Source code for drizzlepac.util

#!/usr/bin/env python

A library of utility functions

:Authors: Warren Hack

:License: :doc:`/LICENSE`

import logging
import functools
import os
import sys
import string
import errno
import platform

import numpy as np
import astropy

from import fits
from import fileutil, teal, cfgpars, logutil
from import configobj

from stwcs import wcsutil
from stwcs.wcsutil import altwcs

from . import __version__

__fits_version__ = astropy.__version__
__numpy_version__ = np.__version__

_cpu_count = 1
can_parallel = False
if 'ASTRODRIZ_NO_PARALLEL' not in os.environ and platform.system() != "Windows":
        import multiprocessing
        _cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        can_parallel = _cpu_count > 1

    except (NotImplementedError, ValueError):
        print('Multiprocessing is not available on this platform.')

    except ImportError:
        print('Could not import multiprocessing, will only take advantage '
              'of a single CPU core')

def get_pool_size(usr_config_value, num_tasks):
    """ Determine size of thread/process-pool for parallel processing.
    This examines the cpu_count to decide and return the right pool
    size to use.  Also take into account the user's wishes via the config
    object value, if specified.  On top of that, don't allow the pool size
    returned to be any higher than the number of parallel tasks, if specified.
    Only use what we need (mp.Pool starts pool_size processes, needed or not).
    If number of tasks is unknown, call this with "num_tasks" set to None.
    Returns 1 when indicating that parallel processing should not be used.
    Consolidate all such logic here, not in the caller. """

    if not can_parallel:
        return 1
    # Give priority to their specified cfg value, over the actual cpu count
    if usr_config_value is not None:
        if num_tasks is None:
            return usr_config_value
            # usr_config_value may be needlessly high
            return min(usr_config_value, num_tasks)
    # they haven't specified a cfg value, so go with the cpu_count
    if num_tasks is None:
        return _cpu_count
        # run no more workers than tasks
        return min(_cpu_count, num_tasks)

DEFAULT_LOGNAME = 'astrodrizzle.log'
blank_list = [None, '', ' ', 'None', 'INDEF']

def is_blank(val):
    """ Determines whether or not a value is considered 'blank'.
    return val in blank_list

def check_blank(cvar):
    """ Converts blank value (from configObj?) into a value of None. """
    return None if cvar in blank_list else cvar

# Logging routines

_log_file_handler = None

def init_logging(logfile=DEFAULT_LOGNAME, default=None, level=logging.INFO):
    Set up logger for capturing stdout/stderr messages.

    Must be called prior to writing any messages that you want to log.

    if logfile == "INDEF":
        if not is_blank(default):
            logname = fileutil.buildNewRootname(default, '.log')
            logname = DEFAULT_LOGNAME
    elif logfile not in [None, "", " "]:
        if logfile.endswith('.log'):
            logname = logfile
            logname = logfile + '.log'
        logname = None

    if logname is not None:
        global _log_file_handler
        root_logger = logging.getLogger()
        if _log_file_handler:
        # Default mode is 'a' which is fine
        _log_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(logname)

        # Insure file handler has '.name' set so calling code can get it.

            logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'))

        print('Setting up logfile : ', logname)

        print('No trailer file created...')

    return logname

def end_logging(filename=None):
    Close log file and restore system defaults.

    if logutil.global_logging_started:
        if filename:
            print('Trailer file written to: ', filename)
            # This generally shouldn't happen if logging was started with
            # init_logging and a filename was given...
            print('No trailer file saved...')

        print('No trailer file saved...')
    root_logger = logging.getLogger()

class WithLogging:
    def __init__(self):
        self.depth = 0

    def __call__(self, func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            from .processInput import processFilenames

            errorobj = None
            filename = None
            if self.depth == 0:
                # Setup logging for this task; otherwise we're being called as
                # a subtask and will use the existing log. The first arg must
                # be the configobj
                    configobj = args[0] if args else args
                    if isinstance(configobj, dict) and 'input' in configobj:
                        # We are working with a fully defined configobj
                        # instance
                        images = processFilenames(configobj['input'])
                        inputs, output, _, _ = images
                        if output is not None:
                            default = output
                        elif inputs:
                            default = inputs[0]
                            default = None

                        filename = configobj.get('runfile', default)

