sc_overlap self.sc_nxy = grid_defs.sc_nxy def _build_wcs(self): """Create base WCS definition.""" crval1 = self.band_index * 360. /['NBAND'] crval2 =['DEC'] cd = np.array([[-self.scale / 3600., 0], [0, self.scale / 3600.]], dtype=np.float64) self.wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(naxis=2) self.wcs.wcs.crval = [crval1, crval2] = cd self.wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'] # Read in overall size of cell in pixels from grid definitions file naxis1 =['XCELL'] naxis2 =['YCELL'] # apply new definition to cell WCS self.wcs.wcs.crpix = [naxis1 / 2. + 0.5, naxis2 / 2. + 0.5] self.wcs.pixel_shape = (naxis1, naxis2) self.wcs.pscale = self.scale self.wcs.orientat = 0.0 self.footprint = self.wcs.calc_footprint() # close the polygon self.corners = np.append(self.footprint, [self.footprint[0]], axis=0) def build_mask(self): naxis1, naxis2 = self.wcs.pixel_shape edges_x = [0] * naxis2 + [naxis1 - 1] * naxis2 + list(range(naxis1)) * 2 edges_y = list(range(naxis2)) * 2 + [0] * naxis1 + [naxis2 - 1] * naxis1 polygon = list(zip(edges_x, edges_y)) img ="L", (naxis1, naxis2), 0) ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1) mask = np.array(img) self.mask = mask def build_polygon(self): inner_pix = self.wcs.pixel_to_world_values(2, 2) # define polygon on the sky self.polygon = SphericalPolygon.from_radec(self.corners[:, 0], self.corners[:, 1], inner_pix) def find_sky_cells(self, mosaic, nxy=None, overlap=None): """Return the sky cell indices from this projection cell that overlap the input footprint""" # Record values for sky cell definitions provided by user, if any. if nxy: self.sc_nxy = nxy if overlap: self.sc_overlap = overlap log.debug("Looking for sky cells in PROJECTION_CELL {}".format(self.cell_id)) skycell00 = SkyCell(x=0, y=0, projection_cell=self) skycells = {} # Get the edges of the mosaic on the sky mosaic_ra, mosaic_dec = mosaic.get_edges_sky() # Convert edges to positions in projection cell mosaic_edges_x, mosaic_edges_y = self.wcs.world_to_pixel_values(mosaic_ra, mosaic_dec) # Determine roughly what sky cells overlap this mosaic # The 1.5 enforces 1-based indexing for the SkyCell IDs within the Projection Cell mosaic_edges_x = (mosaic_edges_x / skycell00.wcs.pixel_shape[0] + 1.5).astype(np.int32) mosaic_edges_y = (mosaic_edges_y / skycell00.wcs.pixel_shape[1] + 1.5).astype(np.int32) # Define range of SkyCells in X,Y to evaluate for overlap # Enforce a range of SkyCell IDs that are 1-based from 1 to self.sc_nxy mosaic_xr = [max(1, mosaic_edges_x.min() - 1), min(self.sc_nxy, mosaic_edges_x.max() + 2)] mosaic_yr = [max(1, mosaic_edges_y.min() - 1), min(self.sc_nxy, mosaic_edges_y.max() + 2)] log.debug("SkyCell Ranges: {}, {}".format(mosaic_xr, mosaic_yr)) # for each suspected sky cell or neighbor, look for any pixel by pixel # overlap with input mosaic footprint for xi in range(mosaic_xr[0], mosaic_xr[1]+1): for yi in range(mosaic_yr[0], mosaic_yr[1]+1): skycell = SkyCell(x=xi, y=yi, projection_cell=self) if self.diagnostic_mode: mask_fits_name = f'skycell_{skycell.sky_cell_id}_mask.fits' if not os.path.exists(mask_fits_name): skycell.build_mask() fits.PrimaryHDU(data=skycell.mask.astype(np.int16), header=skycell.wcs.to_header()).writeto( mask_fits_name, overwrite=True) sc_overlap = self.compute_overlap(skycell, mosaic_ra, mosaic_dec) log.debug(" Checking SkyCell {},{} for overlap: {}".format(xi, yi, sc_overlap)) if sc_overlap: # Within this SkyCell, determine which members of the # mosaic overlap with this