Source code for drizzlepac.haputils.make_poller_files

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Generates a poller file that will be used as input to,, or based on the files or rootnames listed user-specified list file.

    >>> python drizzlepac/haputils/ <input filename> -[ost]
    - input filename: Name of a file containing a list of calibrated fits files (ending with "_flt.fits" or
      "_flc.fits") or rootnames (9 characters, usually ending with a "q" to process. The corresponding
      flc.fits or flt.fits files must exist in the user-specified path, the current working directory or the
      online cache

    - The '-o' optional input allows users to input the name of an output poller file that will be created.
      If not explicitly specified, the poller file will be named "poller_file.out".

    - The '-s' optional input allows users to input the Name of the skycell. The correct syntax for skycell
      names is "skycell-pNNNNxXXyXX", where NNNN is the 4-digit projection cell number, and XX and YY are the
      two-digit X and Y skycell indices, respectively. NOTE: this input argument is not needed for SVM poller
      file creation, but *REQUIRED* for MVM poller file creation. Users can determine the skycell(s) that
      their observations occupy using the ``haputils.which_skycell`` script.

    - The '-t' optional input allows users to specify the type of poller file that will be created. The
      valid input options are "svm" to create a poller file for use with the single-visit mosaics pipeline
      or "mvm" to create a poller file for use with the multiple-visit mosaics pipeline. If not explicitly
      specified, the default value is "svm". NOTE: if creating a MVM poller file, one must specify the
      skycell name using the "-s" input argument.

Python USAGE:
    >>> python
    >>> from drizzlepac.haputils import make_poller_files
    >>> make_poller_files.generate_poller_file(input_list, poller_file_type='svm', output_poller_filename="poller_file.out", skycell_name=None):