                        if configobj.get('verbose', False):
                            verbose_level = logging.DEBUG
                            verbose_level = logging.INFO

                        # Calling this for a non-teal function
                        filename = "{}.log".format(func.__name__)
                        filename = kwargs.get('runfile', filename)
                        # If either `debug` or `verbose` are set to True in
                        # kwargs set logging level to DEBUG
                        debug = kwargs.get('debug', False)
                        verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
                        if debug or verbose:
                            verbose_level = logging.DEBUG
                            verbose_level = logging.INFO

                    filename = init_logging(filename, level=verbose_level)

                except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):

            self.depth += 1

            # This looks utterly bizarre, but it seems to be the only way I can
            # ensure that any exceptions that occur in the wrapped function are
            # logged before teardown_global_logging() is called.  Unless the
            # except clause is explicitly included here, even with just 'pass'
            # under it, Python discards the sys.exc_info() data by the time the
            # finally clause is reached.
                result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            except Exception as e:
                errorobj = e
                result = None

                self.depth -= 1
                if self.depth == 0:
                    # Insure that any exception raised by the code gets passed
                    # on (hope that end_logging didn't change the last
                    # exception raised)
                    if errorobj:
                        raise errorobj
            return result

        return wrapper

with_logging = WithLogging()

def print_pkg_versions(packages=None, git=False, svn=False, log=None):
    if log is not None:
        def output(msg):
        def output(msg):

    pkgs = ['numpy', 'astropy', 'stwcs', 'photutils']
    if packages is not None:
        if not isinstance(packages, list):
            packages = [packages]

    output('Version Information')
    output('-' * 20)
    sysver = sys.version.split('\n')
    output('Python Version %s' % sysver.pop())
    for ver in sysver:

    for software in pkgs:
            package = __import__(software)
            vstr = "%s " % (software)
                vstr += "Version -> " + package.__version__ + " "
            except Exception:
                vstr += "No version defined.  "
            if git:
                    vstr += "\n    GIT version -> " + '-'.join([package.__version__, package.__version_post__, package.__version_commit]).rstrip()
                except Exception:
                    vstr += " "
        except Exception:
            vstr = software + " not found in path..."

class ProcSteps:
    """ This class allows MultiDrizzle to keep track of the
        start and end times of each processing step that gets run
        as well as computing/reporting the elapsed time for each step.

        The code for each processing step must call the 'addStep()'
        method to initialize the information for that step, then
        the 'endStep()' method to record the end and elapsed times.

        The 'reportTimes()' method can then be used to provide a summary
        of all the elapsed times and total run time.
    __report_header = '\n   %20s          %s\n' % ('-' * 20, '-' * 20)
    __report_header += '   %20s          %s\n' % ('Step', 'Elapsed time')
    __report_header += '   %20s          %s\n' % ('-' * 20, '-' * 20)

    def __init__(self):
        self.steps = {}
        self.order = []
        self.start = _ptime()
        self.end = None

    def addStep(self, key):
        Add information about a new step to the dict of steps
        The value 'ptime' is the output from '_ptime()' containing
        both the formatted and unformatted time for the start of the
        ptime = _ptime()
        print('==== Processing Step ', key, ' started at ', ptime[0])
        print("", flush=True)
        self.steps[key] = {'start': ptime}

    def endStep(self, key):
        Record the end time for the step.

        If key==None, simply record ptime as end time for class to represent
        the overall runtime since the initialization of the class.
        ptime = _ptime()
        if key is not None:
            self.steps[key]['end'] = ptime
            self.steps[key]['elapsed'] = ptime[1] - self.steps[key]['start'][1]
        self.end = ptime

        print('==== Processing Step {} finished at {}'.format(key, ptime[0]), flush=True)

    def reportTimes(self):
        Print out a formatted summary of the elapsed times for all the
        performed steps.

