Source code for drizzlepac.resetbits

#!/usr/bin/env python

resetbits - A module to set the value of specified array pixels to zero

This module allows a user to reset the pixel values of any integer array,
such as the DQ array from an HST image, to zero.

:Authors: Warren Hack

:License: :doc:`/LICENSE`

filename : str
    full filename with path
bits : str
    sum or list of integers corresponding to all the bits to be reset

Optional Parameters
extver : int, optional
    List of version numbers of the arrays to be corrected
    (default: None, will reset all matching arrays)
extname : str, optional
    EXTNAME of the arrays in the FITS files to be reset
    (default: 'dq')

This module performs a simple bitwise-and on all the pixels in the specified
array and the integer value provided as input using the operation (array & ~bits).

It can be called not only from within Python, but also from the host-level
operating system command line using the syntax::

    resetbits filename bits [extver [extname]]

1. The following command will reset the 4096 bits in all
   the DQ arrays of the file 'input_flt.fits'::

        resetbits input_flt.fits 4096

   or from the Python command line::

        >>> import resetbits
        >>> resetbits.reset_dq_bits("input_file_flt.fits", 4096)

2. To reset the 2,32,64 and 4096 (sum of 4194) bits in the
   second DQ array, specified as 'dq,2', in the file 'input_flt.fits'::

        resetbits input_flt.fits 4194 2

   or from the Python command line::

        >>> import resetbits
        >>> resetbits.reset_dq_bits("input_file_flt.fits", 2+32+64+4096, extver=2)

import os
import numpy as np

from import stpyfits as fits
from import parseinput, logutil
from import interpret_bit_flags

from . import util
from . import __version__

__taskname__ = "resetbits"

log = logutil.create_logger(__name__, level=logutil.logging.NOTSET)

[docs] def reset_dq_bits(input,bits,extver=None,extname='dq'): """ This function resets bits in the integer array(s) of a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str full filename with path bits : str sum or list of integers corresponding to all the bits to be reset extver : int, optional List of version numbers of the DQ arrays to be corrected [Default Value: None, will do all] extname : str, optional EXTNAME of the DQ arrays in the FITS file [Default Value: 'dq'] Notes ----- The default value of None for the 'extver' parameter specifies that all extensions with EXTNAME matching 'dq' (as specified by the 'extname' parameter) will have their bits reset. Examples -------- 1. The following command will reset the 4096 bits in all the DQ arrays of the file input_file_flt.fits:: reset_dq_bits("input_file_flt.fits", 4096) 2. To reset the 2,32,64 and 4096 bits in the second DQ array, specified as 'dq,2', in the file input_file_flt.fits:: reset_dq_bits("input_file_flt.fits", "2,32,64,4096", extver=2) """ # Interpret bits value bits = interpret_bit_flags(bits) flist, fcol = parseinput.parseinput(input) for filename in flist: # open input file in write mode to allow updating the DQ array in-place p =, mode='update', memmap=False) # Identify the DQ array to be updated # If no extver is specified, build a list of all DQ arrays in the file if extver is None: extver = [] for hdu in p: # find only those extensions which match the input extname # using case-insensitive name comparisons for 'extname' if 'extver' in hdu.header and \ hdu.header['extname'].lower() == extname.lower(): extver.append(int(hdu.header['extver'])) else: # Otherwise, insure that input extver values are a list if not isinstance(extver, list): extver = [extver] # for each DQ array identified in the file... for extn in extver: dqarr = p[extname,extn].data dqdtype = dqarr.dtype # reset the desired bits p[extname,extn].data = (dqarr & ~bits).astype(dqdtype) # preserve original dtype'Reset bit values of %s to a value of 0 in %s[%s,%s]' % (bits, filename, extname, extn)) # close the file with the updated DQ array(s) p.close()
# #### Interfaces used by TEAL #
[docs] def run(configobj=None): """ Teal interface for running this code. """ reset_dq_bits(configobj['input'],configobj['bits'], extver=configobj['extver'],extname=configobj['extname'])
def main(): import getopt, sys try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h') except getopt.error as e: print(str(e)) print(__doc__) print("\t", __version__) # initialize default values help = 0 # read options for opt, value in optlist: if opt == "-h": help = 1 if len(args) < 4: if len(args) < 3: args.append(None) args.append('dq') if (help): print(__doc__) print("\t", __version__) else: reset_dq_bits(args[0],args[1],args[2], args[3]) if __name__ == "__main__": main() util._def_help_functions( locals(), module_file=__file__, task_name=__taskname__, module_doc=__doc__ )