SkyCell. for filename in mosaic.members: member_ra, member_dec = mosaic.get_edges_sky(member=filename) member_overlap = self.compute_overlap(skycell, member_ra, member_dec) if member_overlap: skycell.members.append(filename) # We found overlapping pixels from mosaic, so return this SkyCell log.debug(" Found overlap in SkyCell {}".format(skycell.sky_cell_id)) skycells[skycell.sky_cell_id] = skycell return skycells def compute_overlap(self, skycell, mosaic_ra, mosaic_dec): # Translate mosaic edges into SkyCell WCS coordinate frame mosaic_xy = skycell.wcs.world_to_pixel_values(mosaic_ra, mosaic_dec) # Identify edge pixels which fall outside the sky cell # by comparing to each direction (-X, +X, -Y, +Y) separately mosaic_offcell = mosaic_xy[0] < 0 mosaic_offcell = np.bitwise_or(mosaic_offcell, mosaic_xy[0] > skycell.wcs.pixel_shape[0]) mosaic_offcell = np.bitwise_or(mosaic_offcell, mosaic_xy[1] < 0) mosaic_offcell = np.bitwise_or(mosaic_offcell, mosaic_xy[1] > skycell.wcs.pixel_shape[1]) # With all out of bounds pixels masked out, see if any are left sc_overlap = np.any(~mosaic_offcell) return sc_overlap def plot(self, output=None, color='b'): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="mollweide") ax.fill(self.corners[:, 0], self.corners[:, 1], facecolor='green', edgecolor='forestgreen', alpha=0.25) if output: fig.write(output) return ax
[docs] class SkyCell(object): """ Definition of the sky cell within a ProjectionCell object. This class defines the following attributes of a sky cell: * **sky_cell_id** : string representation of the sky cell ID * **projection_cell** : name of projection cell this sky cell belongs to * **wcs** : astropy.wcs.WCS definition of the WCS of this sky cell as a subarray within the tangent plane defined by the projection cell's WCS * **corners** : (RA, Dec) array of the edges of the exposures within the sky cell * **mask** : polygon representation exposures within the sky cell """ def __init__(self, projection_cell=None, x=None, y=None, scale="fine"): """Define sky cell at position x,y within projection cell. Parameters =========== projection_cell : object, optional ProjectionCell instance which this SkyCell will be based upon. x : int, optional X position (1-based) of this SkyCell within the ProjectionCell y : int, optional Y position (1-based) of this SkyCell within the ProjectionCell scale : str or float, optional Plate scale to be used to define the SkyCell WCS. The strings 'fine' or 'coarse' can be used to refer to default plate scales. Default values are specified in the dict ``cell_utils.SUPPORTED_SCALES``. Alternatively, floating-point values can be provided to specify the exact pixel size in arcseconds/pixel should be used. Examples ========= The SkyCell object can be initialized in one of 2 ways. 1. Using an already existing SkyCell name with: >>> skycell = SkyCell.from_name('skycell-p0197x18y16') 2. Using separate projection cell ID, along with X and Y indices with: >>> skycell = SkyCell(projection_cell=ProjectionCell(index=197), x=18, y=16) """ # Interpret scale term, if provided self.scale = SUPPORTED_SCALES.get(scale, None) if isinstance(scale, str) else scale self.x_index = x self.y_index = y self.sky_cell_id = SKYCELL_NAME_FMT.format(projection_cell.cell_id, x, y) self.projection_cell = projection_cell self.members = [] self.overlap = self.projection_cell.sc_overlap # overlap between sky cells self.nxy = self.projection_cell.sc_nxy # Initialize computed attributes self._build_wcs() # compute .wcs and .corners