Primary User Interface: AstroDrizzle()

AstroDrizzle - Python implementation of MultiDrizzle

AstroDrizzle automates the process of aligning images in an output frame, identifying cosmic-rays, removing distortion, and then combining the images after removing the identified cosmic-rays.

This process involves a number of steps, such as:
  • Processing the input images and input parameters

  • Creating a static mask

  • Performing sky subtraction

  • Drizzling onto separate output images

  • Creating the median image

  • Blotting the median image

  • Identifying and flagging cosmic-rays

  • Final combination

  • Cleaning-up of temporary files (when applicable)

A full description of this process can be found in the DrizzlePac Handbook.

The primary output from this task is the distortion-corrected, cosmic-ray cleaned, and combined image as a FITS file.

This task requires numerous user-settable parameters to control the primary aspects of each of the processing steps.


Warren Hack



drizzlepac.astrodrizzle.AstroDrizzle(input=None, mdriztab=False, editpars=False, configobj=None, wcsmap=None, **input_dict)[source]
inputstr or list of str (Default = '*flt.fits')

The name or names of the input files to be processed, which can be provided in any of the following forms:

  • filename of a single image

  • filename of an association (ASN) table

  • wild-card specification for files in directory

  • comma-separated list of filenames

  • @file filelist containing list of desired input filenames. The file list needs to be provided as an ASCII text file containing a list of filenames for all input images with one filename on each line of the file. If inverse variance maps (IVM maps) have also been created by the user and are to be used (by specifying 'IVM' to the parameter final_wht_type), then these are simply provided as a second column in the filelist, with each IVM filename listed on the same line as a second entry, after its corresponding exposure filename.


If the user specifies IVM for the final_wht_type, but does not provide the names of IVM files, AstroDrizzle will automatically generate the IVM files itself for each input exposure.

mdriztabbool (Default = False)

This button will immediately update the parameter values in the TEAL GUI based on those provided by the MDRIZTAB reference table referenced in the first input image. This requires that the MDRIZTAB reference file be available locally.

editparsbool (Default = False)

A parameter that allows user to edit input parameters by hand in the GUI. True to use the GUI to edit parameters.

configobjConfigObjPars, ConfigObj, dict (Default = None)

An instance of or which overrides default parameter settings. When configobj is defaults, default parameter values are loaded from the user local configuration file usually located in ~/.teal/astrodrizzle.cfg or a matching configuration file in the current directory. This configuration file stores most recent settings that an user used when running AstroDrizzle through the TEAL interface. When configobj is None, AstroDrizzle parameters not provided explicitly will be initialized with their default values as described in the “Other Parameters” section.

wcsmapwcs_functions.WCSMap, None (Default = None)

An instance of wcs_functions.WCSMap which can be used to override the default WCS mapping for the input images. This parameter is used to specify the mapping between the input images and the output frame. If None is provided, then the default WCS mapping will be used.

input_dictdict, optional

An optional list of parameters specified by the user, which can also be used to override the defaults.


This list of parameters can include the updatewcs parameter, even though this parameter no longer can be set through the TEAL GUI.


This list of parameters can contain parameters specific to the AstroDrizzle task itself described here in the “Other Parameters” section.

Other Parameters:
outputstr (Default = ‘’)

The rootname for the output drizzled products. This step can result in the creation of several files, including:

  • copies of each input image as a FITS image, if workinplace='Yes' and/or input images are in GEIS format.

  • mask files and coeffs files created by PyDrizzle for use by drizzle.

If an association file has been given as input, the specified filename will be used instead of the product name specified in the ASN file. Similarly, if a single exposure is provided, the rootname of the single exposure will be used for the output product instead of relying on the input rootname. If no value is provided when a filelist or wild-card specification is given as input, then a rootname of 'final' will be used for the output file name.

runfilestr (Default = ‘astrodrizzle.log’)

This log file will contain all the output messages generated during processing, including full details of any errors/exceptions. These messages will be a super-set of those reported to the screen during processing.

wcskeystr (Default = ‘’)

This parameter corresponds to the key for the WCS being selected by the user. It allows the user to select which WCS solution should be used for processing the images when multiple WCS’s have been updated in each input image header using the Paper I Multiple WCS FITS standard.


Use of this parameter should be done only when all input images have been updated using the Paper I FITS standard for specifying Multiple WCS’s in each image header. This parameter assumes that the same WCS letter corresponds to WCS’s that have been updated in a consistent manner. For example, all input images have been updated to be consistent with their distortion model in the WCS’s with key of A.

proc_unitstr (Default = ‘native’)

The units to be used for the final output drizzled product. Valid values and definitions are:

  • 'native': Output DRZ product and input ‘values’ given in the native units of the input image.