        self.end = _ptime()
        total_time = 0
        for step in self.order:
            if 'elapsed' in self.steps[step]:
                _time = self.steps[step]['elapsed']
                _time = 0.0
            total_time += _time
            print('   %20s          %0.4f sec.' % (step, _time))

        print('   %20s          %s' % ('=' * 20, '=' * 20))
        print('   %20s          %0.4f sec.' % ('Total', total_time))
        print("", flush=True)

def _ptime():
    import time
        import datetime as dtime
    except ImportError:
        dtime = None
    ftime = time.time()
    if dtime:
        # This time stamp includes sub-second timing...
        _ltime = dtime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ftime)
        tlm_str = _ltime.strftime("%H:%M:%S" + str(_ltime.microsecond / 1e+6)[1:-3] + _ltime.strftime(" (%d/%m/%Y)"))
        # Basic time stamp which only includes integer seconds
        # Format time values for keywords IRAF-TLM, and DATE
        _ltime = time.localtime(ftime)
        tlm_str = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S (%d/%m/%Y)', _ltime)
    return tlm_str, ftime

def findrootname(filename):
    Return the rootname of the given file.

    puncloc = [filename.find(char) for char in string.punctuation]
    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
        val = sys.maxsize
        val = sys.maxint
    for num in puncloc:
        if num != -1 and num < val:
            val = num
    return filename[0: val]

def removeFileSafely(filename, clobber=True):
    """ Delete the file specified, but only if it exists and clobber is True.
    if filename is not None and filename.strip() != '':
        if os.path.exists(filename) and clobber: os.remove(filename)

def displayEmptyInputWarningBox(display=True, parent=None):
    """ Displays a warning box for the 'input' parameter.
    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
        from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning
        from tkMessageBox import showwarning

    if display:
        msg = 'No valid input files found! ' + \
        'Please check the value for the "input" parameter.'
        showwarning(parent=parent, message=msg, title="No valid inputs!")
    return "yes"

def displayBadRefimageWarningBox(display=True, parent=None):
    """ Displays a warning box for the 'input' parameter.
    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
        from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning
        from tkMessageBox import showwarning

    if display:
        msg = 'No refimage with WCS found!\n ' + \
        ' This could be caused by one of 2 problems:\n' + \
        '   * filename does not specify an extension with a valid WCS.\n' +\
        '   * can not find the file.\n' +\
        'Please check the filename specified in the "refimage" parameter.'

        showwarning(parent=parent, message=msg, title="No valid inputs!")
    return "yes"

def updateNEXTENDKw(fobj):
    """ Update NEXTEND keyword in PRIMARY header (if present) to accurately
        reflect the number of extensions in the MEF file.
    if 'nextend' in fobj[0].header:
        fobj[0].header['nextend'] = len(fobj) - 1

def count_sci_extensions(filename):
    """ Return the number of SCI extensions and the EXTNAME from a input MEF file.
    num_sci = 0
    extname = 'SCI'

    hdu_list = fileutil.openImage(filename, memmap=False)

    for extn in hdu_list:
        if 'extname' in extn.header and extn.header['extname'] == extname:
            num_sci += 1

    if num_sci == 0:
        extname = 'PRIMARY'
        num_sci = 1


    return num_sci, extname

def verifyUniqueWcsname(fname, wcsname, include_primary=True):
    Report whether or not the specified WCSNAME already exists in the file
    numsci, extname = count_sci_extensions(fname)
    wnames = altwcs.wcsnames(fname, ext=(extname, 1), include_primary=include_primary)
    return wcsname.upper() not in [v.upper() for v in wnames.values()]

def verifyUpdatewcs(fname):
    Verify the existence of WCSNAME in the file.  If it is not present,
    report this to the user and raise an exception.  Returns True if WCSNAME
    was found in all SCI extensions.
    updated = True
    numsci, extname = count_sci_extensions(fname)
    for n in range(1, numsci + 1):
        hdr = fits.getheader(fname, extname=extname, extver=n, memmap=False)
        if 'wcsname' not in hdr:
            updated = False
    return updated

def verifyRefimage(refimage):
    Verify that the value of refimage specified by the user points to an
    extension with a proper WCS defined. It starts by making sure an extension gets
    specified by the user when using a MEF file. The final check comes by looking
    for a CD matrix in the WCS object itself. If either test fails, it returns
    a value of False.
    valid = True

    # start by trying to see whether the code can even find the file
    if is_blank(refimage):
        return True

    if isinstance(refimage, astropy.wcs.WCS):
        return True

    refroot, extroot = fileutil.parseFilename(refimage)
    if not os.path.exists(refroot):
        return False

    # if a MEF has been specified, make sure extension contains a valid WCS
    if valid:
        if extroot is None:
            extn = findWCSExtn(refimage)
            if extn is None:
                valid = False
                valid = True
            # check for CD matrix in WCS object
            refwcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(refimage)
            if not refwcs.wcs.has_cd():
                valid = False
                valid = True
            del refwcs

    return valid

def findWCSExtn(filename):
    """ Return new filename with extension that points to an extension with a
        valid WCS.

        extnum : str, None
            Value of extension name as a string either as provided by the user
            or based on the extension number for the first extension which
            contains a valid HSTWCS object.  Returns None if no extension can be
            found with a valid WCS.