self.mask = None self.polygon = None @classmethod def from_name(cls, name, scale="fine"): # parse name into projection cell and sky cell designations sc_names = name.split('-') scell_id = sc_names[1] pcell_id = int(scell_id[1:5]) x = int(scell_id[6:8]) y = int(scell_id[9:11]) return cls(projection_cell=ProjectionCell(index=pcell_id), x=x, y=y, scale=scale) def __repr__(self): return "SkyCell object: {}".format(self.sky_cell_id) def rescale(self, scale): """Return WCS which has a user-defined scale.""" pass def _build_wcs(self): # Determine plate scale ratio between sky cell layer and projection cell ratio = self.projection_cell.wcs.pscale / self.scale # Define attributes based on projection cell pc_nx = self.projection_cell.wcs.pixel_shape[0] pc_ny = self.projection_cell.wcs.pixel_shape[1] # Define size of SkyCells at default/fine plate scale # CRPIX of SkyCells should always be at exactly ((pc_nx/self.nxy) * ratio) apart # Size of SkyCells needs to self.overlap * 2 larger than the distance between CRPIX values sc_nx1 = int(pc_nx / self.nxy + 0.5) sc_nx2 = int(pc_ny / self.nxy + 0.5) naxis1 = int((sc_nx1 + self.overlap * 2) * ratio) naxis2 = int((sc_nx2 + self.overlap * 2) * ratio) xindx = self.x_index - 1 if self.x_index > 0 else 0 yindx = self.y_index - 1 if self.y_index > 0 else 0 crpix1 = ((self.projection_cell.wcs.wcs.crpix[0] - xindx * sc_nx1) ) * ratio crpix2 = ((self.projection_cell.wcs.wcs.crpix[1] - yindx * sc_nx2) ) * ratio # apply definitions self.wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(naxis=2) self.wcs.wcs.crpix = [crpix1, crpix2] self.wcs.wcs.crval = self.projection_cell.wcs.wcs.crval = / ratio self.wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'] self.wcs.pixel_shape = (naxis1, naxis2) self.wcs.ltv1 = (self.projection_cell.wcs.wcs.crpix[0] * ratio) - crpix1 self.wcs.ltv2 = (self.projection_cell.wcs.wcs.crpix[1] * ratio) - crpix2 self.wcs.orientat = self.projection_cell.wcs.orientat self.wcs.pscale = self.projection_cell.wcs.pscale / ratio self.corners = self.wcs.calc_footprint() # close the polygon self.corners = np.append(self.corners, [self.corners[0]], axis=0) def build_polygon(self): inner_pix = self.wcs.pixel_to_world_values(2, 2) # define polygon on the sky self.polygon = SphericalPolygon.from_radec(self.corners[:, 0], self.corners[:, 1], inner_pix) def build_mask(self): naxis1, naxis2 = self.wcs.pixel_shape edges_x = [0] * naxis2 + [naxis1 - 1] * naxis2 + list(range(naxis1)) * 2 edges_y = list(range(naxis2)) * 2 + [0] * naxis1 + [naxis2 - 1] * naxis1 polygon = list(zip(edges_x, edges_y)) img ="L", (naxis1, naxis2), 0) ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1) mask = np.array(img) self.mask = mask
def calc_bounding_box(img): """Compute bounding box for non-zero section of img """ rows = np.any(img, axis=1) cols = np.any(img, axis=0) rmin, rmax = np.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]] cmin, cmax = np.where(cols)[0][[0, -1]] return rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax def cart2pol(x, y, clockwise=False): """Converts x,y arrays into radial coordinates of distance and degrees.""" rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) deg = 90. - np.rad2deg(phi) if clockwise else np.rad2deg(phi) - 90. deg[deg < 0.] += 360. return(rho, phi, deg) def pol2cart(rho, phi): """Converts radial coordinates of distance and radians into x,y arrays.""" x = rho * np.cos(phi) y = rho * np.sin(phi) return(x, y) def calc_wcs_footprint(wcs, offset=1, sample=4): """Calculate