  • 'electrons': Output DRZ product and input ‘values’ given in units of electrons.

coeffsbool (Default = Yes)

This parameter determines whether or not to use the coefficients stored in the each input image header. If turned off, no distortion coefficients will be applied during the coordinate transformations.

contextbool (Default = Yes)

This parameter specifies whether or not to create a context image during the final drizzle combination. The context image contains the information regarding which image(s) contributed to each pixel encoded as a bit-mask. More information on context images can be obtained from the ACS Data Handbook.

groupint (Default = None)

This parameter establishes whether or not a single FITS extension, or group will be drizzled. If an extension is provided, then only that chip will be drizzled onto the output frame. Either a FITS extension number, a GEIS group number (such as ‘1’), or a FITS extension name (such as 'sci,1') may be specified.

buildbool (Default = No)

When this parameter is set to 'Yes' (True), AstroDrizzle will combine the separate ‘drizzle’ output files into a single multi-extension format FITS file. This combined output file will contain seperate SCI (science), WHT (weight), and CTX (context) extensions. If this parameter is set to 'No' (False), a separate simple FITS file will be created for each aforementioned extension.

crbitint (Default = 4096)

This parameter sets the bit value for CR identification in the DQ array.

stepsizeint (Default = 10)

This parameter controls the internal grid of points used in the coordinate transformation from the input image to the output frame. The default value of 10 indicates that every 10th pixel will be transformed using the full WCS-based transformation. All remaining pixels will then be transformed using bilinear interpolation based on those pixels (i.e. every 10th pixel in the case of the default parameter setting) that were fully transformed.

resetbitsint (Default = 4096)

This parameter allows the user to specify which DQ bits of each input image DQ array should be reset to a value of 0. This operation is performed on the copy of the input data after updating the headers based on the ‘updatewcs’ parameter, and prior to starting any of the AstroDrizzle processing steps (static mask, sky subtraction, and so on).

num_coresint (Default = None)

This specifies the number of CPU cores to use during processing. Any value less than 2 will disable all use of parallel processing. At this time, this parameter will be forced to a value of 1 internally when running under Windows. This restriction will be lifted in a future release once issues in the code related to using logging with multiprocessing are resolved.

in_memorybool (Default = False)

This parameter sets whether or not to keep all intermediate products in memory when processing. This includes all single drizzle products (*single_sci and *single_wht), median image, blot images, and crmask images. The use of this option will therefore require significantly more memory than usual to process the data while reducing the overall processing time by eliminating most of the disk activity. Only the products of the final drizzle step will get written out when this parameter gets specified as True.

rules_filestr (Default = “”)

Rules for how to blend the header keyword values for all the input exposures into a single header for the drizzle products are specified using this rules_file. The fitsblender package uses this file to determine what keywords should be written out to the drizzle product headers. If no file is specified (default), the rules file for the instrument as included with the fitsblender package will be used for defining the product headers.

restore: bool (Default = No)

Setting this to 'Yes' (True) directs AstroDrizzle to copy the input images from the 'OrIg_files' sub-directory and use them for processing, if they had been archived by AstroDrizzle using the preserve or overwrite parameters already. If set to 'Yes' and the input files had not been archived already, it will simply ignore this and work with the current input images.

preservebool (Default = Yes)

Copy input files to archive directory, if not already archived. This parameter determines whether or not AstroDrizzle creates a copy of the input file in a sub-directory called 'OrIg_files'. If a copy already exists in this directory, then the previously existing version will NOT be overwritten.

overwritebool (Default = No)

Copy input files into archive, overwriting older files if required? This parameter will cause AstroDrizzle to make a copy of each input file in the 'OrIg_files' directory regardless of whether a previous copy existed or not, and will overwrite any previous copy should it be present.

cleanbool (Default = No)

The temporary files created by AstroDrizzle can be automatically removed by setting this parameter to 'Yes' (True). The affected files include the coefficient and static mask files created by PyDrizzle, in addition to other intermediate files created by AstroDrizzle. It is often useful to retain the intermediate files and examine them when first learning how to run AstroDrizzle. However, when running AstroDrizzle routinely, or on a small disk drive, these files can be removed to conserve space.

staticbool (Default = Yes)

Create a static bad-pixel mask from the data? This mask flags all pixels that deviate by more than a value of ‘static_sig’ sigma below the image median, since these pixels are typically the result of bad pixel oversubtraction in the dark image during calibration.

static_sigfloat (Default = 4.0)

The number of sigma below the RMS to use as the clipping limit for creating the static mask.

skysubbool (Default = Yes)

Turn on or off sky subtraction on the input data. When skysub is set to no, then skyuser field will be enabled and if user specifies a header keyword showing the sky value in the image, then that value will be used for CR-rejection but it will not be subtracted from the (drizzled) image data. If user sets skysub to yes then skyuser field will be disabled (and if it is not empty - it will be ignored) and user can use one of the methods available through the skymethod parameter to compute the sky or provide a file (see skyfile parameter) with values that should be subtracted from (single) drizzled images.

skymethod{‘localmin’, ‘globalmin+match’, ‘globalmin’, ‘match’} (Default = ‘localmin’)

Select the algorithm for sky computation:

  • ‘localmin’: compute a common sky for all members of an exposure. For a typical use, it will compute sky values for each chip/image extension (marked for sky subtraction in the input parameter) in an input image, and it will subtract the previously found minimum sky value from all chips (marked for sky subtraction) in that image. This process is repeated for each input image.