        The return value from this function can be used as input to
            create another HSTWCS with the syntax::


    rootname, extroot = fileutil.parseFilename(filename)
    extnum = None
    if extroot is None:
        fimg =, memmap=False)
        for i, extn in enumerate(fimg):
            if 'crval1' in extn.header:
                refwcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS('{}[{}]'.format(rootname, i))
                if refwcs.wcs.has_cd():
                    extnum = '{}'.format(i)
            refwcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(filename)
            if refwcs.wcs.has_cd():
                extnum = extroot
        except Exception:
            extnum = None

    return extnum

def verifyFilePermissions(filelist, chmod=True):
    """ Verify that images specified in 'filelist' can be updated.

    A message will be printed reporting the names of any images which
    do not have write-permission, then quit.
    badfiles = []
    archive_dir = False
    for img in filelist:
        fname = fileutil.osfn(img)
        if 'OrIg_files' in os.path.split(fname)[0]:
            archive_dir = True
            fp = open(fname, mode='a')
        except IOError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
            # Not a permission error.

    num_bad = len(badfiles)
    if num_bad > 0:
        if archive_dir:
            print('#' * 40)
            print('    Working in "OrIg_files" (archive) directory. ')
            print('    This directory has been created to serve as an archive')
            print('    for the original input images. ')
            print('\n    These files should be copied into another directory')
            print('     for processing. ')
            print('#' * 40)

        print('#' * 40)
        print('Found %d files which can not be updated!' % (num_bad))
        for img in badfiles:
            print('    %s' % (img))
        print('\nPlease reset permissions for these files and restart...')
        print('#' * 40)
        print('\n', flush=True)
        filelist = None

    return filelist

def getFullParList(configObj):
    Return a single list of all parameter names included in the configObj
    regardless of which section the parameter was stored
    plist = []
    for par in configObj.keys():
        if isinstance(configObj[par], configobj.Section):
    return plist

def validateUserPars(configObj, input_dict):
    """ Compares input parameter names specified by user with those already
        recognized by the task.

        Any parameters provided by the user that does not match a known
        task parameter will be reported and a ValueError exception will be
    # check to see whether any input parameters are unexpected.
    # Any unexpected parameters provided on input should be reported and
    # the code should stop
    plist = getFullParList(configObj)
    extra_pars = []
    for kw in input_dict:
        if kw not in plist:
    if len(extra_pars) > 0:
        print('=' * 40)
        print('The following input parameters were not recognized as valid inputs:')
        for p in extra_pars:
            print("    %s" % (p))
        print('\nPlease check the spelling of the parameter(s) and try again...')
        print('=' * 40)
        raise ValueError

def applyUserPars_steps(configObj, input_dict, step='3a'):
    """ Apply logic to turn on use of user-specified output WCS if user provides
        any parameter on command-line regardless of how final_wcs was set.
    step_kws = {'7a': 'final_wcs', '3a': 'driz_sep_wcs'}
    stepname = getSectionName(configObj, step)
    finalParDict = configObj[stepname].copy()
    del finalParDict[step_kws[step]]

    # interpret input_dict to find any parameters for this step specified by the user
    user_pars = {}
    for kw in finalParDict:
        if kw in input_dict: user_pars[kw] = input_dict[kw]
    if len(user_pars) > 0:
        configObj[stepname][step_kws[step]] = True

def getDefaultConfigObj(taskname, configObj, input_dict={}, loadOnly=True):
    """ Return default configObj instance for task updated
        with user-specified values from input_dict.

        taskname : string
            Name of task to load into TEAL

        configObj : string
            The valid values for 'configObj' would be::