the sky coordinates for positions inside each corner.""" delta_x = wcs.naxis1 // sample delta_y = wcs.naxis2 // sample new_corners = [] # along X edge at Y=0 new_corners = [[offset, offset]] for ix in range(0, sample): new_corners.append([(delta_x * ix) - offset, offset]) # along Y edge at X=naxis1 for iy in range(0, sample): new_corners.append([wcs.naxis1 - offset, (delta_y * iy) - offset]) # along top X edge for ix in range(sample, 0, -1): new_corners.append([(delta_x * ix) - offset, wcs.naxis2 - offset]) # along Y edge at X=0 for iy in range(sample, 0, -1): new_corners.append([offset, (delta_y * iy) - offset]) new_sky = wcs.all_pix2world(new_corners, 0) return new_sky def find_vertices(edge_path, exp_masks): """Find vertices the input exposures that overlap this part of the footprint. For each input exp_mask, check to see whether it intersects the Path of the ordered_edge pixels if so, get the list of pixel positions for each edge of the exp_mask then determine what points of that line are OUTSIDE (not contained by) the Path of the ordered_edge pixels the first and last position of all segments outside the Path are the vertices only 1 entry for each vertex will be kept in the final list based on looking at the cdist the positions relative to each other and deleting any duplicate within 1 pixel of another. """ vertices = [] for image in exp_masks: for chip in image: chip_path = Path(chip) if chip_path.intersects_path(edge_path): num_pts = len(chip) for indx in range(num_pts - 1): # convert each edge into a list of pixel positions (float values, not int) edge_line = compute_edge(chip[indx], chip[indx + 1], int_pixel=False) edge_bool = edge_path.contains_points(edge_line) edge_pixels = edge_line.astype(np.int32) # Only report integer pixel positions to make it easier to weed out duplicates edge_outside = np.where(~edge_bool)[0] if len(edge_outside) > 0: # start with the first pixel on the line that along the outer edge. vertices.append(edge_pixels[edge_outside[0]].tolist()) # Now look for the rest of the segments for i, pos in enumerate(edge_outside[:-1]): if edge_outside[i + 1] - edge_outside[i] == 1: continue else: vertices.append(edge_pixels[edge_outside[i]].tolist()) # Now, we need to remove duplicate vertices all_vertices = set(map(tuple, vertices)) vertices_arr = np.array(list(all_vertices)) return vertices_arr def compute_edge(start, end, int_pixel=True): """"Return a list of nb_points equally spaced points between start and end""" # If we have 8 intermediate points, we have 8+1=9 spaces # between p1 and p2 nb_points = max(abs(end[0] - start[0]), abs(end[1] - start[1])) x_spacing = (end[0] - start[0]) / (nb_points + 1) y_spacing = (end[1] - start[1]) / (nb_points + 1) xy = [[start[0] + i * x_spacing, start[1] + i * y_spacing] for i in range(1, nb_points + 1)] if int_pixel: xy = np.array(xy, dtype=np.int32) else: xy = np.array(xy) return xy def trace_polygon(input_mask, mask_slice): """Convert mask with only edge pixels into a single contiguous polygon""" # now extract the edges to trace slice_edges = input_mask.astype(np.int16) - \ ndimage.binary_erosion(input_mask).astype(np.int16) # trace edge from this region and identify corners of edge edge_pixels = _poly_trace(slice_edges) # shift the origin of the edge pixels to coincide with the slice from the full mask edge_pixels += (mask_slice[1].start, mask_slice[0].start) return edge_pixels def _poly_trace(input_mask, box_size=3): # find a starting point on the mask # expand input array to include