    This setting is recommended when regions of overlap between images are dominated by “pure” sky (as opposite to extended, diffuse sources).


    This is similar to the “skysub” algorithm used in previous versions of AstroDrizzle.

  • 'globalmin': compute a common sky value for all members of all “skylines”. It will compute sky values for each chip/image extension (marked for sky subtraction in the input parameter) in all input images, find the minimum sky value, and then it will subtract the same minimum sky value from all chips (marked for sky subtraction) in all images. This method may useful when input images already have matched background values.

  • 'match': compute differences in sky values between images in common (pair-wise) sky regions. In this case computed sky values will be relative (delta) to the sky computed in one of the input images whose sky value will be set to (reported to be) 0. This setting will “equalize” sky values between the images in large mosaics. However, this method is not recommended when used in conjunction with AstroDrizzle because it computes relative sky values while AstroDrizzle needs “measured” sky values for median image generation and CR rejection.

  • 'globalmin+match': first find a minimum “global” sky value in all input images and then use 'match' method to equalize sky values between images.


    This is the recommended setting for images containing diffuse sources (e.g., galaxies, nebulae) covering significant parts of the image.

skywidthfloat (Default = 0.3)

Bin width, in sigma, used to sample the distribution of pixel flux values in order to compute the sky background statistics.

skystat{‘median’, ‘mode’, ‘mean’} (Default = ‘median’)

Statistical method for determining the sky value from the image pixel values.

skylowerfloat (Default = None)

Lower limit of usable pixel values for computing the sky. This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s).

skyupperfloat (Default = None)

Upper limit of usable pixel values for computing the sky. This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s).

skyclipint (Default = 5)

Number of clipping iterations to use when computing the sky value.

skylsigmafloat (Default = 4.0)

Lower clipping limit, in sigma, used when computing the sky value.

skyusigmafloat (Default = 4.0)

Upper clipping limit, in sigma, used when computing the sky value.

skymask_catstr (Default = ‘’)

File name of a catalog file listing user masks to be used with images.

use_staticbool (Default = True)

Specifies whether or not to use static mask to exclude masked image pixels from sky computations.

sky_bitsint, str, None (Default = 0)

Integer sum of all the DQ bit values from the input image’s DQ array that should be considered “good” when building masks for sky computations. For example, if pixels in the DQ array can be combinations of 1, 2, 4, and 8 flags and one wants to consider DQ “defects” having flags 2 and 4 as being acceptable for sky computations, then sky_bits should be set to 2+4=6. Then a DQ pixel having values 2,4, or 6 will be considered a good pixel, while a DQ pixel with a value, e.g., 1+2=3, 4+8=12, etc. will be flagged as a “bad” pixel.

Alternatively, one can enter a comma- or ‘+’-separated list of integer bit flags that should be added to obtain the final “good” bits. For example, both 4,8 and 4+8 are equivalent to setting sky_bits to 12.

Default value (0) will make all non-zero pixels in the DQ mask to be considered “bad” pixels, and the corresponding image pixels will not be used for sky computations.
Set sky_bits to None to turn off the use of image’s DQ array for sky computations.
In order to reverse the meaning of the sky_bits parameter from indicating values of the “good” DQ flags to indicating the “bad” DQ flags, prepend ‘~’ to the string value. For example, in order not to use pixels with DQ flags 4 and 8 for sky computations and to consider as “good” all other pixels (regardless of their DQ flag), set sky_bits to ~4+8, or ~4,8. To obtain the same effect with an int input value (except for 0), enter -(4+8+1)=-13. Following this convention, a sky_bits string value of '~0' would be equivalent to setting sky_bits=None.


DQ masks (if used), will be combined with user masks specified in the input @-file.


To summarize, below are provided allowable syntaxes for sky_bits:

  • Specify that bits 4,8, and 512 be considered “good” bits and that all other bits be considered “bad” bits:

    • Integer: 524 [numerically: 4+8+512=524]

    • String: 4+8+512

    • String: 4,8,512

  • Specify that only bits 4,8, and 512 be considered “bad” bits and that all other bits be considered “good” bits:

    • Integer: -525 [numerically: ~(4+8+512)=~524=-(524+1)=-525]

    • String: ~4+8+512 or ~(4+8+512)

    • String: ~4,8,512 or ~(4,8,512)

skyfilestr (Default = ‘’)

Name of file containing user-computed sky values to be used with each input image. This ASCII file should only contain 2 columns: image filename in column 1 and sky value in column 2 (and higher hor multi-chip images). The sky value should be provided in units that match the units of the input image and for multi-chip images, if only one sky value was provided in column 2, the same value will be applied to all chips. If more than one sky value are provided (in columns 2, 3, …) then the number of sky values should match the number of SCI extensions in the images.

skyuserstr (Default = ‘’)

Name of header keyword which records the sky value already subtracted from the image by the user. The skyuser parameter is ignored when skysub is set to yes.