import argparse
import os
import re
import sys

from import fits

from drizzlepac.haputils import poller_utils

__taskname__ = 'make_poller_files'

[docs] def generate_poller_file(input_list, poller_file_type='svm', output_poller_filename="poller_file.out", skycell_name=None): """Creates a properly formatted SVM or MVM poller file. Parameters ---------- input_list : str Name of the text file containing the list of filenames or rootnames to process poller_file_type : str, optional Type of poller file to create. 'svm' for single visit mosaic, 'mvm' for multi-visit mosaic. Default value is 'svm'. output_poller_filename : str, optional Name of the output poller file that will be created. Default value is 'poller_file.out'. skycell_name : str, optional Name of the skycell to use when creating a MVM poller file. skycell_name is REQUIRED for the creation of a MVM poller file, but completely unnecessary for the creation of a SVM poller file. The correct syntax for skycell names is 'skycell-pNNNNxXXyXX', where NNNN is the 4-digit projection cell number, and XX and YY are the two-digit X and Y skycell indices, respectively. Default value is logical 'None'. NOTE: this input argument is not needed for SVM poller file creation, but *REQUIRED* for MVM poller file creation. Users can determine the skycell(s) that their observations occupy using the ``haputils.which_skycell`` script. Returns ------- Nothing. """ if poller_file_type == 'svm' and skycell_name: print("PROTIP: Users only need to provide a skycell name for the creation of MVM poller files, not SVM poller files.") # Open rootname list file if isinstance(input_list, str): f = open(input_list, 'r') rootname_list = f.readlines() f.close() elif isinstance(input_list, list): rootname_list = input_list else: raise ValueError("Parameter `input_list` should be either a filename or list of filenames") output_list = [] for rootname in rootname_list: rootname = rootname.strip() fullfilepath = locate_fitsfile(rootname) if len(fullfilepath) > 0: if rootname.endswith(".fits"): print("Found fits file {}".format(fullfilepath)) else: print("Rootname {}: Found fits file {}".format(rootname, fullfilepath)) imgname = fullfilepath.split(os.sep)[-1] else: # Warn user if no fits file can be located for a given rootname, and skip processing of the file. if rootname.endswith(".fits"): item_type = "filename" else: item_type = "rootname" print("WARNING: No fits file found for {} '{}'. This {} will be omitted from the poller file.".format(item_type, rootname, item_type)) continue # Build each individual poller file line linelist = [] linelist.append(imgname) imghdu = imghdr = imghdu[0].header linelist.append("{}".format(imghdr['proposid'])) linelist.append(imgname.split("_")[-2][1:4].upper()) if imghdr['instrume'].lower() == 'wfpc2': _primesi = 'wfpc2' else: _primesi = imghdr['primesi'] if _primesi.lower() == imghdr['instrume']: linelist.append(imghdr['linenum'].split(".")[0]) else: linelist.append(imghdr['rootname'][-5:-3].upper()) linelist.append("{}".format(imghdr['exptime'])) if imghdr['INSTRUME'].lower() == "acs": filter = poller_utils.determine_filter_name("{};{}".format(imghdr['FILTER1'], imghdr['FILTER2'])) elif imghdr['INSTRUME'].lower() == "wfpc2": filter = poller_utils.determine_filter_name("{};{}".format(imghdr['FILTNAM1'], imghdr['FILTNAM2'])) elif imghdr['INSTRUME'].lower() == "wfc3": filter = poller_utils.determine_filter_name(imghdr['FILTER']) linelist.append(filter.upper()) linelist.append(imghdr['detector'].upper()) if poller_file_type == 'mvm': # Additional stuff to add to MVM poller files if skycell_name: pattern = re.compile("(skycell-p\d{4}x\d{2}y\d{2})") skycell_name_format_check = pattern.match(skycell_name) if skycell_name_format_check: linelist.append("{}".format(skycell_name)) else: raise ValueError("'{}' is an improperly formatted skycell name. Please refer to documentation for information regarding correct skycell name syntax.".format(skycell_name)) else: raise Exception("No skycell name was provided. The name of the skycell that the observations occupy is required for MVM poller file creation.") linelist.append("NEW") linelist.append(fullfilepath) imghdu.close() # Append newly created poller file line to the list of lines to be written to the output file. output_list.append(",".join(linelist)) # adding carriage returns to all but the very last line in the output file. list_size = len(output_list) for ctr in range(0, list_size): if ctr != list_size-1: trailing_char = "\n" else: trailing_char = "" output_list[ctr] = output_list[ctr]+trailing_char # write output poller file with open(output_poller_filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(output_list) print("wrote {} poller file '{}'.".format(poller_file_type.upper(), output_poller_filename))
# ============================================================================================================ def locate_fitsfile(search_string): """returns full file name (fullpath + filename) for a specified rootname or filename. The search algorithm looks for the file in the following order: - Search for a _flc.fits file in the current working directory - Search for a _flt.fits file in the current working directory - Search for a _flc.fits file in subdirectory in the path specified in $DATA_PATH - Search for a _flt.fits file in subdirectory in the path specified in $DATA_PATH Parameters ---------- search_string : str rootname or filename to locate Returns ------- fullfilepath : str full file path + image name of specified search_string. """ if search_string.endswith("_flt.fits") or search_string.endswith("_flc.fits"): # Process search_string as a full filename # Look in user-provided path (assuming they provided one) if os.path.exists(search_string) and os.sep in search_string: return search_string # Look for files in CWD if os.path.exists(search_string) and os.sep not in search_string: return os.getcwd() + os.sep + search_string # If not found in CWD, look elsewhere... if not os.getenv("DATA_PATH"): sys.exit("ERROR: Undefined online cache data root path. Please set environment variable 'DATA_PATH'") fullfilepath = "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}".format(os.getenv("DATA_PATH"), os.sep, search_string[:4], os.sep, search_string[:-9], os.sep, search_string) if os.path.exists(search_string): return fullfilepath else: return "" # Return a null string if no file is found else: # Process search_string as a rootname # Look for files in CWD first for fits_ext in ["flc", "flt"]: if os.path.exists("{}_{}.fits".format(search_string, fits_ext)): return "{}{}{}_{}.fits".format(os.getcwd(), os.sep, search_string, fits_ext) # If not found in CWD, look elsewhere... if not os.getenv("DATA_PATH"): sys.exit("ERROR: Undefined online cache data root path. Please set environment variable 'DATA_PATH'") filenamestub = "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}".format(os.getenv("DATA_PATH"), os.sep, search_string[:4], os.sep, search_string, os.sep, search_string) for fits_ext in ["flc", "flt"]: if os.path.exists("{}_{}.fits".format(filenamestub, fits_ext)): return "{}_{}.fits".format(filenamestub, fits_ext) # it should never get here unless no file was found either locally or elsewhere in $DATA_PATH. return "" # Return a null string if no file is found # ============================================================================================================ if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse input arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create a HAP SVM or MVM poller file') parser.add_argument('input_list', help='Name of a file containing a list of calibrated fits files (ending with ' '"_flt.fits" or "_flc.fits") or rootnames (9 characters, usually ending ' 'with a "q" to process. The corresponding flc.fits or flt.fits files must ' 'exist in the user-specified path, the current working directory or the online ' 'cache') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_poller_filename', required=False, default="poller_file.out", help='Name of an output poller file that will be created. If not explicitly ' 'specified, the poller file will be named "poller_file.out".') parser.add_argument('-s', '--skycell_name', required=False, default="None", help='Name of the skycell. The correct syntax for skycell names is ' '"skycell-pNNNNxXXyXX", where NNNN is the 4-digit projection cell number, and ' 'XX and YY are the two-digit X and Y skycell indices, respectively. NOTE: this ' 'input argument is not needed for SVM poller file creation, but *REQUIRED* for ' 'MVM poller file creation. Users can determine the skycell(s) that their ' 'observations occupy using the script.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--poller_file_type', required=False, choices=['svm', 'mvm'], default='svm', help='Type of poller file to be created. "svm" to create a poller file for use with ' 'the single-visit mosaics pipeline and "mvm" to create a poller file for use ' 'with the multiple-visit mosaics pipeline. If not explicitly ' 'specified, the default value is "svm". NOTE: if creating a MVM poller file, ' 'one must specify the skycell name using the "-s" input argument.') in_args = parser.parse_args() # reformat input args if in_args.skycell_name == 'None': in_args.skycell_name = None # logic to make sure user has specified the skycell name if a MVM poller file is to be created. if in_args.poller_file_type == "mvm" and in_args.skycell_name is None: parser.error("ERROR: To create a MVM poller file, a skycell name must be specified with the '-s' argument.") generate_poller_file(in_args.input_list, poller_file_type=in_args.poller_file_type, output_poller_filename=in_args.output_poller_filename, skycell_name=in_args.skycell_name)