empty border pixels to account for extraction box border = (box_size // 2) mask = np.zeros((input_mask.shape[0] + (border * 2), input_mask.shape[1] + (border * 2)), dtype=input_mask.dtype) mask[border:-border, border:-border] = input_mask.copy() for x in range(mask.shape[1]): pts = np.where(mask[:, x] == 1)[0] if len(pts) > 0: ystart = pts[0] xstart = x break # Now start tracing looking at a 3x3 set of pixels around that position polygon = [[xstart, ystart]] # Zero out already identified pixels on the polygon mask[ystart, xstart] = 0 new_x = xstart new_y = ystart xstart = None ystart = None new_start = True slope = -1 # determine how many pixels should be in polygon. num_pixels = mask.sum() while new_start or (num_pixels > 0): xstart = new_x ystart = new_y # Zero out already identified pixels on the polygon mask[ystart, xstart] = 0 box = get_box(mask, xstart, ystart) pts = np.where(box == 1) if len(pts[0]) == 0: # try a larger box to see if we can jump this gap box = get_box(mask, xstart, ystart, size=5) pts = np.where(box == 1) if len(pts[0]) == 0: # We are back where we started, so quit break indx = 0 if len(pts[0]) > 1: # Perform some disambiguation to look for # pixel which leads to the most pixels going on # start with pixels along the same slope that we have been going slope_indx = 0 if slope <= 0 else 1 slope_y = pts[0][slope_indx] + ystart - 1 slope_x = pts[1][slope_indx] + xstart - 1 slope_sum = get_box(mask, slope_x, slope_y).sum() # Now get sum for the other pixel indx2 = 1 if slope < 0 else 0 y2 = pts[0][indx2] + ystart - 1 x2 = pts[1][indx2] + xstart - 1 sum2 = get_box(mask, x2, y2).sum() # select point which leads to the largest sum, # but favor the previous slope if both directions are equal. if slope_sum == sum2: indx = slope_indx else: indx = indx2 if sum2 > slope_sum else slope_indx new_y = pts[0][indx] + ystart - 1 new_x = pts[1][indx] + xstart - 1 polygon.append([new_x, new_y]) # reset for next pixel num_pixels -= 1 new_start = False slope = (new_y - ystart) / (new_x - xstart) del mask # close the polygon polygon.append(polygon[0]) return np.array(polygon, dtype=np.int32) def perp(a): b = np.empty_like(a) b[0] = -a[1] b[1] = a[0] return b # line segment a given by endpoints a1, a2 # line segment b given by endpoints b1, b2 # return def seg_intersect(start, end): a1, a2 = start b1, b2 = end da = a2 - a1 db = b2 - b1 dp = a1 - b1 dap = perp(da) denom =, db) num =, dp) return (num / denom.astype(float)) * db + b1 def get_box(arr, x, y, size=3): """subarray extraction with limits checking """ amin = size // 2 amax = amin + 1 ymin = y - amin if y >= 0 else 0 ymax = y + amax if y <= arr.shape[0] else arr.shape[0] xmin = x - amin if x >= 0 else 0 xmax = x + amax if x <= arr.shape[1] else arr.shape[1] box = arr[ymin: ymax, xmin: xmax] return box def find_segments(start, end, polygon, wcs): """Compute the segments of a single edge which make up the footprint Parameters ---------- start : tuple (X, Y) coordinates for starting corner end : tuple (X, Y) coordinates for ending corner polygon : list or ndarray N x 2 list or array of (x, y) pixel positions which trace out the outline of the total footprint. These positions must be in order around the polygon. Returns ------- segments : list List of [(x0,y0), (x1,y1)] pairs representing the start/stop pixels for each exterior segment of this edge of the exposure. This may be empty for an exposure completely interior to the overall footprint. rd_segments : list List of [(RA0,Dec0), (RA1,Dec1)] pairs