Alternatively, user can enter the name of a file that contains user-computed sky values. To distinguish a file name from a header keyword, prepend '@' to the file name. For example '@my_sky_values.txt'. The format of the file with user-supplied sky values is the same as that of a skyfile.


When skysub='no' and skyuser field is empty, then AstroDrizzle will assume that sky background is 0.0 for the purpose of cosmic-ray rejection.

driz_separatebool (Default = Yes)

This parameter specifies whether or not to drizzle each input image onto separate output images. The separate output images will all have the same WCS as the final combined output frame. These images are used to create the median image, needed for cosmic ray rejection.

driz_sep_kernelstr {‘square’, ‘point’, ‘turbo’, ‘gaussian’, ‘lanczos3’} (Default = ‘turbo’)

Used for the initial separate drizzling operation only, this parameter specifies the form of the kernel function used to distribute flux onto the separate output images. The current options are:

  • 'square': original classic drizzling kernel

  • 'point': this kernel is a point so each input pixel can only contribute to the single pixel that is closest to the output position. It is equivalent to the limit as pixfrac->0, and is very fast.

  • 'turbo': this is similar to kernel='square' but the box is always the same shape and size on the output grid, and is always aligned with the X and Y axes. This may result in a significant speed increase.

  • 'gaussian': this kernel is a circular gaussian with a FWHM equal to the value of pixfrac, measured in input pixels.

  • 'lanczos3': a Lanczos style kernel, extending a radius of 3 pixels from the center of the detection. The Lanczos kernel is a damped and bounded form of the “sinc” interpolator, and is very effective for resampling single images when scale=pixfrac=1. It leads to less resolution loss than other kernels, and typically results in reduced correlated noise in outputs.


    While the 'gaussian' and 'lanczos3' kernels may produce reasonable results and can be useful in certain cases, they do not conserve flux; understand the effects of these kernels before using them.


    The 'lanczos3' kernel tends to result in much slower processing as compared to other kernel options. This option should never be used for pixfrac!=1.0, and is not recommended for scale!=1.0.

The default for this step is 'turbo' since it is much faster than 'square', and it is quite satisfactory for the purposes of generating the median image. More information about the different kernels can be found in the help file for the drizzle task.

driz_sep_wt_sclfloat (Default = exptime)

This parameter specifies the weighting factor for input image. If driz_sep_wt_scl=exptime, then the scaling value will be set equal to the exposure time found in the image header. The use of the default value is recommended for producing optimal behavior for most scenarious. It is possible to set wt_scl=expsq for weighting by the square of the exposure time, which is optimal for read-noise dominated images.

driz_sep_pixfracfloat (Default = 1.0)

Fraction by which input pixels are “shrunk” before being drizzled onto the output image grid, given as a real number between 0 and 1. This specifies the size of the footprint, or “dropsize”, of a pixel in units of the input pixel size. If pixfrac is set to less than 0.001, the kernel parameter will be reset to 'point' for more efficient processing. In the step of drizzling each input image onto a separate output image, the default value of 1.0 is best in order to ensure that each output drizzled image is fully populated with pixels from the input image. For more information, see the help for the drizzle task.

driz_sep_fillvalint (Default = None)

Value to be assigned to output pixels that have zero weight, or that receive flux from any input pixels during drizzling. This parameter corresponds to the fillval parameter of the ‘drizzle’ task. If the default of None is used, and if the weight in both the input and output images for a given pixel are zero, then the output pixel will be set to the value it would have had if the input had a non-zero weight. Otherwise, if a numerical value is provided (e.g. 0), then these pixels will be set to that value.

driz_sep_bitsint, str, or None (Default = 0)

Integer sum of all the DQ bit values from the input image’s DQ array that should be considered ‘good’ when building the weighting mask. This can also be used to reset pixels to good if they had been flagged as cosmic rays during a previous run of AstroDrizzle, by adding the value 4096 for ACS and WFPC2 data. For possible input formats, see the description for sky_bits parameter.

driz_sep_wcsbool (Default = No)

Define custom WCS for seperate output images?

driz_sep_refimagestr (Default = ‘’)

Reference image from which a WCS solution can be obtained.

driz_sep_rotfloat (Default = None)