                None                      - loads last saved user .cfg file
                'defaults'                - loads task default .cfg file
                name of .cfg file (string)- loads user-specified .cfg file

        input_dict : dict
            Set of parameters and values specified by user to be different from
            what gets loaded in from the .cfg file for the task

        loadOnly : bool
            Setting 'loadOnly' to False causes the TEAL GUI to start allowing the
            user to edit the values further and then run the task if desired.

    if configObj is None:
        # Start by grabbing the default values without using the GUI
        # This insures that all subsequent use of the configObj includes
        # all parameters and their last saved values
        configObj = teal.load(taskname)
    elif isinstance(configObj, str):
        if configObj.lower().strip() == 'defaults':
            # Load task default .cfg file with all default values
            configObj = teal.load(taskname, defaults=True)
            # define default filename for configObj
            configObj.filename = taskname.lower() + '.cfg'
            # Load user-specified .cfg file with its special default values
            # we need to call 'fileutil.osfn()' to insure all environment
            # variables specified by the user in the configObj filename are
            # expanded to the full path
            configObj = teal.load(fileutil.osfn(configObj))

    # merge in the user values for this run
    # this, though, does not save the results for use later
    if input_dict not in [None, {}]:  # and configObj not in [None, {}]:
        # check to see whether any input parameters are unexpected.
        # Any unexpected parameters provided on input should be reported and
        # the code should stop
        validateUserPars(configObj, input_dict)

        # If everything looks good, merge user inputs with configObj and continue
        cfgpars.mergeConfigObj(configObj, input_dict)

    if not loadOnly:
    # We want to run the GUI AFTER merging in any parameters
    # specified by the user on the command-line and provided in
    # input_dict
        configObj = teal.teal(configObj, loadOnly=False)

    return configObj

def getSectionName(configObj, stepnum):
    """ Return section label based on step number.
    for key in configObj.keys():
        if key.find('STEP ' + str(stepnum) + ':') >= 0:
            return key

def getConfigObjPar(configObj, parname):
    """ Return parameter value without having to specify which section
        holds the parameter.
    return cfgpars.findFirstPar(configObj, parname)[1]

def displayMakewcsWarningBox(display=True, parent=None):
    """ Displays a warning box for the 'makewcs' parameter.
    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
        from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning
        from tkMessageBox import showwarning

    ans = {'yes': True, 'no': False}
    if ans[display]:
        msg = 'Setting "updatewcs=yes" will result ' + \
              'in all input WCS values to be recomputed ' + \
              'using the original distortion model and alignment.'
        showwarning(parent=parent, message=msg, title="WCS will be overwritten!")
    return True

These two functions are for reading in an 'at file' which contains
two columns of filenames, the first column is assumed to
be the science image and the second column is assumed
to be the IVM file that is associated with it.

def atfile_sci(filename):
    Return the filename of the science image
    which is assumed to be the first word
    in the atfile the user gave.
    return filename.split()[0]

def atfile_ivm(filename):
    Return the filename of the IVM file
    which is assumed to be the second word
    in the atfile the user gave.
    return filename.split()[1]

def printParams(paramDictionary, all=False, log=None):
    Print nicely the parameters from the dictionary.

    if log is not None:
        def output(msg):
        def output(msg):
            print(msg, flush=True)

    if not paramDictionary:
        output('No parameters were supplied')
        for key in sorted(paramDictionary):
            if all or (not isinstance(paramDictionary[key], dict)) \
            and key[0] != '_':
                output('\t' + '\t'.join([str(key) + ' :',
        if log is None:

def print_key(key, val, lev=0, logfn=print):
    if isinstance(val, dict):
        logfn('{}{}:'.format(2 * lev * ' ', key))
        for kw, vl in val.items():
            print_key(kw, vl, lev + 1, logfn=logfn)
    elif isinstance(val, str):
        logfn("{}{}: '{:s}'".format(2 * lev * ' ', key, val))
        logfn("{}{}: {}".format(2 * lev * ' ', key, val))

def print_cfg(cfg, logfn=None):
    if logfn is None:
        logfn = print

    if not cfg:
        logfn('No parameters were supplied')

    keys = cfg.keys()
    smkeys = [k for k in keys if k.islower() and k[0] != '_']
    sectkeys = [k for k in keys if k.isupper() and k[0] != '_']
    stepkeys = [k for k in sectkeys if k.startswith('STEP ')]
    sectkeys = [k for k in sectkeys if k not in stepkeys]
    for k in smkeys + sectkeys + stepkeys:
        print_key(k, cfg[k], logfn=logfn)