representing the start/stop pixels for each exterior segment of this edge of the exposure. This may be empty for an exposure completely interior to the overall footprint. """ # Convert input polygon pixels into a usable Path object poly_path = path.Path(polygon) # initialize output values segments = [] sky_segments = [] # define segment going from starting pixel to ending pixel ends = np.array([start, end], dtype=np.int32) # Identify all the pixels along the entire length of this segment # in the footprint(WCS) specified xpts = np.linspace(ends[0, 0], ends[1, 0], abs(ends[1, 0] - ends[0, 0]) + 1) slope = (ends[1, 1] - ends[0, 1]) / (ends[1, 0] - ends[0, 0]) y0 = ends[0, 1] if ends[0, 0] < ends[1, 0] else ends[1, 1] x0 = ends[0, 0] if ends[0, 0] < ends[1, 0] else ends[1, 0] ypts = y0 + slope * (xpts - x0) # Now we have (x,y) pairs for all pixels that comprise this edge in this WCS line_pts = np.array([xpts, ypts]).T.astype(np.int32) # This limit accounts for aliasing along the edge where an individual pixel # may be considered 'inside' when it was merely a matter of integerization of # the edge. This computation also takes into account the orientation of the # edge relative to the X,Y pixel grid. raw_distances = np.diagonal(distance.cdist(line_pts[1:], line_pts[:-1])) dist_limit = raw_distances.min() + raw_distances.max() # Apply mask to remove points which are inside the footprint masked_line = line_pts[np.invert(poly_path.contains_points(line_pts))] # extract segments consisting of starting and ending (x,y) pairs # for each contiguous set of pixels remaining (if any) if len(masked_line) > 0: deltas = masked_line[1:] - masked_line[:-1] distances = np.sqrt(np.power(deltas[:, 0], 2) + np.power(deltas[:, 1], 2)) # distances = np.diagonal(distance.cdist(masked_line[1:], masked_line[:-1])) # look for sets of pixels within the 'dist_limit' of each other along the line segment_indx = np.where(distances > dist_limit)[0] if len(segment_indx) == 0: # Only 1 segment xy_edge = [masked_line[0], masked_line[-1]] rd_edge = wcs.all_pix2world(xy_edge, 0) segments.append(xy_edge) sky_segments.append(rd_edge) else: # Multiple segments found start_indx = 0 for i in range(len(segment_indx)): xy_edge = [masked_line[start_indx], masked_line[segment_indx[i]]] rd_edge = wcs.all_pix2world(xy_edge, 0) segments.append(xy_edge) sky_segments.append(rd_edge) start_indx = segment_indx[i] + 1 # append last segment xy_edge = [masked_line[start_indx], masked_line[-1]] rd_edge = wcs.all_pix2world(xy_edge, 0).tolist() segments.append(xy_edge) sky_segments.append(rd_edge) return segments, sky_segments # # Utility functions used in generating or supporting the grid definitions # def update_grid_defs(pc_size=5.0, output=None, grid_file=None): """Computes updated values for bands and projection cells. Parameters ----------- pc_size : float Size of each side of the projection cell or width of each band on the sky in degrees. If ``None``, the default value will be read in from the ``PC_SIZE`` keyword from the PRIMARY header of the default grid definitions file. output : str, optional Name of output grid definition file. If ``None``, it will write out the updated table with the original filename in the current directory overwriting any previous file. """ # read in default grid definition file if not grid_file: grid_file = os.path.join(PCELL_PATH, PCELL_FILENAME) grid_defs = grid = grid_defs[1].data pc_scale = grid_defs[0].header['PC_SCALE'] if not pc_size: pc_size = grid_defs[0].header['PC_SIZE'] pos_angle = [0.0 * u.deg, 90.0 * u.deg, 180.0 * u.deg, 270.0 * u.deg] pc_edge = pc_size / 2.0 * u.deg # Compute size on the sky of the first cell in each band # Compute edges using: for nband in range(len(grid)): c1 = SkyCoord(ra=0. * u.deg, dec=grid[nband]['DEC'] * u.deg, frame='icrs') pcell = ProjectionCell(index=0, band=grid[nband], scale=pc_scale) # Compute offset to center of each edge, +/- RA and +/- Dec c1_edges = [c1.directional_offset_by(p, pc_edge) for p in pos_angle] # Convert offset to edge center into distance in pixels from center of cell c1_pixels = [np.abs(pcell.wcs.world_to_pixel_values(e.ra, e.dec)) for e in c1_edges] # Compute overall size of cell in pixels naxis1, naxis2 = (np.array(c1_pixels).sum(axis=0) + 1).astype(int) # apply new definition to cell WCS pcell.wcs.wcs.crpix = [naxis1 / 2. + 0.5, naxis2 / 2. + 0.5] pcell.wcs.naxis1 = naxis1 pcell.wcs.naxis2 = naxis2 # Determine extent of band min_dec, max_dec = compute_band_height(pcell.wcs) # Account for wrapping over each pole if nband == 0: min_dec = grid[nband]['DEC'] if nband == len(grid) - 1: max_dec = grid[nband]['DEC'] # Update definition for this band in table with newly computed values grid[nband]['DEC_MIN'] = min_dec grid[nband]['DEC_MAX'] = max_dec grid[nband]['XCELL'] = naxis1 # supposed to be sky cell size grid[nband]['YCELL'] = naxis2 # supposed to be sky cell size # write out updated grid definitions file if not output: output = PCELL_FILENAME # write to path included in 'output', defaulting to current working dir grid_defs.writeto(output, overwrite=True) def compute_band_height(wcs): """Compute size in pixels of tangent plane""" edges = [] edges += [[0, i] for i in range(wcs.naxis2)] edges += [[wcs.naxis1, i] for i in range(wcs.naxis2)] edges += [[i, 0] for i in range(wcs.naxis1)] edges += [[i, wcs.naxis2] for i in range(wcs.naxis1)] edge_sky = wcs.pixel_to_world_values(edges) return min(edge_sky[:, 1]), max(edge_sky[:, 1]) # # # CKmeans implementation from github/llimllib/ckmeans # # def ssq(j, i, sum_x, sum_x_sq): if (j > 0): muji = (sum_x[i] - sum_x[j - 1]) / (i - j + 1) sji = sum_x_sq[i] - sum_x_sq[j - 1] - (i - j + 1) * muji ** 2 else: sji = sum_x_sq[i] - sum_x[i] ** 2 / (i + 1) return 0 if sji < 0 else sji def fill_row_k(imin, imax, k, S, J, sum_x, sum_x_sq, N): if imin > imax: return i = (imin + imax) // 2 S[k][i] = S[k - 1][i - 1] J[k][i] = i jlow = k if imin > k: jlow = int(max(jlow, J[k][imin - 1])) jlow = int(max(jlow, J[k - 1][i])) jhigh = i - 1 if imax < N - 1: jhigh = int(min(jhigh, J[k][imax + 1])) for j in range(jhigh, jlow - 1, -1): sji = ssq(j, i, sum_x, sum_x_sq) if sji + S[k - 1][jlow - 1] >= S[k][i]: break # Examine the lower bound of the cluster border # compute s(jlow, i) sjlowi = ssq(jlow, i, sum_x, sum_x_sq) SSQ_jlow = sjlowi + S[k - 1][jlow - 1] if SSQ_jlow < S[k][i]: S[k][i] = SSQ_jlow J[k][i] = jlow jlow += 1 SSQ_j = sji + S[k - 1][j - 1] if SSQ_j < S[k][i]: S[k][i] = SSQ_j J[k][i] = j fill_row_k(imin, i - 1, k, S, J, sum_x, sum_x_sq, N) fill_row_k(i + 1, imax, k, S, J, sum_x, sum_x_sq, N) def fill_dp_matrix(data, S, J, K, N): sum_x = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float64) sum_x_sq = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float64) # median. used to shift the values of x to improve numerical stability shift = data[N // 2] for i in range(N): if i == 0: sum_x[0] = data[0] - shift sum_x_sq[0] = (data[0] - shift) ** 2 else: sum_x[i] = sum_x[i - 1] + data[i] - shift sum_x_sq[i] = sum_x_sq[i - 1] + (data[i] - shift) ** 