Position Angle of output image’s Y-axis relative to North. A value of 0.0 would orient the final output image to be North up. The default of None specifies that the images will not be rotated, but will instead be drizzled in the default orientation for the camera with the x and y axes of the drizzled image corresponding approximately to the detector axes. This conserves disk space, as these single drizzled images are only used in the intermediate step of creating a median image.

driz_sep_scalefloat (Default = None)

Linear size of the output pixels in arcseconds/pixel for each separate drizzled image (used in creating the median for cosmic ray rejection). The default value of None specifies that the undistorted pixel scale for the first input image will be used as the pixel scale for all the output images.

driz_sep_outnxint (Default = None)

Size, in pixels, of the X axis in the output images that each input will be drizzled onto. If no value is specified, the smallest size that can accommodate the full dithered field will be used.

driz_sep_outnyint (Default = None)

Size, in pixels, of the Y axis in the output images that each input will be drizzled onto. If no value is specified, the smallest size that can accommodate the full dithered field will be used.

driz_sep_rafloat (Default = None)

Right ascension (in decimal degrees) specifying the center of the output image. If this value is not designated, the center will automatically be calculated based on the distribution of image dither positions.

driz_sep_decfloat (Default = None)

Declination (in decimal degrees) specifying the center of the output image. If this value is not designated, the center will automatically be calculated based on the distribution of image dither positions.

medianbool (Default = Yes)

This parameter specifies whether or not to create a median image. This median image will be used as the comparison ‘truth’ image in the cosmic ray rejection step.

median_newmasksbool (Default = Yes)

This parameter specifies whether or not new mask files will be created when the median image is created. These masks are generated from weight files previously produced by the “driz_separate” step, and contain all bad pixel information used to exclude pixels when calculating the median. Generally this step should be set to 'Yes' (True), unless for some reason, it is desirable to include bad pixel information when generating the median.

combine_maskptfloat (Default = 0.3)

Percentage of weight image values, below which the are flagged.

combine_typestr {‘median’, ‘mean’, ‘minmed’, ‘imedian’, ‘imean’, ‘iminmed’} (Default = ‘minmed’)

This parameter defines the method that will be used to create the median image. The ‘mean’ and ‘median’ options set the calculation type when running ‘numcombine’, a numpy method for median-combining arrays to create the median image. The 'minmed' option will produce an image that is generally the same as the median, except in cases where the median is significantly higher than the minimum good pixel value. In this case, 'minmed' will choose the minimum value. The sigma thresholds for this decision are provided by the 'combine_nsigma' parameter. However, as the 'combine_nsigma' parameter does not adjust for the larger probability of a single “nsigma” event with a greater number of images, 'minmed' will bias the comparison image low for a large number of images. The value of sigma is computed as \(\sigma = \sqrt(M + S + R^2)\), where M is the median image data (in electrons), S is the value of the subtracted sky (in electrons), and R is the value of the readout noise (in electrons). 'minmed' is highly recommended for three images, and is good for four to six images, but should be avoided for ten or more images.

A value of ‘median’ is the recommended method for a large number of images, and works equally well as minmed down to approximately four images. However, the user should set the combine_nhigh parameter to a value of 1 when using “median” with four images, and consider raising this parameter’s value for larger numbers of images. As a median averages the two inner values when the number of values being considered is even, the user may want to keep the total number of images minus combine_nhigh odd when using median.

The options starting with 'i', such as 'imedian', works just like the normal median operation except when dealing with a pixel were all the values are flagged as ‘bad’. In this case, the 'i' functions return the last pixel in the stack as if it were good. This will prevent saturated pixels in the image from leaving holes in the middle of the stars, for example.

combine_nsigmafloat (Default = ‘4 3’)

This parameter defines the sigmas used for accepting minimum values, rather than median values, when using the 'minmed' combination method. If two values are specified the first value will be used in the initial choice between median and minimum, while the second value will be used in the “growing” step to reject additional pixels around those identified in the first step. If only one value is specified, then it is used in both steps.

combine_nlowint (Default = 0)

This parameter sets the number of low value pixels to reject automatically during image combination.

combine_nhighint (Default = 0)

This parameter sets the number of high value pixels to reject automatically during image combination.

combine_lthreshfloat (Default = None)

Sets the lower threshold for clipping input pixel values during image combination. This value gets passed directly to imcombine for use in creating the median image. If the parameter is set to None, no thresholds will be imposed.

combine_hthreshfloat (Default = None)

This parameter sets the upper threshold for clipping input pixel values during image combination. The value for this parameter is passed directly to imcombine for use in creating the median image. If the parameter is set to None, no thresholds will be imposed.

combine_growint (Default = 1)

Width, in pixels, beyond the limit set by the rejection algorithm being used, for additional pixels to be rejected in an image. This parameter is used to set the grow parameter in imcombine for use in creating the median image only when combine_type is '(i)minmed'. When combine_type is anything other than '(i)minmed', this parameter is ignored (set to 0).

combine_bufsizefloat (Default = None)