def isASNTable(inputFilelist):
    """Return TRUE if inputFilelist is a fits ASN file."""
    if ("_asn" or "_asc") in inputFilelist:
        return True
    return False

def isCommaList(inputFilelist):
    """Return True if the input is a comma separated list of names."""
    if isinstance(inputFilelist, int) or isinstance(inputFilelist, np.int32):
        ilist = str(inputFilelist)
        ilist = inputFilelist
    if "," in ilist:
        return True
    return False

def loadFileList(inputFilelist):
    """Open up the '@ file' and read in the science and possible
       ivm filenames from the first two columns.
    from import iraglob

    f = open(inputFilelist[1:])
    # check the first line in order to determine whether
    # IVM files have been specified in a second column...
    line = f.readline()

    # If there is a second column...
    if len(line.split()) == 2:
        # ...parse out the names of the IVM files as well
        ivmlist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=atfile_ivm)

    # Parse the @-file with irafglob to extract the input filename
    filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=atfile_sci)
    return filelist

def readCommaList(fileList):
    """ Return a list of the files with the commas removed. """
    names = fileList.split(',')
    fileList = []
    for item in names:
    return fileList

def runmakewcs(input):
    Runs 'updatewcs' to recompute the WCS keywords for the input image.

    input : list of str
        A list of file names.

    output : list of str
        Returns a list of names of the modified files
        (For GEIS files returns the translated names).

    from stwcs import updatewcs

    newNames = updatewcs.updatewcs(input, checkfiles=False)

    return newNames

def update_input(filelist, ivmlist=None, removed_files=None):
    Removes files flagged to be removed from the input filelist.
    Removes the corresponding ivm files if present.
    newfilelist = []

    if removed_files == []:
        return filelist, ivmlist
        sci_ivm = list(zip(filelist, ivmlist))
        for f in removed_files:
            result = [sci_ivm.remove(t) for t in sci_ivm if t[0] == f]
        ivmlist = [el[1] for el in sci_ivm]
        newfilelist = [el[0] for el in sci_ivm]
        return newfilelist, ivmlist

# The following functions were required for use with the drizzling code
# and were copied in from

def countImages(imageObjectList):
    expnames = []
    for img in imageObjectList:
        expnames += img.getKeywordList('_expname')
    imgnames = []

    nimages = 0
    for e in expnames:
        if e not in imgnames:
            nimages += 1
    return nimages

def get_detnum(hstwcs, filename, extnum):
    detnum = None
    binned = None
    if hstwcs.filename == filename and hstwcs.extver == extnum:
        detnum = hstwcs.chip
        binned = hstwcs.binned

    return detnum, binned

def get_expstart(header, primary_hdr):
    """shouldn't this just be defined in the instrument subclass of imageobject?"""

    if 'expstart' in primary_hdr:
        exphdr = primary_hdr
        exphdr = header

    if 'EXPSTART' in exphdr:
        expstart = float(exphdr['EXPSTART'])
        expend = float(exphdr['EXPEND'])
        expstart = 0.
        expend = 0.0

    return (expstart, expend)

def compute_texptime(imageObjectList):
    Add up the exposure time for all the members in
    the pattern, since 'drizzle' doesn't have the necessary
    information to correctly set this itself.
    expnames = []
    exptimes = []
    start = []
    end = []
    for img in imageObjectList:
        expnames += img.getKeywordList('_expname')
        exptimes += img.getKeywordList('_exptime')
        start += img.getKeywordList('_expstart')
        end += img.getKeywordList('_expend')

    exptime = 0.
    expstart = min(start)
    expend = max(end)
    exposure = None
    for n in range(len(expnames)):
        if expnames[n] != exposure:
            exposure = expnames[n]
            exptime += exptimes[n]

    return (exptime, expstart, expend)

def computeRange(corners):
    """ Determine the range spanned by an array of pixel positions. """
    x = corners[:, 0]
    y = corners[:, 1]
    _xrange = (np.minimum.reduce(x), np.maximum.reduce(x))
    _yrange = (np.minimum.reduce(y), np.maximum.reduce(y))
    return _xrange, _yrange

def getRotatedSize(corners, angle):
    """ Determine the size of a rotated (meta)image."""
    if angle:
        _rotm = fileutil.buildRotMatrix(angle)
        # Rotate about the center
        _corners =, _rotm)
        # If there is no rotation, simply return original values
        _corners = corners

    return computeRange(_corners)

def readcols(infile, cols=[0, 1, 2, 3], hms=False):
    Read the columns from an ASCII file as numpy arrays.