2 S[0][i] = ssq(0, i, sum_x, sum_x_sq) J[0][i] = 0 for k in range(1, K): if (k < K - 1): imin = max(1, k) else: imin = N - 1 fill_row_k(imin, N - 1, k, S, J, sum_x, sum_x_sq, N) def ckmeans(data, n_clusters): if n_clusters <= 0: raise ValueError("Cannot classify into 0 or less clusters") if n_clusters > len(data): raise ValueError("Cannot generate more classes than there are data values") # if there's only one value, return it; there's no sensible way to split # it. This means that len(ckmeans([data], 2)) may not == 2. Is that OK? unique = len(set(data)) if unique == 1: return [data] data.sort() n = len(data) S = np.zeros((n_clusters, n), dtype=np.float64) J = np.zeros((n_clusters, n), dtype=np.uint64) fill_dp_matrix(data, S, J, n_clusters, n) clusters = [] cluster_right = n - 1 for cluster in range(n_clusters - 1, -1, -1): cluster_left = int(J[cluster][cluster_right]) clusters.append(data[cluster_left:cluster_right + 1]) if cluster > 0: cluster_right = cluster_left - 1 return list(reversed(clusters)) ## # # HELPER CODE FOR TESTS ## # partition recipe modified from # def sliceable(xs): '''Return a sliceable version of the iterable xs.''' try: xs[:0] return xs except TypeError: return tuple(xs) def partition_n(iterable, n): s = sliceable(iterable) l = len(s) b, mid, e = [0], list(range(1, l)), [l] splits = (d for i in range(l) for d in combinations(mid, n - 1)) return [[s[sl] for sl in map(slice, chain(b, d), chain(d, e))] for d in splits] def squared_distance(part): mean = sum(part) / len(part) return sum((x - mean)**2 for x in part) # given a partition, return the sum of the squared distances of each part def sum_of_squared_distances(partition): return sum(squared_distance(part) for part in partition) # brute force the correct answer by testing every partition. def min_squared_distance(data, n): return min((sum_of_squared_distances(partition), partition) for partition in partition_n(data, n)) # if __name__ == "__main__": def ckmeans_test(): try: ckmeans([], 10) 1 / 0 except ValueError: pass tests = [ (([1], 1), [[1]]), (([0, 3, 4], 2), [[0], [3, 4]]), (([-3, 0, 4], 2), [[-3, 0], [4]]), (([1, 1, 1, 1], 1), [[1, 1, 1, 1]]), (([1, 2, 3], 3), [[1], [2], [3]]), (([1, 2, 2, 3], 3), [[1], [2, 2], [3]]), (([1, 2, 2, 3, 3], 3), [[1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]), (([1, 2, 3, 2, 3], 3), [[1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]), (([3, 2, 3, 2, 1], 3), [[1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]), (([3, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1], 3), [[1, 2, 2], [3, 3], [5]]), (([0, 1, 2, 100, 101, 103], 2), [[0, 1, 2], [100, 101, 103]]), (([0, 1, 2, 50, 100, 101, 103], 3), [[0, 1, 2], [50], [100, 101, 103]]), (([-1, 2, -1, 2, 4, 5, 6, -1, 2, -1], 3), [[-1, -1, -1, -1], [2, 2, 2], [4, 5, 6]]), ] for test in tests: args, expected = test try: result = ckmeans(*args) except Exception: print("✗ {}, {}".format(args[0], args[1], result)) raise errormsg = "✗ ckmeans({}) = {} != {}\n{} > {}".format( args, result, expected, sum_of_squared_distances(result), sum_of_squared_distances(expected)) assert np.array_equal(result, expected), errormsg print("✓ {}".format(result)) def extract_visit(filename): """Extract the VISIT ID from the input filename""" # First, make sure we are only working with a filename, not a full path+filename filename = os.path.basename(filename) if filename.startswith('hst_'): rootname = filename.split('_')[-2] visit_id = rootname[:6] else: visit_id = filename[:6] return visit_id