Size of buffer, in MB (MiB), to use when reading in each section of each input image. The default buffer size is 1MB. The larger the buffer size, the fewer times the code needs to open each input image and the more memory will be required to create the median image. A larger buffer can be helpful when using compression, since slower copies need to be made of each set of rows from each input image instead of using memory-mapping.

blotbool (Default = Yes)

Perform the blot operation on the median image? If set to 'Yes' (True), the output will be median smoothed images that match each input chips location, and will be used in the cosmic ray rejection step.

blot_interpstr{‘nearest’, ‘linear’, ‘poly3’, ‘poly5’, ‘sinc’} (Default = ‘poly5’)

This parameter defines the method of interpolation to be used when blotting drizzled images back to their original WCS solution. Valid options include:

  • 'nearest': Nearest neighbor

  • 'linear': Bilinear interpolation in x and y

  • 'poly3': Third order interior polynomial in x and y

  • 'poly5': Fifth order interior polynomial in x and y

  • 'sinc': Sinc interpolation (accurate but slow)

The 'poly5' interpolation method has been chosen as the default because it is relatively fast and accurate.

If 'sinc' interpolation is selected, then the value of the parameter for blot_sinscl will be used to specify the size of the sinc interpolation kernel.

blot_sinsclfloat (Default = 1.0)

Size of the sinc interpolation kernel in pixels.

blot_addskybool (Default = Yes)

Add back a sky value using the MDRIZSKY value from the header. If 'Yes' (True), the blot_skyval parameter is ignored.

blot_skyvalfloat (Default = 0.0)

This is a user-specified custom sky value to be added to the blot image. This is only used if blot_addsky is 'No' (False).

driz_crbool (Default = Yes)

Perform cosmic-ray detection? If set to 'Yes' (True), cosmic-rays will be detected and used to create cosmic-ray masks based on the algorithms from ‘deriv’ and driz_cr.

driz_cr_corrbool (Default = No)

Create a cosmic-ray cleaned input image? If set to 'Yes' (True), a cosmic-ray cleaned _crclean image will be generated directly from the input image, and a corresponding _crmask file will be written to document detected pixels affected by cosmic-rays.

driz_cr_snrlist of floats (Default = ‘3.5 3.0’)

The values for this parameter specify the signal-to-noise ratios for the driz_cr task to be used in detecting cosmic rays. See the help file for driz_cr for further discussion of this parameter.

driz_cr_growint (Default = 1)

The radius, in pixels, around each detected cosmic-ray, in which more stringent detection criteria for additional cosmic rays will be used.

driz_cr_ctegrowint (Default = 0)

Length, in pixels, of the CTE tail that should be masked in the drizzled output.

driz_cr_scalestr (Default = ‘1.2 0.7’)

Scaling factor applied to the derivative in driz_cr when detecting cosmic-rays. See the help file for driz_cr for further discussion of this parameter.

driz_combinebool (Default = Yes)

This parameter specifies whether or not to drizzle each input image onto the final output image. This applies the generated cosmic-ray masks to the input images and creates a final, cleaned, distortion-corrected image.

final_wht_type{‘EXP’, ‘ERR’, ‘IVM’} (Default = ‘EXP’)

Specify the type of weighting image to apply with the bad pixel mask for the final drizzle step. The options for this parameter include:

  • 'EXP': The default of 'EXP' indicates that the images will be weighted according to their exposure time, which is the standard behavior for drizzle. This weighting is a good approximation in the regime where the noise is dominated by photon counts from the sources, while contributions from sky background, read-noise and dark current are negligible. This option is provided as the default since it produces reliable weighting for all types of data, including older instruments (eg., WFPC2), where more sophisticated options may not be available.

  • 'ERR': Specifying 'ERR' is an alternative for ACS and STIS data. In these cases, the final drizzled images will be weighted according to the inverse variance of each pixel in the input exposure files, calculated from the error array data extension that is in each calibrated input exposure file. This array is exposure time dependent, and encapsulates all of the noise sources in each exposure including read-noise, dark current, sky background, and Poisson noise from the sources themselves. For WFPC2, the ERR array is not produced during the calibration process, and therefore is not a viable option. We advise extreme caution when selecting the 'ERR' option, since the nature of this weighting scheme can introduce photometric discrepancies in sharp unresolved sources, although these effects are minimized for sources with gradual variations between pixels. The “EXP” weighting option does not suffer from these effects, and is therefore the recommended option.