    infile : str
        Filename of ASCII file with array data as columns.

    cols : list of int
        List of 0-indexed column numbers for columns to be turned into numpy arrays
        (DEFAULT- [0,1,2,3]).

    outarr : list of numpy arrays
        Simple list of numpy arrays in the order as specifed in the 'cols' parameter.


    fin = open(infile, 'r')
    outarr = []
    for l in fin.readlines():
        l = l.strip()
        if len(l) == 0 or len(l.split()) < len(cols) or (len(l) > 0 and l[0] == '#' or (l.find("INDEF") > -1)): continue
        for i in range(10):
            lnew = l.replace("  ", " ")
            if lnew == l: break
            else: l = lnew
        lspl = lnew.split(" ")

        if len(outarr) == 0:
            for c in range(len(cols)): outarr.append([])

        for c, n in zip(cols, list(range(len(cols)))):
            if not hms:
                val = float(lspl[c])
                val = lspl[c]
    for n in range(len(cols)):
        outarr[n] = np.array(outarr[n])
    return outarr

def parse_colnames(colnames, coords=None):
    """ Convert colnames input into list of column numbers.
    cols = []
    if not isinstance(colnames, list):
        colnames = colnames.split(',')
    # parse column names from coords file and match to input values
    if coords is not None and fileutil.isFits(coords)[0]:
        # Open FITS file with table
        ftab =, memmap=False)
        # determine which extension has the table
        for extn in ftab:
            if isinstance(extn, fits.BinTableHDU):
                # parse column names from table and match to inputs
                cnames = extn.columns.names
                if colnames is not None:
                    for c in colnames:
                        for name, i in zip(cnames, list(range(len(cnames)))):
                            if c == name.lower(): cols.append(i)
                    if len(cols) < len(colnames):
                        errmsg = "Not all input columns found in table..."
                        raise ValueError(errmsg)
                    cols = cnames[:2]
        for c in colnames:
            if isinstance(c, str):
                if c[0].lower() == 'c': cols.append(int(c[1:]) - 1)
                if isinstance(c, int):
                    errmsg = "Unsupported column names..."
                    raise ValueError(errmsg)
    return cols

def createFile(dataArray=None, outfile=None, header=None):
    Create a simple fits file for the given data array and header.
    Returns either the FITS object in-membory when outfile==None or
    None when the FITS file was written out to a file.
    # Insure that at least a data-array has been provided to create the file
    assert(dataArray is not None), "Please supply a data array for createFiles"

        # Create the output file
        fitsobj = fits.HDUList()
        if header is not None:
                if 'XTENSION' in header:
                if 'EXTNAME' in header:
                if 'EXTVER' in header:
            except KeyError:

            if 'NEXTEND' in header:
                header['NEXTEND'] = 0

            hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=dataArray, header=header)
                del hdu.header['PCOUNT']
                del hdu.header['GCOUNT']
            except KeyError:

            hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=dataArray)

        if outfile is not None:

        if outfile is not None:
            del fitsobj
            fitsobj = None
    return fitsobj

def base_taskname(taskname, packagename=None):
    Extract the base name of the task.

    Many tasks in the ``drizzlepac`` have "compound" names such as
    ''. This function will search for the presence of a dot
    in the input ``taskname`` and if found, it will return the string
    to the right of the right-most dot. If a dot is not found, it will return
    the input string.

    taskname : str, None
        Full task name. If it is ``None``, :py:func:`base_taskname` will
        return ``None`` .

    packagename : str, None (Default = None)
        Package name. It is assumed that a compound task name is formed by
        concatenating ``packagename`` + '.' + ``taskname``\ . If ``packagename``
        is not ``None``, :py:func:`base_taskname` will check that the string
        to the left of the right-most dot matches ``packagename`` and will
        raise an ``AssertionError`` if the package name derived from the
        input ``taskname`` does not match the supplied ``packagename``\ . This
        is intended as a check for discrepancies that may arise
        during the development of the tasks. If ``packagename`` is ``None``,
        no such check will be performed.

