Reproducing MAST DATA Products

runastrodriz is a module to control operation of astrodrizzle which removes distortion and combines HST images in the pipeline.

Typical Usage

>>> [-fhibn] inputFilename [newpath]

Alternative Usage

>>> python
>>> from wfc3tools import runastrodriz
>>> runastrodriz.process(inputFilename,force=False,newpath=None,inmemory=False)

GUI Usage under Python (Legacy only)

>>> python
>>> from import teal
>>> import wfc3tools
>>> cfg = teal.teal('runastrodriz')


If the ‘-i’ option gets specified, no intermediate products will be written out to disk. These products, instead, will be kept in memory. This includes all single drizzle products (single_sci and single_wht), median image, blot images, and crmask images. The use of this option will therefore require significantly more memory than usual to process the data.

If a value has been provided for the newpath parameter, all processing will be performed in that directory/ramdisk. The steps involved are:

  • create a temporary directory under that directory named after the input file

  • copy all files related to the input to that new directory

  • change to that new directory and run astrodrizzle

  • change back to original directory

  • move (not copy) ALL files from temp directory to original directory

  • delete temp sub-directory

The ‘-b’ option will run this task in BASIC mode without creating headerlets for each input image.

The ‘-n’ option allows the user to specify the number of cores to be used in running AstroDrizzle.


This value will be forced to a value of ‘1’ (one) on Windows systems due to exceptions caused by threaded logging under Windows. Future versions will lift this enforced restriction on Windows systems once issues with logging are resolved.