The MVM processing can be performed using one of two interfaces:

Command-line Interface for MVM Processing

The task runmultihap serves as the primary interface for processing data from multiple visits that share a single skycell into a uniform set of images. - Module to control processing of multi-visit mosaics



>>> python drizzlepac/runmultihap [-dl] inputFilename
  • The ‘-d’ option will run this task in DEBUG mode producing additional outputs. If not explicitly specified, the default value is logical “False”.

  • The ‘-l’ option allows the user to control the level of verboseness in the log statements displayed on the screen and written to the .log file. Valid options are “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “info”, and “debug”. If not explicitly specified, the default value is “info”.

Python USAGE:
>>> python
>>> from drizzlepac import runmultihap
>>> runmultihap.perform(inputFilename, debug=False, log_level="info")
drizzlepac.runmultihap.perform(input_filename, **kwargs)[source]

Main calling subroutine.


Name of the input csv file containing information about the files to be processed


display all tracebacks, and debug information?

input_custom_pars_filestr, optional

Represents a fully specified input filename of a configuration JSON file which has been customized for specialized processing. This file should contain ALL the input parameters necessary for processing. If not specified, default configuration parameter values will be used.


The desired level of verboseness in the log statements displayed on the screen and written to the .log file.

Associated Helper Code

These modules and functions assist with some of the logistics associated with multi-visit processing.


Reports the name(s) of the projection cell(s)/skycell(s) that the observations in the user-specified input file occupy.

>>> python drizzlepac/haputils/ -[i]
  • The ‘-i’ optional input allows users to specify the name of a file containing a list of calibrated fits files (ending with “_flt.fits” or “_flc.fits”) to process. If not explicitly specified, all ‘flc/flt fits files in the current working directory will be processed.

Python USAGE:
>>> python
>>> from drizzlepac.haputils import which_skycell
>>> which_skycell.report_skycells(img_list)

reports the names of the projection cell(s)/skycell(s) that the observations in the user-specified input list occupy.


list of the images to process