  • 'IVM': Specifying 'IVM' allows the user to either supply their own inverse-variance weighting map, or allow AstroDrizzle to generate one automatically on-the-fly during the final drizzle step. This parameter option may be necessary for specific purposes. For example, to create a drizzled weight file for software such as SExtractor, it is expected that a weight image containing all of the background noise sources (sky level, read-noise, dark current, etc), but not the Poisson noise from the objects themselves will be available. The user can create the inverse variance images and then specify their names using the input parameter for AstroDrizzle to specify an ‘@file’. This would be a single ASCII file containing the list of input calibrated exposure filenames (one per line), with a second column containing the name of the IVM file corresponding to each calibrated exposure. Each IVM file must have the same file format as the input file, and if provided as multi-extension FITS files (e.g., ACS or STIS data) then the IVM extension must have the EXTNAME of 'IVM'. If no IVM files are specified on input, then AstroDrizzle will rely on the flat-field reference file and computed dark value from the image header to automatically generate an IVM file specific to each exposure.

final_kernel{‘square’, ‘point’, ‘turbo’, ‘gaussian’, ‘lanczos3’} (Default = ‘square’)

This parameter specifies the form of the kernel function used to distribute flux onto the separate output images, for the initial separate drizzling operation only. The value options for this parameter include:

  • 'square': original classic drizzling kernel

  • 'point': this kernel is a point so each input pixel can only contribute to the single pixel that is closest to the output position. It is equivalent to the limit as pixfrac->0, and is very fast.

  • 'gaussian': this kernel is a circular gaussian, measured in input pixels, with a FWHM value equal to the value of pixfrac.

  • 'turbo': this is similar to kernel=”square”, except that the box is always the same shape and size on the output grid, and is always aligned with the X and Y axes. This may result in a significant speed increase.

  • 'lanczos3': a Lanczos style kernel, extending a radius of 3 pixels from the center of the detection. The Lanczos kernel is a damped and bounded form of the “sinc” interpolator, and is very effective for resampling single images when scale=pixfrac=1. It leads to less resolution loss than other kernels, and typically results in reduced correlated noise in outputs.


The 'lanczos3' kernel tends to result in much slower processing as compared to other kernel options. This option should never be used for pixfrac != 1.0, and is not recommended for scale!=1.0.

The default for this step is 'turbo' since it is much faster than 'square', and it is quite satisfactory for the purposes of generating the median image. More information about the different kernels can be found in the help file for the drizzle task.

final_wt_sclfloat (Default = exptime)

This parameter specifies the weighting factor for input image. If final_wt_scl=exptime, then the scaling value will be set equal to the exposure time found in the image header. The use of the default value is recommended for producing optimal behavior for most scenarious. It is possible to set wt_scl='expsq' for weighting by the square of the exposure time, which is optimal for read-noise dominated images.

final_pixfracfloat (Default = 1.0)

Fraction by which input pixels are “shrunk” before being drizzled onto the output image grid, given as a real number between 0 and 1. This specifies the size of the footprint, or “dropsize”, of a pixel in units of the input pixel size. If pixfrac is set to less than 0.001, the kernel parameter will be reset to 'point' for more efficient processing. In the step of drizzling each input image onto a separate output image, the default value of 1.0 is best in order to ensure that each output drizzled image is fully populated with pixels from the input image. For more information, see the help for the ‘drizzle’ task.

final_fillvalfloat (Default = None)

The value for this parameter is to be assigned to the output pixels that have zero weight or which do not receive flux from any input pixels during drizzling. This parameter corresponds to the fillval parameter of the drizzle task. If the default of None is used, and if the weight in both the input and output images for a given pixel are zero, then the output pixel will be set to the value it would have had if the input had a non-zero weight. Otherwise, if a numerical value is provided (e.g. 0), then these pixels will be set to that numerical value.

final_bitsint, str, or None (Default = 0)

Integer sum for all of the DQ bit values from the input image’s DQ array that should be considered ‘good’ when building the weight mask. This can also be used to reset pixels to good if they had been flagged as cosmic rays during a previous run of AstroDrizzle, by adding the value 4096 for ACS and WFPC2 data. For possible input formats, see the description for sky_bits parameter.

final_unitsstr (Default = ‘cps’)

This parameter determines the units of the final drizzle-combined image, and can either be 'counts' or 'cps'. It is passed through to drizzle in the final drizzle step.

final_wcsbool (Default = No)

Obtain the WCS solution from a user-designated reference image?

final_refimagestr (Default = ‘’)

Reference image from which a WCS solution can be obtained. If no extension is specified (such as ‘sci,1’ or ‘4’), then AstroDrizzle will automatically look for the first extension which contains a valid HSTWCS object to read in as the WCS. Otherwise, the user can explicitly provide the extension name for multi-extension FITS files.

final_rotfloat (Default = None)

Position Angle of output image’s Y-axis relative to North. A value of 0.0 would orient the final output image to be North up. The default of None specifies that the images will not be rotated, but will instead be drizzled in the default orientation for the camera with the x and y axes of the drizzled image corresponding approximately to the detector axes. This conserves disk space, as these single drizzled images are only used in the intermediate step of creating a median image.

final_scalefloat (Default = None)