        Raised when package name derived from the input ``taskname`` does not
        match the supplied ``packagename``

    if not isinstance(taskname, str):
        return taskname

    indx = taskname.rfind('.')

    if indx >= 0:
        base_taskname = taskname[(indx + 1):]
        pkg_name = taskname[:indx]
        base_taskname = taskname
        pkg_name = ''

    assert(True if packagename is None else (packagename == pkg_name))

    return base_taskname

def _get_help_as_string(docstring, show_ver, module_file, task_name, module_doc):
    install_dir = os.path.dirname(module_file)
    taskname = base_taskname(task_name)
    htmlfile = os.path.join(install_dir, 'htmlhelp', taskname + '.html')
    helpfile = os.path.join(install_dir, taskname + '.help')

    if docstring or not os.path.exists(htmlfile):
        helpString = f"Task: '{task_name}'. '{__package__}' version: {__version__}\n\n" if show_ver else '\n'
        if os.path.exists(helpfile):
            helpString += teal.getHelpFileAsString(taskname, module_file).rstrip() + '\n'
        elif module_doc is not None:
            helpString += module_doc + '\n'
        helpString = 'file://' + htmlfile

    return helpString

def _def_help_functions(module, module_file, task_name, module_doc):
    tname = base_taskname(task_name)

    def getHelpAsString(docstring=False, show_ver=True):
        return _get_help_as_string(docstring, show_ver, module_file=module_file,
                                   task_name=task_name, module_doc=module_doc)

    getHelpAsString.__doc__ = f"""
    Return help string from a file in the script directory called
    ``{tname}.help`` or from the module's docstring.
    module['getHelpAsString'] = getHelpAsString

    def help(file=None):
        helpstr = getHelpAsString(docstring=True, show_ver=True)
        if file is None:
            with open(file, mode='w') as f:

    help.__doc__ = f"""
    Print out syntax help for running ``{tname}``.

    file : str (Default = None)
        If given, write out help to the filename specified by this parameter
        Any previously existing file with this name will be deleted before
        writing out the help.
    module['help'] = help

    return getHelpAsString(docstring=True, show_ver=False)

def _parse_ext_spec(hdulist, extno, extname=None):
    # process FITS extension number(s) and return a list of extension versions
    # for the input extname.
    if extno in [None, '']:
        return None

    groups = None

    if isinstance(hdulist, str):
        hdulist =
        close_hdulist = True
        close_hdulist = False

    def close_image_file():
        if close_hdulist:

    if isinstance(extno, str):
        exts = list(map(str.strip, extno.split(',')))
        if len(exts) == 2 and exts[0].isalpha():
            # user specified a specific extname, extver
            groups = [(exts[0], int(exts[1]))]
            # user specified a list of extension numbers:
            extno = exts

    elif isinstance(extno, int):
        # user provided a specific extname, extver in the form of a tuple
        extno = [extno]

    elif isinstance(extno, tuple):
        # user provided a specific extname, extver in the form of a tuple
        groups = [extno]

    if groups is None and isinstance(extno, list):
        # user specified a list of extension numbers if the form of a list
        # of integers or strings convertable to integers:
        groups = list(map(int, extno))
        if max(groups) >= len(hdulist):
            raise ValueError(
                "Requested FITS extension number is larger than the "
                "number extensions in the input file."
            groups = [
                for g in groups
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The 'group' parameter must correspond to '{extname}' "
                "FITS extensions of HST data files."

    elif groups is None:
        raise TypeError("Unsupported group format.")

    if extname is not None:
        extname = extname.strip().lower()

        # make sure actual extension name is the same as the desired extname
        # and that the extension exists:
        for extn, extv in groups:
            if extn != extname:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Groups must correspond to FITS extensions with "
                    f"'{extname}' extension name."
            if (extn, extv) not in hdulist:
                if hdulist.filename is None:
                    f = "in-memory file."
                    f = f"file '{hdulist.filename()}'."
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Requested group ({extn}, {extv}) does not exist in the "
                    f"input {f}"


    # return a list of extension versions corresponding to input 'extname'
    extvers = [extv for _, extv in groups]
    return extvers