Linear size of the output pixels in arcseconds/pixel for each separate drizzled image (used in creating the median for cosmic ray rejection). The default value of None specifies that the undistorted pixel scale for the first input image will be used as the pixel scale for all the output images.

final_outnxint (Default = None)

Size, in pixels, of the X axis in the output images that each input will be drizzled onto. If no value is specified, the smallest size that can accommodate the full dithered field will be used.

final_outnyint (Default = None)

Size, in pixels, of the Y axis in the output images that each input will be drizzled onto. If no value is specified, the smallest size that can accommodate the full dithered field will be used.

final_rafloat (Default = None)

Right ascension (in decimal degrees) specifying the center of the output image. If this value is not designated, the center will automatically be calculated based on the distribution of image dither positions.

final_decfloat (Default = None)

Declination (in decimal degrees) specifying the center of the output image. If this value is not designated, the center will automatically be calculated based on the distribution of image dither positions.

gainfloat (Default = None)

Value used to override instrument specific default gain values. The value is assumed to be in units of electrons/count. This parameter should not be populated if the gainkeyword parameter is in use.

gainkeywordstr (Default = ‘’)

Keyword used to specify a value, which is used to override the instrument specific default gain values. The value is assumed to be in units of electrons/count. This parameter should not be populated if the gain parameter is in use.

rdnoisefloat (Default = None)

Value used to override instrument specific default readnoise values. The value is assumed to be in units of electrons. This parameter should not be populated if the rnkeyword parameter is in use.

rnkeywordstr (Default = ‘’)

Keyword used to specify a value, which is used to override the instrument specific default readnoise values. The value is assumed to be in units of electrons. This parameter should not be populated if the rdnoise parameter is in use.

exptimefloat (Default = None)

Value used to override default exposure time image header values. The value is assumed to be in units of seconds. This parameter should not be populated if the expkeyword parameter is in use.

expkeywordstr (Default = ‘’)

Keyword used to specify a value, which is used to override the default exposure time image header values. The value is assumed to be in units of seconds. This parameter should not be populated if the exptime parameter is in use.

updatewcsbool (Default = No)

This parameter specifies whether the WCS keywords are to be updated by running updatewcs on the input data, or left alone. The update performed by updatewcs not only recomputes the WCS based on the currently used IDCTAB, but also populates the header with the SIP coefficients. For ACS/WFC images, the time-dependence correction will also be applied to the WCS and SIP keywords. This parameter should be set to 'No' (False) when the WCS keywords have been carefully set by some other method, and need to be passed through to drizzle ‘as is’, otherwise those updates will be over-written by this update.


This parameter was preserved in the API for compatibility purposes with existing user processing pipe-lines. However, it has been removed from the TEAL interface because it is easy to have it set to 'Yes' (especially between consecutive runs of AstroDrizzle) with potentially disastrous effects on input image WCS (for example it could wipe-out previously aligned WCS).

See also


Apply the ‘drizzle’ algorithm to the images


Apply the ‘blot’ algorithm to drizzled images

Perform sky subtraction


Sky computation and equalization


Create a median combined image from a set of drizzled images


Identify cosmic-rays by comparing blotted, median images to the original input images.


Something to keep in mind is that the full AstroDrizzle interface will make backup copies of your original files and place them in the 'OrIg_files' directory of you current working directory.

All calibrated input images must have been updated using updatewcs from the STWCS package, to include the full distortion model in the header. Alternatively, one can set updatewcs parameter to True when running either TweakReg or AstroDrizzle from command line (Python interpreter) the first time on such images.


The AstroDrizzle task can be run from either the TEAL GUI or from Python. These examples illustrate the various syntax options available.

Example 1: Drizzle a set of calibrated (_flt.fits) images using mostly default parameters. Select the desired ‘World Coordinate System’ (WCS) aligned/updated by TweakReg. Let’s say this WCS is stored with key 'A' (different from the primary WCS). When combining images, ignore pixel flags of 64 and 32 in the DQ array of the (_flt.fits) images. Align the final product such that North is up, and set the final pixel scale to 0.05 arcseconds/pixel.

Run the task from Python using the command line.

 >>> import drizzlepac
 >>> from drizzlepac import astrodrizzle
 >>> astrodrizzle.AstroDrizzle('*flt.fits', output='final',
 ...     wcskey='A', driz_sep_bits='64,32', final_wcs=True,
 ...     final_scale=0.05, final_rot=0)

Or, run the same task from the Python command line, but specify all
parameters in a config file named ``myparam.cfg``:

 >>> astrodrizzle.AstroDrizzle('*flt.fits', configobj='myparam.cfg')
Help can be accessed via the “Help” pulldown menu in the TEAL GUI.

It can also be accessed from the Python command-line and saved to a text file:

>>> from drizzlepac import astrodrizzle



Print out syntax help for running astrodrizzle.

filestr (Default = None)

If given, write out help to the filename specified by this parameter Any previously existing file with this name will be deleted before writing out the help.